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Pitch-Angle Scattering of Relativistic Electrons at Earth’s Inner Radiation Belt with EMIC Waves Xi Shao and K. Papadopoulos Department of Astronomy University.

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Presentation on theme: "Pitch-Angle Scattering of Relativistic Electrons at Earth’s Inner Radiation Belt with EMIC Waves Xi Shao and K. Papadopoulos Department of Astronomy University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pitch-Angle Scattering of Relativistic Electrons at Earth’s Inner Radiation Belt with EMIC Waves Xi Shao and K. Papadopoulos Department of Astronomy University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742

2 Motivation Gyro-resonant Pitch Angle Scattering with Low Frequency (ω < Ω i ) Wave Have discussed Scattering of Relativistic Protons with Alfven wave Have discussed efficient ways to generate ULF waves. Scattering of Relativistic Electrons with Electromagnetic Ion- Cyclotron (EMIC) Wave Dispersion Relation for Parallel Propagation

3 Minimum Energy (Emin) vs. k for Gyro- Resonant Interaction with Electron k > k0 for E min < 1MeV k0 Gyro-Resonant Condition of Relativistic Electron For conditions at equator, L = 2 To resonant-scatter 1 MeV electrons, wave-vector needs to satisfy k > k0.

4 O+ gyro-frequency along L = 2 field line Density of Electron, H+, He+, O+ along L = 2 dipole magnetic field line (from GCPM) Along L=2 magnetic field line Equator Earth Equator

5 Dispersion Relation for L Mode with Multi-Ion (H+, He+,O+) Species Parallel Wave Number ω=kV A Dispersion Relation of EMIC Waves

6 Dispersion Relations for L- Mode EMIC Wave For conditions at equator, L =2; f H+ = 60 Hz. E min of Gyro-resonant Electron with He+ Band Magnetic field: dipole Plasma Density: GCPM Gyro-resonant Scatterings of Electron by EMIC Wave (along L=2 magnetic field line) 1 MeV

7 Ray-Tracing of Multi-Frequency (within He+ band) EMIC Wave (along L=2 field line) Piling-up Factor (1/(Vg*A)) Group Velocity Vg along Ray Path Ray Tracing Applicable

8 Interaction Region of Gyro-resonant Scattering of Electrons by Broad-Band Wave within He+ Band f 0 = 15.72 Hz Δf = 0.05 f 0 14.94 Hz 16.5 Hz Interaction Region with 1 MeV Electron Latitude Range: 7.85 degree. Distance Range along Field Line: ~1800 km. Pitch Angle Range: 0 – 88 degree. 1 MeV

9 Pitch Angle Diffusion Analysis Quasi-linear diffusion analysis –Small scattering with each wave –Gaussian-shape spectrum –Diffusion is proportional to wave power Local Diffusion Rate: Bounce Averaged Pitch Angle Diffusion Equation: Bounce Averaged Diffusion Rate: (Life Time) Summers and Thorne, 2003 Lyons and Williams, 1984

10 f 0 = 14.94 Hz Δf = 0.05 f 0 Pitch-Angle Diffusion Rate for Electrons (along L = 2) Co-Latitude =85.48 deg. δB = 300 pT f 0 = 15.72 Hz Δf = 0.05 f 0 400 W input, ΔL=0.1 Local Diffusion Rate Bounce-Averaged Diffusion Rate 1MeV Electron

11 Life Time and Equilibrium Equatorial Particle Flux Distribution Equilibrium Distribution Function g(α 0 ) vs. Pitch Angle α 0 400 W power input over shells ΔL=0.1, L=2 Life time= 5.2 days f 0 = 15.72 Hz Δf = 0.05 f 0 He+ Branch EMIC Wave 1MeV Electron

12 Conclusions Scattering of relativistic particles into loss- cone through low-frequency waves ( ω < Ω i ) provide viable ways to do inner (Proton and Electron) radiation belts remediation. For electron belt remediation, need to have better understanding of the resonant- absorption, reflection, tunneling, mode- conversion of EMIC waves at resonant region. Need to include full-wave effects.

13 Electron (> 300 keV) Belt Dynamics (1979-1999) (from NOAA 5-14 POES Satellites) Inner (peak near L=1.6 ) and Outer (peak near L= 4-5) Electron Belts; Slot Region (L=3). Variability of outer belt; Relative stable inner belt. Hazardous to satellites, astronauts, and spacecraft. 21 years

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