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Unit: Europe to 1500.  What comes to mind when I say castles?

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1 Unit: Europe to 1500

2  What comes to mind when I say castles?

3  They were not new in the Middle Ages- but built by lords consolidating power and having fortresses to protect their land’s people  Some were cold while others were opulent  Used for protection, landmark and pride  Primary military resources of many countries in medieval Europe.  Ended with the advent of artillery during the 1500s.

4  Brought to England by William (Duke of Normandy) in 1066. He used castles (made of wood) to become King of England. Later he used stone.  Built castles on hills as basis for the stronghold.  Castles became symbols of protection and power for peasants.  Lords were granted Castles through sworn allegiance to the King.

5  Sits on the famous “white cliffs” of Dover  Strategic because it is the closest point in England to continental Europe. First line of defense.  Has concentric stone circles and secret tunnels.


7  Came to Scotland after the Norman invasion of 1066.  Built on hills near cliffs and along water and trade routes.  Used heavily in the 13 th and 14 th centuries during the independence wars from England  Mainly towered houses and featured stone walls

8  Built in Strathclyde  Thick walls made of red sandstone  Has a large round keep that is separated from the courtyard by a large ditch  Famous from William Wallace laying siege to it in order to take back the castle from the English for 14 months


10  Most were made out of stone and date from the Norman Invasion  Mainly occupied by invading lords as strongholds

11  Said that Munster men were awarded stone to build this castle after aiding Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn.  Contains the Blarney Stone and gives people the “gift of gab.”  Phrase said by Elizabeth I because of Lord Blarney’s penchant for debate


13  Originated from quarreling aristocrats and feuding families  Entire cities could be walled in, and wealthy families would build towers for themselves  Excellent examples were built by merchant princes in cities like Florence  Architecture based on Norman, Islamic and Asian designs

14  Built in Verona  Known for its fortified bridge across the River Adige. It divided the castle  Made out of red brick and lighter materials to highlights the design


16  Started off as simple towers called donjons that were rectangular  Contained all of the rooms for the lords in the stronghold. Only trusted vassals could enter the donjons  William the Conqueror had a major influence on castles throughout Europe.  Went from basic stone strongholds to elegant chateaus.  Allies of the King claimed these fortresses and made palaces of them.

17  Built in Normandy  City onto itself; stronghold  Tides create a natural barrier  Duke of Normandy founded Benedictine abbey there  Centuries brought many changes: Carolingian church then gothic structures seen today


19  Reflect the diversity of Germany: North- circular citadels surrounded by water in lowlands. South- lack of symmetry with spires on high ground  Diversity based on contact with other cultures surrounding Germany, and where German lords and knights went to fight  Began to flourish during the development of feudal Germany  Some strongholds were very colorful

20  Built in Hettstedt in the Harz mountains  Made to withstand heavy attacks- and an invading army had to pass six doors in order to reach the main castle  Eike von Repkow wrote the Sachsenspiegel book of law here  Used as a hunting lodge


22  Spain’s location as a peninsula separated from Europe by the Pyrenees Mt. was a major factor in castle building  Castillo (basis for English word Castle) strongholds were built to battle the Islamic forces invading Spain after 711 C.E.  Symmetrical and colorful in design with rounded towers and masonry based on Islamic design  The flat landscape gave towers excellent vantage points to see invading armies  Distinct from their use of torre del hominaje- a keep with machicolations at and in-between corners

23  Built in Apulia  Octagonal layout on the interior and outside of the main Castle  Classic example of Islamic and Western European styles coming together


25  History known for battles against different ethnicities and a great diversity in culture, politics and geography  Castles brought by Germans building stone fortifications  In Balkans where Ottoman Empire would rule, castle fell into ruin as Christian nobility fled  Known for fortified monasteries-to protect the villagers from raids where they would seek refuge in churches  Slavs also built castles-Western in style

26  Built in Poland by Duke of Masovia as a stronghold in the 1400s.  Boasts great towers and symmetrically laid out on boulders for better defenses  Residential wings were not added until 100 years later


28  Built in Transylvania, Romania in the 1200s.  Is a fortified church that is encircled by a wall and protected by a water filled moat.  Many people laid siege to the fortress, but none succeeded.


30  Sprang up from feuding Warlords  Very similar to European Castles- Used for protection and contained large walls, moats, slit windows and used terrain for defense.

31  Create Your Own Castle!!!  Sign up for a country and then “build” a castle based on that country.  More details will be given to you

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