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Principles Therapeutic Structure of the Personality ID  primary source of psychic energy and locus of instinctual drives  functions to discharge energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles Therapeutic Structure of the Personality ID  primary source of psychic energy and locus of instinctual drives  functions to discharge energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles Therapeutic Structure of the Personality ID  primary source of psychic energy and locus of instinctual drives  functions to discharge energy immediately  operates under the pleasure principle  primarily unconscious Psychodynamic Theory

2 Principles Therapeutic EGO  mediates among the instincts (ID), environment, and the conscience (SUPEREGO)  operates under the reality principle  primarily conscious Structure of the Personality Psychodynamic Theory

3 Principles Therapeutic SUPEREGO  strives for perfection  represents traditional values and ideals of society  attempts to inhibit the id  operates under the moral principle  conscious and unconscious Psychodynamic Theory Structure of the Personality

4 Principles Therapeutic Operation of the Personality Anxiety The state of psychic energy that develops from the conflict of the id ego and superego Types Reality anxiety fear of danger from the external world Neurotic anxiety fear of losing control of the instinctual drives for which we will be punished. Moral anxiety fear of one’s conscience- guilt Psychodynamic Theory

5 Principles Therapeutic Normal Operation of the Personality The ego realistically fulfills the drives of the id and the expectations of the superego thus discharging the build up of psychic energy. Ego Defense Mechanisms When the ego cannot control anxiety by rational or realistic methods it relies on the ego defense mechanisms to temporarily discharge anxiety. Psychodynamic Theory

6 Principles Therapeutic Dysfunctional Operation of the Personality Psychodynamic Theory Ego is unable to realistically act due to 1. Over dependence on defense mechanism 2. Weak control by the superego- little inhibition of the id drives 3. Weak ego strength to find realistic solutions to intrapersonal dynamics

7 Principles Therapeutic Motivation Behaviour is motivated by: 1. Instinctual Drives 2. Avoidance, redirection and reduction of anxiety Behaviour is Changed by: 1. By making the client unaware of unconscious conflicts 2. Development of the superego 3. Development of ego strength Both strategies help the ego identify realistic answers to satisfy the demands of the id and the expectations of the superego Psychodynamic Theory

8 Principles Therapeutic Resistance to Change 1. Over dependence on defense mechanisms 2. Lack of awareness 3. Weak ego control Psychodynamic Theory

9 Principles Therapeutic Freud's Techniques 1.Analysis of Dreams 2.Analysis of Free Association 3.Analysis of Transference 4.Analysis of Resistance 5. Analysis of Counter Transference Psychodynamic Theory

10 Principles Therapeutic Behaviour Management, Programming and Counselling interventions help to reduce or redirect psychic energy and develop realistic ego control by strengthening the influence of the superego and reducing the dependency on defense mechanisms Psychodynamic Theory

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