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Acknowledgement Plan and Matrix. Purpose of Reinforcers/Acknowledgements Teach new behavior Encourage/establish infrequent and non- fluent behavior Strengthen.

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Presentation on theme: "Acknowledgement Plan and Matrix. Purpose of Reinforcers/Acknowledgements Teach new behavior Encourage/establish infrequent and non- fluent behavior Strengthen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acknowledgement Plan and Matrix

2 Purpose of Reinforcers/Acknowledgements Teach new behavior Encourage/establish infrequent and non- fluent behavior Strengthen replacement behaviors that compete with habitual undesirable behavior

3 Guidelines for Use of Reinforcers/Acknowledgements Move from other-delivered to self-delivered Highly frequent to less frequent predictable to unpredictable tangible to social

4 Components of School-Wide Acknowledgement Plans High frequency/Predictable Acknowledgements –“Gotchas”, Power Paws, High Fives, positive referrals/phone calls Unexpected/Intermittent Acknowledgements –boosters, ticket lottery, special announcement Long term Celebrations/Acknowledgements –assemblies, breakfast/banquet

5 High Frequency Acknowledgements Way to quickly and easily reinforce when students meet the expectations; catch them being good Frequent acknowledgements must be tied to the School-wide expectations These acknowledgements must have value (not necessarily trinkets, emphasize social opportunities)

6 High Frequency Acknowledgements Keep the system simple Build in opportunities for data collection Start Small Emphasize the following: –The importance of enhancing social skills –The link between appropriate behavior and academic success –The link between SW PBS and other SW initiatives (e.g., multicultural education & character education) Adapted from materials shared by the Florida PBS Project

7 What does doing the right thing get you? - Example In most schools, students or classrooms collect the frequent acknowledgements and they are “cashed in” for access to activities, materials, etc. The activities and materials have to be meaningful to the students, so ask them what they’d like. 10-20 PAWS = School supplies 20 PAWS = Homework Pass 30 PAWS = Extra Recess or Computer Time 40 PAWS = Lunch at Special Lunch Table 50 PAWS = Lunch with Principal

8 Unexpected/Intermittent Acknowledgements Special focus on each expectation Special focus and increased reinforcement based on referral data – targeted the problem areas Random Classroom Checks Random Drawings for students and staff Increased worth of acknowledgements given out by substitute teachers

9 Long Term Celebrations Bigger Celebrations for which students can save their frequent acknowledgements to gain access Weekly, monthly, marking period, ½ year, end of year, DSTP Examples – Popcorn parties, movies, sporting events, field trips, dances, games, etc.

10 Remember to Acknowledge Staff Recognize staff’s participation in the School-wide PBS program Examples: –Acknowledge staff at faculty meetings for their efforts in reinforcing students –Share data about success –Use positive reinforcement to encourage staff participation (e.g., staff recognition system tied to student acknowledgements)

11 PBS School-Wide Acknowledgement Matrix TYPEWHATWHENWHEREWHO High Frequency “GOTCHAS” Unpredictable/ Intermittent “BOOSTERS” Celebrations PAWS Given when expectations are met; daily All building locations and bus All staff; including bus drivers, custodial staff, etc. Drawings by grade level Weekly Collect in Main Office Assistant Admin announce Classroom Compliments Monthly Collect in Guidance Office Given by all, but not to own class Marking Period Social/ Assemblies End of each M.P. Depends on Event Students w/ 2 or fewer referrals & 50 PAWS – Others attend booster Compliments/ Acknowledge- ment Postcards

12 Acknowledgement Plan Good idea to take the acknowledgement matrix and write up plan in narrative form – ideally you can give it to a new staff person or student and they will understand the process Remember to evaluate and change your acknowledgement plan as needed Survey students and staff as needed Be creative and have fun!!

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