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Birdville Education Foundation Grant Workshop For 2013-2014 School Year “Going Above and Beyond”

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1 Birdville Education Foundation Grant Workshop For 2013-2014 School Year “Going Above and Beyond”

2 Remember… Every penny given to the Foundation by BISD employees goes straight to Innovative Teacher Grants! So when you give, we give it back to fund more grants! Look for the yellow flyer coming soon to your mailbox or go to and download the Employee Giving Form.

3 “Just the Facts Ma’am” Individual teachers can apply for up to $2,000. Elementary grade levels (i.e. all 2 nd graders) can apply for up to $5,000. Campus-wide can apply for up to $5,000. A Middle or High School department (science)can apply for up to $5,000. An educator can apply for more than one grant but only one grant will be awarded to them. Grants are due December 7, 2012 by 4:00 p.m. Interoffice your signed applications to Sheena Joslyn in the Admin Building.

4 “Cover your Bases” If you submit a grant that is special education or ESL based, or you want to plant anything on school grounds, you must have written approval from that department (ie Betty Grubbs for special education) Every teacher that is listed on the grant must have full working knowledge of that grant and sign the application. Look for alternative funding. Can the Foundation partner with your PTA, Booster Clubs etc? Grants awarded in the spring 2013 must be implemented the following fall semester. (Spend money ASAP or it will be returned to the Foundation)

5 The application must be signed by your principal. The Foundation doesn’t buy textbooks. The Foundation doesn’t provide food. The Foundation doesn’t pay salaries. The Foundation doesn’t fund field trips. Teachers that are awarded a grant must submit a written report/evaluation with photos if possible 9 months after grant is awarded.

6 Budget a. Get prices in writing. b. Make sure prices will be locked in for at least two or three months. c. If you are ordering Technology, go to their website and use the prices on their Price Sheet. Call Dwight Goodwin if you have any questions. d. Because the district will have a bond election in May 2013, the Foundation will not be funding any SmartBoards and/or iPads in this grant process. The bond includes a technology package.

7 The 5 P’s “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Proposals” Answer all of the questions Quote research (back up your idea) Use the correct forms (download from Check your math and don’t go over the grant’s maximum amount Check your spelling If you have questions, call me (don’t guess or assume)

8 Purpose * What do you want to buy? *How will it benefit students? *Keep your audience in mind…intrigue them *Avoid jargon & acronyms. *Use clear, simple language

9 Purpose : Writing the purpose statement. The grant committee members are business leaders, not educators so keep that in mind when you are explaining what your purpose of the grant is. Use attention getter: –Quote –Shocking fact/statistic –Anecdote –Descriptive detail (paint a word picture) –Simile, metaphor, analogy –Rhetorical question Keep them interested!

10 Rationale How does project relate to district’s strategic plan Establish need/Cite research What problem does it solve? Be positive - state outcomes realistically

11 Objectives: What do you want to achieve State in measurable terms Be specific

12 Rubrics Peer/Self/Teacher Report Journal/Reflective Writing Assessment Products Survey Data Charts or Graphs Use technology Increase test scores, participation,…

13 Why grant proposals don’t get funded Equipment asked for was not district approved. No signature from campus principal. Budget was not detailed enough You asked for equipment without a creative idea. Submitted a Cookie cutter grant. We didn’t get excited.

14 The Project is appropriate if you can answer “yes” to the following questions: Is it important to learning? Is it practical? Is it creative? Was it successful when implemented the first time? Finish these two sentences: Wouldn’t it be great if the kids could……… I wish my students were able to………….

15 Helpful Hints: Play up the long term benefits – immediate and future Have someone read your grant that is not in education Send pictures of unusual equipment Talk to teachers that have received grants Website www.birdvilleeducationfoundation.comwww.

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