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The Hidden Treasure Assessment 6 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning.

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2 The Hidden Treasure Assessment 6 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning

3 Three Detective Skills Increasing word power (I can find the meaning of words.) finding facts (I can find ‘right there’ facts) hunting for clues (I can find hidden clues) HT_Assessment 6 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning

4 6. Poisonous Snakes He found the earthen pot, and quickly pulled off the cloth. To his astonishment, he found not a pot of gold, but a pot of poisonous snakes. “What’s this?” he cried. “My cousin and her husband are trying to kill me so that they can get their hands on my farm.” Seething with anger, he covered the pot again, and set out for Ali’s house. “I’ll teach them a lesson,” he muttered. When he arrived at Ali’s house, he carefully placed a ladder against the wall. He stopped and listened. From inside, he could hear the loud sound of snoring. “They are fast asleep,” he whispered. “Now for my revenge.” Slowly and carefully, he climbed up to the roof, carrying the pot of snakes. He undid the string and tipped the poisonous snakes down the chimney. He replaced the ladder on the ground, and slipped silently away into the night. Down below, Ali and his wife slept soundly, unaware of what had been dropped into their hearth. (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning HT_Assessment 6

5 Increasing your word-power surprise anger sadness punishment accident a b c d e 1. Which of these means ‘astonishment’ in the text? (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning To his astonishment, he found not a pot of gold, but a pot of poisonous snakes. f ???

6 HT_Assessment 6 Increasing your word-power boiling purple jumping red faced skipping a b c d e 2. Which of these means ‘seething’ in the text? (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning Seething with anger, he covered the pot again, and set out for Ali’s house. f ???

7 HT_Assessment 6 Increasing your word-power put back replied threw paced repaired a b c d e 3. Which of these means ‘replaced’ in the text? (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning He replaced the ladder on the ground, and slipped silently away into the night. f ???

8 HT_Assessment 6 Increasing your word-power moved quietly tripped up skipped cycled whistled a b c d e 4. Which of these means ‘slipped’ in the text? (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning He replaced the ladder on the ground, and slipped silently away into the night. f ???

9 What was covering the earthen pot? The cousin think Ali and his wife wanted to kill him for…? What did the cousin hear when he got to Ali’s house? HT_Assessment 6 Find the facts (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning

10 HT_Assessment 6 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning Finding the facts paper a cloth a slate a board the shirt a b c d e 5. What was covering the earthen pot? Fact found; “quickly pulled off the cloth.” f ???

11 HT_Assessment 6 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning Finding the facts revenge his farm his money his wife the treasure a b c d e Fact found; “They want to kill me so that they can get their hands on my farm.” 6. The cousin think Ali and his wife wanted to kill him for……? f ???

12 HT_Assessment 6 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning Finding the facts whistling silence barking snoring whispering a b c d e 7. What could the cousin hear when he got to Ali’s house? Fact found; He could hear the loud sounds of snoring. f ???

13 True or false? The cousin wanted to kill Ali and his wife. The cousin had found the ladder against a tree. Ali’s wife heard the cousin on the roof. HT_Assessment 6 Hunt for Clues (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning

14 HT_Assessment 6 True; “Now for my revenge.” Hunting for Clues (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning 8. The cousin wanted to kill Ali and his wife. a b false true

15 HT_Assessment 6 False; He replaced the ladder on the ground. Hunting for Clues (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning 9. The cousin found the ladder leaning against a tree. a b false true

16 HT_Assessment 6 False; Ali and his wife slept soundly, unaware…… Hunting for Clues (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning 10. Ali’s wife heard the cousin on the roof. a b false true

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