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Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 COMMISSIONING & OPERATION OF SOLEIL. J.C. Besson, J.F. Lamarre, A. Bence, X. Deletoille, Y. Denis, S. Petit, R. Cuoq, P. Da Silva, D. Pereira, G. Roux, Synchrotron Soleil, St Aubin, France.
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 SOLEIL Synchrotron
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Summary 1)Installation and Commissionning 2)The Control Room 3)Software and Hardware Architecture 4)Some Software Applications 5)Balance-Sheet 6)Conclusion
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Installation Accelerators SOLEIL is a third generation Synchrotron radiation Source, located at the Plateau de Saclay near Paris. Storage Ring Booster Linac Sextupoles (220/280 Kg) Quadrupoles (900/1200 Kg) Dipoles (3,5T) Long Girder (4,8m–7,8T) Cell with 3 girders The 354 m circumference storage ring is mainly composed of 32 (+1) dipoles, 160 quadrupoles, 120 sextupoles, 2 RF cryomodules, ~ 200 vacuum chambers, 6 injection equipments; 12 beamline front-ends and 4 insertion devices (initially). The 157 m circumference Booster comprises 36 dipoles, 44 quadrupoles, 28 sextupoles, 1 RF cavity and 8 injection/extraction equipment
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Installation Accelerators
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Installation Accelerators General Planning 1st beam in the Linac on July 2nd,2005 1st beam in the Booster at 110 MeV on July 23rd 2005 Booster : 1st beam accelerated to 2.75 GeV on October 13th 2005 Booster : 1st extraction of 2.75 GeV beam on May 6th, 2006 1st turn in the storage ring on May 14th, 2006
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Commissioning organization A commissioning team of about 20 persons composed of the machine physics group and people coming from different areas was constituted in the early stage. They shared their experience and their knowledge in the preparation of the different phases of the commissioning and in the analysis of the results. This organization allowed a fast progress of the commissioning (round clock operation) and different ways to see and solve the encountered problems.
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Commissioning organization General planning Detailed protocol for each session Electronic logbook One report of each session A commissioning team People working 3 x 8h; 7d/7; (example : 7h am-3h pm-11h pm-7h am) Overlap of 1/2 an hour between 2 successive team On-call and shift people. weekly meeting for commissioning team and for each encountered problem
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 J. M. Filhol M. P. Level P. Brunelle M. A. Tordeux A. Loulergue A. Madur A. Nadji L. Nadolski R. Nagaoka B. Pottin J. C. Besson J. F. Lamarre J. C. Denard L. Cassinari M. E. Couprie P. Marchand P. Lebasque Magnets & insertions Group Security Group Vacuum Group Power supply group RF Group Elect. Control & Acquisition Group Diagnostics Group The team: at less one representative from each sudivision operation Group Inf. Control & Acquisition Group Facilities Group Linac Group Commissioning team
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Commissioning Milestones in 2006 10 effective weeks 14/5 First turn 04/6 First stored beam 04/6 First beam accumulation : 8.35mA 04/7 100mA achieved 10/7 5 A.h beam dose Shutdown 11/7 – 4/09 13/9 First photons to a beamline (DIFFABS) 16/9 200mA 21/9 First photons to a beamline (TEMPO) 25/9 300mA achieved ; 30A.h 29/9 U20 at 5.5mm gap 21/9 First photons to a beamline (ODE) 15/10 Beam lifetime =8h @100mA in 312 bunches 12/12 First photons to a beamline (SAMBA) 13/12 First photons to a beamline (DESIRS) 21/12 70 A.h beam dose 21/12 Beam lifetime =10h @100mA in 312 bunches
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Quadrupoles and Correctors ON, Sextupoles and RF OFF. After correction of first turn trajectory and closing the first turn. Sextupoles ON and RF OFF. successive turns detected by the FCT First turns (May 14, 2006)
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 10 mm vertical aperture chambers When the beam could be circulated for the first time in the Storage Ring it goes several times through the 10 mm small vertical aperture of the 10 insertion device chambers distributed along the ring without any correction.
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Closed Orbit with All correctors OFF (BPM offsets included after BBA) H rms=3.1mm max=6.40mm V rms=0.41mm max=1.44mm => Excellent magnet alignment
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Current and Integrated Dose, year 2006 maximum current of 300mA possible with only one cryomodule RF was reached after only 30A.h of integrated current dose
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Beam position stability (with SOFB) mA Beam current X (PX1) X (CASSIOPEE) Z (PX1) Z (CASSIOPEE) mm injection (Source point Positions) on 2 straight sections during a 8 hours beamline shift. DX ~ 3 µm, DZ ~ 1 µm
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 ParametersDesignAchieved as of June 2007 Energy ( GeV ) 2.752.74 RF frequency ( MHz ) 352.2352.197 Betatron Tunes 18.20 / 10.3018.2009 / 10.2990 Natural Chromaticities -53 / -23-53 / -19 Momentum Compaction 1 / 2 4.5 x 10 -4 / 4.6 x 10 -3 4.55 x 10 -4 / 4.30 x 10 -3 Emittance H ( nm.rad ) 3.733.70 ± 0.2 Energy spread 1.016 x 10 -3 1.0 x 10 -3 Coupling, V / H <1%0.3% (without correction) Current Multibunch mode ( mA ) 500300 Average Pressure ( mbar ) 1 x 10 -9 3 x 10 -9 Beam Lifetime ( h ) 16 h9h @ 300 mA / 22h @ 100 mA Single bunch current ( mA ) 1220 Beam position stability, m ( H ) 20 (rms)3 ptp Beam position stability, m ( V ) 0.8(rms)2 ptp STORAGE RING COMMISSIONING
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Results and innovations We had no problems with innovations This good result clearly demonstrates the beneficial effect of the NEG coating on the aluminium chamber. This technology was never seen before on accelerators at such extensive use. 2 other innovations concern the RF system: the dedicated Superconducting cavities (1st cryomodule enable alone operation up to 300 mA, a 2nd cryomodule which is being build by ACCEL will enable to reach 500 mA) and the solid state RF amplifiers that are used for the first time in the world for such high power. Except few transistor failures, the system is very stable. Specific and innovative electromagnetic insertion devices were developed for VUV beamlines: –3 HU256 (10eV to 1000eV) 3.6 meter long –1 HU640 (5eV to 40eV) 10 meter long Extended spectral range :from UV (5 eV) up to hard X-Rays (15 KeV)
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 RF System Innovations Each of the four cavities is powered by a 190 kW solid state amplifier consisting in a combination of four “towers” producing about 50 kW each. Solid State RF Amplifiers 4 x 190 kW power amplifiers 1 st cryomodule inside SR tunnel
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 During the shifts, within the operation group, 8 operators take their turns every 8 hours in order to ensure the presence of one of them 24h/24h and 7 days a week in the control room. This operator is assisted by 1 or 2 part-time operators (like ESRF) who come for majority from SOLEIL source division. Before being ready to work in control room, they get training by the "machine physicists" on the general operation of the machine. During shutdown, permanence in control room is ensured by an operator during the normal schedule. Apart from the operation of the machine, the operators are implied in the result analysis and in the developments (software and equipment) enabling a better understanding and operation of the installation. Operation organization
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Formation of the operation group Staff Number According to their arrival Operators were involved in the machines installation and the supervision applications development
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 TL1BOOSTER/TL2 SR light monitor SR beam size measurement Pinhole camera TUNE Measurement Control room Organization
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 TL1 to BOOSTER BOOSTER to TL2 TL2 to Storage Ring Storage Ring FCT Machine Status FCT Linac & TL1 Control Room Organization
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Beam Orbit Control Room Organization
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Alarm Survey Application
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Booster injection & extraction Application
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Hardware architecture Supervision/Control CONTROL BOX
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 binding generic applications Machine Physics Device TANGO software bus Monitoring Equipments Device Configuration Archiving Devices TANGO binding MATLAB, IGOR, python, Labview JIVEDEV TREE Magnet power suppliesMotors Globalscreen Graphic User Interface 3 major tools used Software architecture TDB - HDB Flow meter Fault NO Fault
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 ELOG (ELectronic LogBooks) Making an entry for single event Attachement File
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Acquisition data Compilation (MTBF, breakdowns,…) Extraction results in Excel Extracted data from ELOG in Operator JAVA Program Post processing
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Automatic Excel file creation Sharing out of the effective beam time = 558h24 About the whole run 4-2007 From 2007, May the 25th to 2007, Jun the 20th Breakdowns total time = 171h01 About the whole run 4-2007 From 2007, May the 25th to 2007, Jun the 20th Accelerator physics time Mixed time Beam lines time Health physics time
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Number of lines that take beam per day, during 4th Run of 2007 5 to 8 lines used the beam of photons regularly Eventually: 25 Beamlines
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Balance - sheet In year 2006, over the 2084 operating hours The availability of the beam represented 83.5 % of total time, with 11.2 % of time of breakdowns and 5.3 % of time of injection, preparation of manipulations, or interventions In year 2007, From January to July, 93.8% of the 1426 total hours of beam were delivered to beam lines
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 planned of operation of the year 2007 Planned Objectives L 3096 hours Beam Lines 3 000 hours Beam Lines M 1800 hours Machine 1 000 hours Machine. 3864 hours Shutdown L M
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 CONCLUSION AND MAIN OBJECTIVES FOR EARLY 2008 The SOLEIL accelerator complex is now fully operational. The transition from the commissioning phase to the operation phase went smoothly, thanks to: –The strong implication and participation of the operation group during the commissioning of the machine. –Significant efforts from the machine physics groups and from the different groups in charge of equipment to transfer their knowledge to the operation crew. –The machine availability already reached 93.8 % over the 1521 hours of beam time delivered to the beamlines during the first 7 months of 2007. We are now aiming at increasing further this availability. The next objectives set-up for 2008 are: –500mA operation (with second cryomodule) –Preparation for top-up operation –Single bunch and 8 bunches operation –Secure beam stability with many insertion devices –Increase beam availability.
Commissioning & Operation of SOLEIL Jean-Claude Besson – Trieste – WAO 2007 Operator’s Team Operation manager Engineer
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