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11.13 Homework NCSS. Manual/Excel Kidney and Salmon Kidney and Beef Shrimp and Salmon Shrimp and Beef Chicken and Salmon Chicken and Beef Salmon and.

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Presentation on theme: "11.13 Homework NCSS. Manual/Excel Kidney and Salmon Kidney and Beef Shrimp and Salmon Shrimp and Beef Chicken and Salmon Chicken and Beef Salmon and."— Presentation transcript:

1 11.13 Homework NCSS

2 Manual/Excel

3 Kidney and Salmon Kidney and Beef Shrimp and Salmon Shrimp and Beef Chicken and Salmon Chicken and Beef Salmon and Beef 0.26655 4.0184

4 Ice Cream Ratings The interaction is significant, it is not appropriate to interpret the Factor A or Factor B effects in isolation, even though the Brand effect shows significance.

5 Ice Cream Ratings The effect of awareness (of brand) on the rating depends on the brand. For those that are aware of the brand they are tasting, it appears they give significantly higher ratings to the two higher-end brands versus to low-end store brand. For those not aware (of brand), the premium ice cream rates higher than mid-tier brand, but surprisingly, the low-end store brand achieves ratings higher than the mid-tier brand. Overall, we might conclude awareness is most important (in terms of taste ratings), for the mid and premium brands. Marketing should focus on brand name recognition for (taste rating) success with these products. This analysis shows it could be wasteful (in terms of taste rating) to promote brand awareness for the store brand ice cream. The effect of brand on the rating depends on awareness. The two higher end products achieve higher ratings when subjects are aware they are tasting a higher end ice cream. This is especially true for brand 2 (the mid-tier ice cream). Brand 3 (the store brand) achieves a higher rating for those unaware (blind folded) of the brand they are tasting.


7 The interaction of income bracket and form is not significant, therefore it is appropriate to perform the Factor A and Factor B effects tests. The only thing we can say for sure (with statistical backing), is that the amount of time to fill out a tax form is significantly different among the three income groups. Further (T-K test shows), the time it takes to fill out a tax form is significantly different between income groups 1 (low income) and 3 (high income). The Factor A effects are almost statistically significant (I think would be appropriate to interpret these effects). Thus, we can say, the amount of time to fill out a tax for differs between the forms. We can observe that Form 4 takes a longer amount of time, regardless of income bracket. The difference in time to fill out Form 4 versus Form 1 is almost statistically significant. If time to complete a form is the primary concern of the IRS, based on this analysis, the recommendation would be to not implement Form 4. The difference in time between Forms 1, 2, and 3 is not statistically significant. Factor B (income bracket) effects test

8 13.28 Homework NCSS Based on the scatter plot and residual plot of errors/residuals versus X (feet or size), the regression assumptions do not appear to be violated. The SLR model is useful. With at least 95% confidence (really using the pvalue with almost 100% confidence), we conclude square feet is significantly related to hours needed to move.

9 Manual/Excel


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