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CLOSING THE GAP - LEARNING EVENT 3 ALLY TALBOT. WHAT SUCCESSES HAVE YOU HAD TO DATE? Completed focus group with colleagues regarding the current practice.

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2 WHAT SUCCESSES HAVE YOU HAD TO DATE? Completed focus group with colleagues regarding the current practice for transition and how this can be improved within the new pathway Had the opportunity to discuss informally the process for transition with the parent/carers of service users and get their views

3 WHAT HAVE BEEN YOUR CHALLENGES AND HOW HAVE YOU ADDRESSED THESE? Key challenges:  Handover from colleague  Time  Response from service users  Poor return rate  Questionnaire overload  Balancing the competing demand for service user feedback at trust level (e.g. friend and family test) and the need to collect data for project

4 OVERVIEW OF THE DATA YOU HAVE COLLECTED 3 ‘So what questionnaires’ Qualitative data from focus group with fellow dietitians Collaborate tools

5 WHAT IMPROVEMENTS HAVE YOUNG PEOPLE IN YOUR PATIENT GROUP SUGGESTED, WHICH YOU’VE BEEN ABLE TO ACT ON? Information about transition and the timing of this  Parent/carers of service users are reporting that they are unaware of the process of transition  This is even the case when patients are 3-6 months away from the point of transition  Action from this o Verbally discussing process for transition with parent/carers o Attending a multi-professional meeting at school for patients due to transition to adult services o Developing a transition pathway

6 WHAT ARE YOUR NEXT STEPS? o Continue to collect the baseline ‘So what data’ o Telephone interviews with patients post-transition o Draft a department pathway for transition o Implement pathway from April/May for patients currently at point of transition o Repeat so what data in 6/12

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