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Ch1- What is Oppression anyway?. Lets define it!  Dictionary: 1 : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power b: something that oppresses especially.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch1- What is Oppression anyway?. Lets define it!  Dictionary: 1 : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power b: something that oppresses especially."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch1- What is Oppression anyway?

2 Lets define it!  Dictionary: 1 : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power b: something that oppresses especially in being an unjust or excessive exercise of poweroppresses 2: a sense of being weighed down in body or mind : depressiondepression How does Freire Define it?

3  At the root of oppression is a discussion about what is and what is not HUMAINE.

4  Both exist as a binary (because of each other)  The first example of a “dialectic” relationship  Humanization is both negated & affirmed by its negation ◦ in English: in every action of oppression and/or freedom there is both humanization and dehumanization  Negated because of: injustice from the oppressor  Affirmed because of: desires of oppressed for freedom


6  BUT don’t forget: ◦ Humanization is the vocation of humanity “[d]ehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given destiny but the result of an unjust order which engenders violence in the oppressors, which inturn dehumanizes the oppressed.” (p.44)  They both exist BUT neither is apriori

7  It is because they both exist AND because dehumanization is a DISTORTION of humanity that eventually, in all scenarios, the oppressed will challenge and revolt against its oppressor  This is the dialectic of history  Therefore, in the quest for freedom, oppressors can aid but can never save.

8 “ This, then, is the great humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves and their oppressors as well.” (p.44) And not to just revolt to then become the oppressors of their oppressors. And not to just become “sub-oppressors” And not just to “Kill the master” And this is why only the oppressed can liberate- because liberation can only be achieved through true generosity (and not false charity)

9 That the oppressed desire to be oppressors They know no other model of living THIS IS WHAT SOCEITY HAS CONSTRUCTED “Their ideal is to be men, but to be men is to be oppressors. This is their model of humanity.” (p45) Think about this in terms of childhood: “Their ideal is to be adults, but to be adult is to be oppressors. This is their model of humanity.” Their desire is not freedom b/c they think freedom means being the one who gets to tell other people what to do

10  We often talk about the importance of education and awareness BUT  Freire says that its not always that the oppressed are unaware of their oppression  Instead it is that they are unaware of the possibilities of an alternate reality

11  P.47 prescription- at the core of the relationship between oppr and oppd  The forcing of one person/group/ideology and their choices on another  That result in conformity of the oppd to the ideas and desires of the oppr

12  “The oppressed suffer from that which has established itself in their innermost being. They discover that without freedom they cannot exist authentically. Yet, although they desire authentic existence, they fear it.” (p.48)  They are both the oppr and the oppd  They must negate both their oppr and THEMSELVES!  P.48. key

13  The pedagogy must be forged WITH and not FOR in their struggle to regain their humanity. (thesis)  The pedagogy is based on action & reflection  Is never static  Is always being made and remade  Is both top-down and bottom up “The oppr is in solidarity with the oppd only when he stops…” (p.50)  Think of this in term of your research with children  This is what you must do (p.51/52)

14  What is oppression (philosophically) and how does it manifest and maintain itself in society?  Can you find the thesis on p.48? (it’s a long one)  What’s the connection between the oppressor and oppressed? What role do people play in their own oppression? What role does violence play in this?  How can dialogue help? Why is it essential?  Why praxis?

15 Brainstorm around the word oppression: - What does it mean? - What do you think about this term? - How can/did you connect to what Freire is saying?

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