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Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy’s NNSA U N C L A S S I F I E D Scientific Data Processing for the ECT Suite.

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Presentation on theme: "Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy’s NNSA U N C L A S S I F I E D Scientific Data Processing for the ECT Suite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy’s NNSA U N C L A S S I F I E D Scientific Data Processing for the ECT Suite on NASA’s Van Allen Probes mission ECT = Energetic particle, Composition and Thermal plasma R. H. W. Friedel ; M. G. Henderson, Steven Morley, G.D. Reeves and J. Niehof (LANL) SM31C-2348 Los Alamos is leading the Science Operations Center (SOC) for the Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Suite (ECT) for NASA's upcoming Radiation Belt Storm Probe Mission (RBSP). Here we present the ECT team's facilities for making data available to both the ECT team and the public. The ECT-SOC will make extensive use of resources such as Autoplot, which will be tightly integrated into a modern version and process control system developed at LANL. In order to support the scientific investigations at the heart of the RBSP mission we make use of existing LANL resources to provide data in PSD format at constant adiabatic invariants, using the LANLGeoMag library and processing pipeline developed for the LANL DREAM (Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model). ECT-SOC website: http://www.rbsp-ect.lanl.gov RBSP-ECT Instruments MagEIS (4) HOPE REPT Relative Electron Flux MagEIS Medium x2 MagEIS High REPT MagEIS Low HOPE 200 0.02 RBSP-ECT consists of three coordinated sensor types: HOPE MagEIS REPT ECT measures electrons (continuously) and ions (with composition up to 50 keV) from ~20 eV to ~10’s of MeV with energy resolution, and pitch angle coverage and resolution required for mission success. ECT-SOC Functional Diagram The ECT-SOC at LANL is the central SOC for the ECT Team and will handle all commanding, telemetry and data processing for HOPE, MagEIS and HOPE. The ECT-SOC has two components: – SOC-CTG (Command, Telemetry and GSE): Provides instrument team’s GSE functionality during I&T, commissioning and normal operations, communicates with MOC for commanding / data and housekeeping reception; quicklook data & HK – SOC-SDC (Science Data Centre): Receives Level 1 data from the SOC-CTG and performs all higher level data processing, ingests ancillary data and maintains ECT data website ECT-SOC Data Products: LevelzDescription L0Raw de-commutated telemetry data from MOC. L1L0 + sorted, time-tagged, instrument separated units of count rate. L2L1 + calibrated and corrected (bkg. dead- time, etc.), physical units. L3L2 + B-field derived science products (pitch angles, moments, L-sorted). L4L3 + PSD units derived using B-field models, magnetic coordinates. ECT-SOC Processing New LX file available Query database for processing step needed Quality Control Loop Get LX data, place in file system Update database Process Control Database Contains file version info, location info, processing step info (codes, required input files, dependencies) Do LX -> LX+1 processing Have LX+1 data, place in file system Update database New LX processing code, new dependency Filename example: rbsp-a-hope_pre_L2_20130506_vX.Y.Z-R.cdf where: X – interface, representing significant change on codes /contents Y – quality, representing change in contents with no impact on codes Z – bug fix/revision, representing minor changes R – release (optional) to group a given collection of files into a single release. ECT-SOC Data Product Details Level 0 - Raw science telemetry data from MOC (Mission Ops Center @ APL) Level 1 – Time sorted (MET-UT conversion) files per real day. Science, HK data in engineering units. ECT Team internal only. Level 2 – Calibrated and corrected Science data in physical units, per detector, sector, full time resolution. Publically available. Level 3 – Magnetic field derived Science products. Under development, not public yet – Pitch angle information added for each detector, sector. One default pitch angle/energy data product per instrument. PAPCO allows for arbitrary pitch angle/energy data product. – Magnetic model information added to ephemeris (model field, magnetic coordinates). One default L-sorted data product per instrument. PAPCO allows for arbitrary L-sorted product. – Plasma moments (HOPE) Level 4 – Data converted into PSD units and sorted according to the three adiabatic invariants – μ, K, L*. Under development, not public yet – Instrument inter-calibration on each RBSP S/C – Inter-calibration between RBSP S/C – Inter-calibration with ancillary data (LANL GEO, GPS, etc) Ancillary Data – data from other instruments (LANL GEO, GPS, GEOS etc) will be included at their best quality availability. ECT-SOC will use what is available, but will not be responsible for any data processing work for these data. ECT-SOC Web Work Flow ECT Web Portal Launch Autoplot (pre-loaded bookmarks for ECT data, Ancillary data, products) Get Digital data (PRBEM CDF files) Use own tools (“I’ll do it my way”) Export (Excel, ASCII, bin,.. Can be scripted) Complex Plot (many panels) Simple Plot (File, variable) Make Summary Plots (publish to local or remote site) Launch PNG Walk (pre-loaded bookmarks for ECT, Ancillary summary plots) Browse Plots (can launch Autoplot with product) ECT-SOC approach is to provide an integrated data browse (PNG Walk) and rendering (Autoplot) environment. Data is provided is self describing format (CDF, Rich ASCII). Autoplot provides rendering and some analysis capability. For detailed analysis data can be imported into a variety of other languages and/or software packages (PaPCo, TDAS, Matlab, IDL). Direct “java-bridge” access to data into IDL or Matlab allows seamless access to anything Autoplot can render. ECT SOC website: Autoplot Website: Autoplot is Java based requiring a modern Java environment, which is standard on Unix, Windows and Mac. Autoplot uses the Webstart protocol which handles all install and update tasks. ECT-SOC Quality Control Same Loop for all L0->L1->L2->L3->L4 processing The ECT-SOC handles data from 2 HOPE, 2 REPT and 8 MagEIS instruments with 4 data levels of several data products per level (~160+ data products) and a range of ancillary data (ephemeris, magnetic field). Such processing cannot be handled “manually” but requires a database driven data processing and versioning scheme. This scheme is fully automated and keeps track of all file and processing versions – any specific file version can always be re-created. Any new file added to the system triggers all required processing steps. Am change in the version of a data file, support file or processing code triggers all required re-processing and version number updates. The quality control loop is an integral part of this scheme and also tracked in the process database. Autoplot / PNGWalk Examples PSD/MagEphem Processing The ECT SOC has a mandate to produce the magnetic ephemeris for the RBSP mission. Available on ECT website, direct data path: “pre” preliminary data files are being produced 4 weeks into the future (OP77Q, T89Q). “def” definite data files are produced with a 1-6 day lag depending on availability of the definite kernel from APL (OP77Q, T89Q routinely, T89D,TS04D on demand). Also produce rbspa-pp and rbspb-pp files of orbit # & perigee-perigee times (use in autoplot). Autoplot can use these MagEphem files to add extra tickmarks to any autoplot plot. Files are “Info Rich”, L, L*, coords, footpoints, etc etc.. “QinDenton” real-time solar wind, magnetospheric indices and “W” parameter files (provided by APL) are used for dynamic model inputs and are available for context. The ECT SOC has a large investment in infrastructure and codes (LANLGeoMag) to convert data from physical space (energy, pitch angle, position) to phase space density (PSD) at fixed adiabatic invariants – μ, K, L* for use in modeling, data assimilation and science studies Uses MagEphem files and energy/pitch angle data matrices as input together with in-situ magnetic field data Provides the input files for downstream modeling (DEAM code) Provides inverse transformation of PSD data to physical space along satellite trajectories.

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