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Media Studies AS By Daniel Ostrowski MAGAZINE PITCH.

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1 Media Studies AS By Daniel Ostrowski MAGAZINE PITCH

2 PURPOSE The purpose of my magazine is to give insight into past metal acts and comebacks to my target audience, as well as highlighting the best new entries into the metal music scene. The style of my magazine will be a mixture of Kerrang! And Classic Rock Magazine. This gives an impression of freshness, as one of my main features is comebacks of existing established bands, and excited-ness of having new and upcoming bands making their debuts in the magazine. The message of my magazine is a simple one, “Heavy Metal for the Masses”. This message may also be used as my magazine’s tag-line.

3 TARGET AUDIENCE As it is a magazine predominately about metal and the sub-genres of that, it appeals to the more teenage segment of the population as they are the people who are most interested in hot new music appearing on the scene; at the same time there are a lot of the younger generation that have been introduced to the older metal acts either through comebacks into the current music scene or through the influence of the older generations, i.e.: parents, television channels featuring the bands etc. To implement this several things have to be addressed, such as cost, stylistic techniques, information level etc. For my magazine, I will have to use exciting fonts and components to appeal to the younger generation.

4 THE VISUAL In order for my magazine to fit into the metal genre, I need to consider what will attract them to purchase the magazine. My main cover image is a staple point in attracting my target audience, so it needs to appeal to the younger generation. Therefore my thoughts on this is to use an image that teenagers can relate to, an image of a new band making their debut or an older band making a welcome comeback, more likely the latter. My images will be of the band in a photo studio but as if they were on stage performing and possibly some shots of them outside – maybe against a wall or sat on one - giving the reader an interesting contrast within the images. It will also appeal the teen generation because the band will be a metal act which have been on hiatus and making a comeback; which will appeal to the younger generation because they are breaking into the current music scene with a reform. The costumes will be in true ‘metal’ style but with punk influences, black tee- shirts, chains etc. along with lots of colour and jewellery, as to appeal to all of the spectrums of the audience. The props will obviously be instruments, as the shoot will be of them playing as if on stage. The general colour scheme will be black, yellow and red, typical of the genre and style of music and also has connotations with danger and vibrancy. I will also take a range of shots, starting with close-ups of the band members individually up to long shots of the entire band playing and the backdrops.

5 THE HOOK My magazine is named “Crunch!”, with the tag-line “Metal for the Masses.” This fits in nicely with the genre of music being perceived by the magazine and the tag-line portrays the overall message of the magazine, metal is for everyone and anyone who cares. My feature is about an all girl metal/punk band Selling Socks To Strangers, a popular touring band that have been on hiatus for 4 years and have now reformed with a grand world tour. For fans of the band, it is an emotional subject as they haven’t been heard from in a long time, so they will be drawn into buying the magazine because of the main cover image and feature of the band. For people who have not heard of the band before, their humorous name and charismatic image on the front cover of the magazine is sure to capture their attention also.

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