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Les cours de français—2006-2007 World Languages 8Period 1 French IV/APPeriod 4 French IPeriod 5 French IPeriod 7 French IPeriod 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Les cours de français—2006-2007 World Languages 8Period 1 French IV/APPeriod 4 French IPeriod 5 French IPeriod 7 French IPeriod 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Les cours de français—2006-2007 World Languages 8Period 1 French IV/APPeriod 4 French IPeriod 5 French IPeriod 7 French IPeriod 8

2 World Language Booster Club The World Language faculty is very grateful that you, the parents of our students, have been so willing and gracious in helping support world language study. We believe that effectively channeling and organizing that support would help make the most effective use of your valuable time and energy. We contemplate the creation of a World Language Booster Club that would assist with the following: --Organizing World Language Honor Challenge --Acting as chaperones for field trips --Seeking fundraising and grants for expansion of elementary language instruction --Publication of a world language newsletter --Developing a cookbook—possibly for fundraising --Seeking guest speakers for classes and lunch chat sessions. --Other ideas and pursuits

3 World Language Booster Club If you would be interested in participating in the World Language Booster Club, please sign up on sign-up sheet before leaving under the appropriate area of interest. Please include: --Name / Your child(ren)’s name(s) --E-mail and/or phone number --Best day of the week / time for you to attend an organizational meeting If you know of other people who would be interested in the Booster Club, but who aren’t here tonight, please pass the word!

4 Le Cercle français 2006

5 Les officiers Président—Micky Carignano Vice-Présidents – Avanti Puri Ben McCartney Secrétaire/Trésorier–Taz Ahmed Dues decided at first official meeting AUGUST 24

6 Calendar of upcoming events Septembre –Joint language club breakfast –GlobalFest –Homecoming parade Octobre—Soirée crêpes Novembre—Planning for French Holiday Décembre—French Holiday Dinner (PARENTS INVITED!!)

7 Crédit supplémentaire “La Causette”—4 per quarter Eating lunch together and speaking French – extra credit and good practice Regularly-scheduled meetings Membership decides activities and socializes

8 World Language Honor Challenge October 17 th at West Lafayette High School Language immersion program for 3 rd -4 th year students Students from several local schools Volunteers from the language countries Arts, dance, music, cooking, speaking activities Cost $25 per student

9 OCMC One Community Many Cultures February 8, 2007 Performances, displays and food offerings from all three language groups Students, parents, faculty and community invited All students required to participate Part of World Language Week Activities



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