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Innovation Fund 2011-12 Andy Lovatt, Dr Jonathan Goss, Chris Spargo.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation Fund 2011-12 Andy Lovatt, Dr Jonathan Goss, Chris Spargo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation Fund 2011-12 Andy Lovatt, Dr Jonathan Goss, Chris Spargo

2 The Idea Improve students lab skills by providing an interactive video based training package to help the students learn the equipment. We held a focus group with the then Stage 1 students and explained our proposed video based resource. They agreed it would be suitable and asked if it could be in some way interactive They also asked for a “primer” which would prepare them prior to arrival in the lab

3 The product We wanted to make a resource to augment current lab notes and guides. Devised using UDUTU which is a free webquest style applicationUDUTU Hosted in Blackboard Videos are stored on my university webspace to enable linking from anywhere. Demo here

4 Was it a success? Blackboard records show that 22% of the students accessed the training package, though its unclear how many went through the full resource. Online feedback at the end of the resources showed 7 responses – all rated as useful or extremely useful, 6 of 7 wanted more. A “focus group” was held with a sample of the current students – results next slide.

5 Focus group findings 1. Did you use the e-resource Yes 44% No 56% 2. Why not? Didn’t like it 0% Prefer paper based 11% Unaware of it 22% Other 67% 3 If you used it was it:- Useful 100% Not useful 0% 4 Do you think there should be more of these resources. Strongly agree or agree 100% Disagree or strongly disagree 0%

6 Final thoughts What went well? The videos are clear and fit for purpose. The resource is clear and easy to follow (in my opinion!) Not so well? It was difficult to get students to engage with this. Two focus groups were held and each time they had to be cajoled along – even with the incentives of cream cakes! Visibility issues. Internet explorer proved to be a problem Blackboard itself. Staff “buy-in”

7 Thank you Any questions?

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