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The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Update of Control System Plans for the TPS C. Y. Wu, C.H. Kuo, Jenny Chen,

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1 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Update of Control System Plans for the TPS C. Y. Wu, C.H. Kuo, Jenny Chen, C.J. Wang, P.C. Chiu, K.H. Wu, Y.S. Cheng, K.T. Hsu Reported by Chun-Yi Wu TPS Control Team NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan

2 2 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Outline  Overview of TPS project  Hardware selection of TPS  Interface standard  Some subsystems control interface  Software environment  Summary

3 3 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Taiwan Photon Source Project Storage Ring Booster User ADM Center Utility-III, Guest TPS Storage Ring & Booster Synchrotron TLS Storage RingTLS Booster Synchrotron TPS Parameters Scheduled commissioning start in late 2013 Most probably ground breaking: late 2009~2010 79H2-new Circumference C (m)518.4 Energy E (GeV)3.0 Natural emittance ε x0 (nm-rad)1.6 Revolution period (ns)1729.2 Revolution frequency (kHz)578.30 Radiofrequency (MHz)499.654 Harmonic number h864 SR loss per turn (dipole) (MeV)0.85269 Betatron tune ν x /ν y 26.18 /13.28 Momentum compaction (α 1, α 2 )2.4×10 -4, 2.1×10 -3 Natural energy spread σ E 8.86×10 -4 Damping partition J x /J y /J s 0.9977/1.0/ 2.0023 Damping time τ x /τ y /τ s (ms)12.20/ 12.17 / 6.08 Natural chromaticity ξ x /ξ y -75 / -26 Dipole bending radius ρ(m)8.40338

4 4 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Technical Selection for the TPS Control System  Control system framework => EPICS toolkit.  Commitment to the funding agency and budget consideration : Acquire as many of parts from local vendors as possible => Adopt cPCI/PXI, AdvancedTCA, and other embedded solutions for IOC layer.  Borrow available resources from other labs.  Goals of 2009: Refine control system planning and design. EPICS IOC test bed. Timing testbed: MRF’s cPCI EVR/EVR solution Simemns S7/300 PLC testbed: turnkey from EU (Siemens or VIPA) Yokogawa M3R PLC testbed with embedded EPICS IOC Prototype OPI Database planning Work out on EPICS driver/devices support for selected hardware Cultivate EPICS peoples.

5 5 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 TPS Control System Infrastructure PC/Linux Control Ethernet Consoles and Servers Hard IOCs - cPCI, aTCA IOCs - Intel CPU/Linux (fully preemptive kernel ) - Hard real-time - High volume I/O - High speed serial connection (GbE, … etc.) cPCI IOC Soft IOCs - Pentium/XScale/ARM/IXP/IOP Linux - Soft real-time system - GPIB/IEEE-488 Instruments - RS-232/422/485 Devices - CCD camera server - PLC (safety type system) - Bunch-by-bunch feedback system interface - Special applications DB Server, Beam Physics Server, Alarm Server, AP Server, … etc. Storage Server IOC (Input Output Controller) aTCA IOC Signal Conditioning Soft IOC Safety Type System Router Intranet Network attached EPICS Devices (e.g. EPICS oscilloscope, … etc.) PLC-IOC

6 6 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Candidates of EPICS IOC - Hardware Building Blocks ACQ IOC (Linux) Intel IOP + ADC, DAC 128 Bits DI/DO cPCI CPU board CompactPCI IOC (Linux) aTCA IOC (Linux) BI, BO, AI, AO Network attached devices BI, BO, AI, AO, Timing, Network attached devices Compute Blade Switch Blade Carrier Blade PLC Embedded EPICS IOC EVGEVR ADC/DAC + Power Supply Controller Scope IOC (8. 12. 14 bits) CompactRIO EPICS IOC Libera IOC (Intel XScale. Linux) Adapter (in study)

7 7 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Interface Standard  cPCI I/O modules  32/64 channel 24 bits ADC (with transient signal capture capability, D-tACQ))  16/32 channel 18 bits DAC (D-tACQ)  128 bit DI, 128 bit DO (ADlink)  EVG, EVR (cPCI & PMC form factor, MRF)  In house designed electrical/optical fanout, patch panels  aTCA crates system  Network attached devices  Fast feedback  Main power supply control interface  GbE interface, waveform support for the booster synchrotron main power supply  Small power supply control interface  Analogue interface  Support feedback interface  Booster energy ramping support (optional)  Timing  Event system based upon cPCI EVG/EVR

8 8 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Interface Standard – cont.  Fast waveform capture  Scope IOC  Camera  GigE Vision  Ethernet and LXI Compliant devices  Power supply  Diagnostics  Electronics instruments, DMM, temperature monitor,..  Motion control  Ethernet based motion controller  Interlock  PLC with embedded EPICS IOC  RS-232C/422/485 devices  Ethernet to RS-232/422/482 serial device servers or IOC  Software  EPICS toolkits  Miscellaneous Interface …

9 9 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Power Supply Control Interface  Large (Digital regulator)  Ethernet interface  ENOB > 18 bits  Communication protocol is still pending  Medium power supply  Ethernet interface  ENOB > 18 bits  Communication protocol is still pending  Booster synchrotron large and medium power supply  Ethernet interface with waveform capability  Small power supply (analogue power supply)  Analog interface (18 or 24 bits bits)  cPCI 18 bits DAC (D-TACQ ?)

10 10 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Turnkey System Interface  Many of turnkey systems compliant with EPICS based controls.  Possible turnkey systems included:  Linac (contracted out in December 2008)  RF transmitter (2 sets contracted out in December 2008)  Outsource insertion devices  Monochromator and other beamline components  ………. etc.  Possible turnkey EPICS devices included:  BPM electronics, Scope IOC, Motion control solution, …  Minimize workload of integration and maintenance  Standard components should be chosen to get consistency of hardware  Provide EPICS development environment and documentation  Follow TPS PV name convention

11 11 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Linac System Control Environment TPS Control Network Diagnostic IOCs (Transient Digitizer, GigE Vision Camera,… etc.) EPICS OPI TPS Control Environment Modulator #1 Linac Control Ethernet Switch Modulator #2Gun Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Power Supply Vacuum Interlock,…etc. Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Linac RF, Diagnostic, …etc Linac Timing Box Scope IOCs Timing Network Event Receiver cPCI CPU board Fine delay + Fanout (Electrical, Optical) + + Linac Timing IOC (Linux) cPCI IOC + Trigger Signal Gun grid pulser, Klystron Current/ Voltage, RF, Faraday Cup, Current Transformer, … etc. ACCEL’s EPICS Soft-IOC Gun Trigger Optical Fiber Local Control Panel Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Modulator #3 Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Rf

12 12 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Booster Synchrotron Control Environment Booster Correctors for one Cell Power Supply Crate Hor: 10 sets Vert: 6 sets (waveform capability) EPICS IOC ADLINK cPCI CPU ADLINK 128 Bits DI/DO TEWS TCP201 IP Carrier Hytec IP DAC 16 bits, 16 channes IP-DAC-8404 Control Network Hytec IP ADC 16 bits, 16 channels IP-ADC-8413 6 cPCI crates for the TPS booster synchrotron, One cPCI for one period of the booster lattice Booster Repetition Rate: 3 Hz Miscellaneous Control (Vacuum, ambient parameters, …) Trigger Remote I/O solution: MODBUS/TCP Galil RIO-47120 Pocket PLCs register mode or waveform mode Dipole PS Interlock PLC IOC QF PS Q1 PS Q2 PS QM PS Ethernet Switch Protocol: MODBUS/TCP or ?

13 13 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Miscellaneous System Interface  Vacuum system  BI, BO, AI, AO, serial links,..etc.  Diagnostics  BPM electronics: Ethernet.  BI, BO, AI, AO, counter  Machine protection  Dedicated PLC system with fast link  Ethernet to control system.  Personnel protection  Dedicated PLC system with fast link  Ethernet to control system.  Feedback system interface  …

14 14 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Post-mortem Diagnostic Supports  BPM electronics:  Post-mortem buffer (turn-by-turn)  Dedicated fast data capture nodes to capture for more than 5 seconds at 10 kHz rate.  cPCI ADC module with post-mortem buffer:  Up to 10  sec time resolution for more than 5 seconds.  Transient and waveform diagnostic:  High timing resolution (~ nsec) with segmented sweep  multiple-trigger capability  Beam trip trigger is planned to distribute via event system.

15 15 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 Software Environment  Control system framework:  EPICS toolkits  High level physics applications:  Matlab/Accelerator Toolkit/Matlab Middle Layer  Setup virtual accelerator to support high level application development is underway  Many items are still in study  Relation database  Technical system interface  Documentation, E-log  Machine status broadcasting: web, IPTV  …etc.

16 16 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 High Level Applications Interface High Level Matlab Applications (scripts and functions) Matlab Middle Layer Accelerator Toolbox (AT) (Model) Matlab to EPICS (LabCA) Channel Access to Accelerator Hardware MML switch2hw switch2physics AT VA EPICS IOC Lattice File EPICS Client Virtual TPS Storage Ring IOC Dipole QuadSext.Corr.BPM RF EPICS Process Database Dipole Quad Sext.Corr. BPM RF EPICS Process Database Thanks help form G. Rhem and J. Roland (DLS), G. Portmann (ALS)

17 17 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009  To enable early testing of applications through the control system, a virtual accelerator has been implemented to give simulation of the accelerators though the intended EPICS PV interface. Prototype was set up by the help from DLS.  Current version is AT/MML version.  Virtual booster and linac are also possible near future!  Many facility have such kinds activities: SNS, KEK, J-PARC, DLS, … many others! Virtual Accelerator for Applications Development and Training TPS Storage Ring (Lattice designed by BD Group) Virtual TPS Storage Ring

18 18 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 EPICS Practices at the TLS SA Ethernet Switch TPS Control System Development Network Gateway ILC10 to TLS ILC database TLS Control Network 140.110.202.xx ILC Data Acq Node #1 Hor FOFB Corrector Control RM Network ILC12 VME RM Slow Corrector Control Node EPICS OPIs and Clients R1 BPM (10)R2 BPM (10)R3 BPM (11)R4 BPM (10)R5 BPM (10)R6 BPM (8) Diagnostic Node Control Console Vert FOFB Corrector Control Libera Brilliance X 59 EPICS broadcast 192.168.1.xx (Multi-Gigabit Link) CSPI Interface Router Matlab LabCA GigE Link Superconducting IDs post-mortem digitizer (EPICS) iGP EPICS interface +

19 19 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009  Cultivate EPICS peoples.  Define standard hardware, work out on EPICS Device/driver supports.  Define software standard (EPICS toolkit).  Planning for various issues (name convention, networking, …).  Setup testbed in 2009: Training system BPM system for TLS (gateway to TLS control system) Transient and waveform IOC Scope IOC GigE vision supports Various EPICS clients applications RDBMS OPI  Work out a solid plans for the TPS control system: Procurement schdeule Development schedule Priority Limited budget, limited manpower, … Works in Proceed

20 20 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009 EVG Configuration EDM page EVR Configuration EDM page cPCI IOC DAC Waveform Supports EPICS Oscilloscope EDM page Works in Proceed

21 21 The Spring 2009 EPICS Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 30-May 2, 2009  The design of the TPS control system is on going.  All major components for control system are in intensive study.  Standardization hardware and software are the current focus.  EPICS toolkit training - a series training activities will be arranged.  Set up EPICS test-bed  Single kind of operating system solution for IOCs and consoles are preferred => Linux.  Economic design without scarify performances and reliability are the goals.  Select possible outsourcing items  Learn experiences from other labs Summary Thank you for helps from EPICS community!

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