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Keowee Key, South Carolina Creating, Building & Sustaining a Successful Firewise ® Community Program Presenters: – Richard Hiss – Keowee Key Firewise ®

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Presentation on theme: "Keowee Key, South Carolina Creating, Building & Sustaining a Successful Firewise ® Community Program Presenters: – Richard Hiss – Keowee Key Firewise ®"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keowee Key, South Carolina Creating, Building & Sustaining a Successful Firewise ® Community Program Presenters: – Richard Hiss – Keowee Key Firewise ® Chair – Michael Bozzo – Past SC Firewise ® Coordinator

2 Keowee Key, South Carolina Key Elements to: Create, Build, & Sustain a Successful Firewise ® Community Program Phase One – Creating and Building an Action Oriented Local Program Phase One – Creating and Building an Action Oriented Local Program Phase Two – Sustaining the Program via Follow on Action Programs Phase Two – Sustaining the Program via Follow on Action Programs

3 Phase One Keowee Key, South Carolina Key elements: o Firewise Awareness o Initiating Action o Collaboration o Start Up o Motivation o Organization o Follow Through 

4 Keowee Key, South Carolina Wildfire Danger Awareness Wildfire Danger Awareness Community developed within the WUI Community developed within the WUI –Residents unaware of potential wildfire hazards Steep terrain Steep terrain Heavily wooded Heavily wooded

5 Keowee Key, South Carolina Assessment – Identified Issues Community infrastructure Community infrastructure Hazardous fuel build ups Hazardous fuel build ups Emergency Access concerns Emergency Access concerns Homeowner Homeowner Lack of defensible space Lack of defensible space Flammable landscape vegetation Flammable landscape vegetation Wake up call Wake up call

6 Keowee Key, South Carolina Initiating Action Keowee Key Fire Dept. Firewise presentation Keowee Key Fire Dept. Firewise presentation Board initiated Firewise ® Community/USA status Board initiated Firewise ® Community/USA status

7 Keowee Key, South Carolina Collaboration

8 Start Up Start Up Firewise ® Committee formed Firewise ® Committee formed –Keowee Key firemen, Fire Chief, residents –Education, Communication, Awareness

9 Motivation to Become a Firewise Community Coordinated action by State and local Fire personnel Coordinated action by State and local Fire personnel Local Residents Committed to change Local Residents Committed to change Education re: issues and dangers Education re: issues and dangers Knowledge – “It could happen here.” Knowledge – “It could happen here.” Keowee Key, South Carolina

10 In our backyard…

11 Organization Firewise ® Committee Firewise ® Committee –Action Plan –Prioritized tasks Education Education –Awareness of residents to protect their homes –Defensible space Keowee Key, South Carolina

12 Chipping Days Community Effort Community Effort –Volunteers –Remove yard debris –Safer community –Greater appearance –Reduced wildfire risk

13 Keowee Key, South Carolina Chipping Days con’t Single event in 2006 Single event in 2006 Now four events/year Now four events/year –Two pick up –Two U-haul days Over 60 volunteers Over 60 volunteers –150 residents –270 truck loads

14 Keowee Key, South Carolina Financial Support SC Forestry Commission grants National Fire Plan SC Forestry Commission grants National Fire Plan –New chipper –Underbrushing undeveloped lots –Installation of emergency exits

15 Keowee Key, South Carolina 6 Major Projects $110,000+ since 2007 Chipping machine Chipping machine Demo lots – underbrushing Demo lots – underbrushing Emergency exit Emergency exit Landscaping/ renovating community grounds and building Landscaping/ renovating community grounds and building Leaf collection recycling site & equipment Leaf collection recycling site & equipment

16 Phase Two: Sustaining the Program Follow-up on Action Programs Follow-up on Action Programs –Educational forums National conferences National conferences –Awareness programs Local meetings Local meetings –Additional Fuel Reduction Programs Keowee Key, South Carolina

17 Financial Incentive -Motivation Residents earn credits for community Residents earn credits for community Involvement leads to sense of accomplishment Involvement leads to sense of accomplishment Result in wide spread community involvement Result in wide spread community involvement

18 Keowee Key, South Carolina New Initiative for residents Leaves collected by residents – hours documented Leaves collected by residents – hours documented Hours turned into credit dollars (matching in-kind funds) Hours turned into credit dollars (matching in-kind funds) Used to apply for grant funds Used to apply for grant funds

19 Keowee Key, South Carolina Action and Implementation Before: Disposal site unusable Before: Disposal site unusable –Inaccessible when wet –Leaves rotted After: Disposal site renovated After: Disposal site renovated –Grant funds allocated –Access improved –Leaves recycled

20 Keowee Key, South Carolina Community Benefits Leaves recycled - used in community Leaves recycled - used in community –Mulch on common grounds –Mulch on community golf course Mulched leaves used on golf course

21 Follow Through – Ongoing Efforts Challenges Remain Challenges Remain Too many residents unaware of danger Too many residents unaware of danger Solutions/ remediation actions not fully recognized Solutions/ remediation actions not fully recognized Additional programs identified/ not funded Additional programs identified/ not funded Ongoing grant funding becoming scarce Ongoing grant funding becoming scarce Keowee Key, South Carolina

22 Additional Future Projects Underbrushing undeveloped and vacant lots – fuels mitigation Underbrushing undeveloped and vacant lots – fuels mitigation Tree and limb overhangs Tree and limb overhangs Emergency vehicle access – safety Emergency vehicle access – safety Keowee Key, South Carolina

23 Summary – Keowee Key Keowee Key, South Carolina Success story so far Success story so far Concerned/ Motivated individuals Concerned/ Motivated individuals Defined action programs implemented Defined action programs implemented Education/ Program support – SCFC, Keowee FD, and Education/ Program support – SCFC, Keowee FD, and NFPA resources NFPA resources Proven Program Proven Program

24 Summary – Keowee Key Continued involvement Continued involvement –Educational events –Actual accomplishments Positive results Positive results –Active participation –Reduced fire hazard –Improved aesthetics –Increased property values Keowee Key, South Carolina

25 Thank You Richard Hiss, Keowee Key Firewise ® Chair Richard Hiss, Keowee Key Firewise ® Chair Mike Bozzo, Past Firewise ® Program Manager for the South Carolina Forestry Commission Mike Bozzo, Past Firewise ® Program Manager for the South Carolina Forestry Commission

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