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Teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material: Tool to Enhance the Performance Level of Grade Six Pupils MARIA_JOSEPHINE AQUINO PLEÑOS

2 Introduction “Rich countries are science-rich and poor countries are science-poor.” Dr. Frank Tui Countries with a majority of science-literate citizens are rich and developed country as seen in first world countries like the Unites States of America, Singapore, Macau and Hong Kong. 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) in Science showed that the Philippines belong to the “really below average countries” with 77% of the takers in the low bracket.

3 Introduction Bacongco Elementary School’s periodic examinations also show competencies in every grading period that fall below the mastery level. The pupils’ final grades in science at the end of the school year also show that regular remedial lessons and peer mentoring are not enough to address the low performance level in certain competencies. Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) are known to aid pupils in the remediation process. The SIM prepared by the researcher includes reading-writing activities which makes the learner accountable for his/her own learning. This action research would like to determine the effectiveness of the teacher-made SIM as remedial material.

4 Related Literatures (Barredo, 2014) SIM improved the academic performance in science of elementary school pupils and the pupils are able to remember the lessons over a longer period of time after using the SIMs. (Salviejo, et. al., 2014) SIM used as instructional material made most of the students adopt the deep learners’ approach. It enhanced the performance of students in Chemistry regardless of learning approach adopted. The experience is enjoyable, interesting and contributing positive attitude towards Chemistry. (Dy, 2007) The use of several SIMs in Physics increased the NAT of Division of Albay from below 75% in SY in to 75% in SY for the experimental group. (Gultiano, 2012) SIM contributes to better learning of the concepts in Chemistry. There is also better retention of concepts learned and that students who used the SIM are more superior in applying the knowledge in problem solving exercises.

5 Research Questions To determine the effectiveness of the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material in increasing the performance level of the Grade Six pupils of Bacongco Elementary School in the competency, identify the energy transformation that happens in given examples, the following questions were answered: Did the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material increase the performance level of the Grade Six pupils of Bacongco Elementary School in the specified competency; What is the percentage increase in the performance level of the tested pupils: and How do the experiences of the pupils with the use of the teacher-made Science Strategic Material affect their performance level?

6 The following are the hypotheses of the study:
HO: The use of the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention material did not improve the performance level of the pupils. HA: The use of the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention material improved the performance level of the pupils.

7 Conceptual Framework

8 Research Locale and Respondents

9 The Strategic Intervention Material
Based on the format and requirements of the Department of Education; capacities and abilities of the pupils; and the characteristics and culture of the community. The material is pupil-friendly with easy-to-write-on pages, colored pictures, varied, large-font writings, easy to follow instructions, thought-provoking questions and fun activities.

10 The Strategic Intervention Material
Since this is a pupil’s personal material, there is a provision at the end of every activity where the pupil could express his/her confidence about his/her work.

11 The Strategic Intervention Material
There are also references for individual reading and interactive learning or on-line learning.




15 The Strategic Intervention Material
There are answers provided for every activity. Minimal teacher facilitation is required by the material.

16 The Strategic Intervention Material
The SIM’s content and format was validated by the City Division of Koronadal and won fourth place in the 2014 National Science Quest.

17 Research Design

18 Results and Discussions

19 Results and Discussions
Graph of the results of the first assessment test

20 Results and Discussions
Graph of the results of the second assessment test

21 Results and Discussions
Statistical data for the two assessment tests First Assessment Test Respondents ΣX M SD Calculated t-value Tabular Group A 116 12.89 7.65 2.177 1.711 Group B 88 9.78 19.32 Group C 111 12.33 7.11 Second Assessment Test Respondents ΣX M SD Calculated t-value Tabular Group A 113 12.56 17.11 1.711 Group B 78 8.67 62.51 Group C 104 11.56 12.34

22 Results and Discussions
Pupils’ answers to the questions regarding their use of the SIM

23 Conclusions Did the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material increase the performance level of the Grade Six pupils of Bacongco Elementary School in the specified competency; Yes, the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material increased the performance level of the Grade Six pupils of Bacongco Elementary School in the competency, identify the energy transformation that happens in given examples, as shown by the results of the study;

24 Conclusions What is the percentage increase in the performance level of the tested pupils There is an average of 88.89% increase in the performance level of pupils who used the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material, “Ylao, Your Energy Booster Friend;” an average of 22.22% increase in the performance level of pupils who did not use the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material; and a 66.67% performance level of the pupils who previously passed the summative test;

25 Conclusions How do the experiences of the pupils with the use of the teacher-made Science Strategic Material affect their performance level? The positive experiences of the pupils who used the teacher-made Science Strategic Material affected their performance level. The pupil with a negative experience in the difficulty level of the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material scored poorly in both assessment tests.

26 Recommendations That the teacher-made Science Strategic Intervention Material, “Ylao, Your Energy Booster Friend,” should be tried in Grade Six pupils of other schools; That different Strategic Intervention Materials should be made and tested for other least-learned competencies in Grade Six Science; and That different Strategic Intervention Materials should be made and tested for the least-learned competencies in the different grade levels in Science.

27 Thank you for listening


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