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NEW CHAPTER the BIG idea Sound waves transfer energy through vibrations. Sound Sound is a wave. 2.1 Frequency determines pitch. 2.2 Intensity determines.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW CHAPTER the BIG idea Sound waves transfer energy through vibrations. Sound Sound is a wave. 2.1 Frequency determines pitch. 2.2 Intensity determines."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW CHAPTER the BIG idea Sound waves transfer energy through vibrations. Sound Sound is a wave. 2.1 Frequency determines pitch. 2.2 Intensity determines loudness. 2.3 Sound has many uses. 2.4 CHAPTER CHAPTER OUTLINE

2 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Sound is a longitudinal wave that travels through a material medium, such as air. Sound is a wave. 2.1 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE vibration sound vacuum wave

3 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME sound 2.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Sound is a wave. A type of wave that is produced by a vibrating object and that travels through matter. vibration sound vacuum

4 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME A rapid, back-and-forth motion. vibration 2.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Sound is a wave. vibration sound vacuum

5 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME A space containing no particles of matter. vacuum 2.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Sound is a wave. vibration sound vacuum

6 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME pitch Doppler effect Frequency determines pitch. 2.2 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE ultrasound resonance hertz A sound wave with a higher frequency and shorter wavelength is perceived to have a higher pitch. A sound wave with a lower frequency and longer wavelength is perceived to have a lower pitch.

7 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The quality of highness or lowness of a sound. Pitch is associated with the frequency of a sound wave  the higher the frequency, the higher the pitch. pitch 2.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Frequency determines pitch. pitch Doppler effect ultrasound resonance hertz

8 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The unit used to measure frequency; one hertz is equal to one complete wavelength per second. hertz 2.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Frequency determines pitch. pitch Doppler effect ultrasound resonance hertz

9 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME 1. Sound waves with frequencies above 20,000 hertz, the upper limit of typical hearing levels in humans. ultrasound 2.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Frequency determines pitch. pitch Doppler effect ultrasound resonance hertz 2. The use of sound waves with frequencies above 20,000 hertz for medical purposes.

10 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The strengthening of a sound wave when it combines with an object’s natural vibration. resonance 2.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Frequency determines pitch. pitch Doppler effect ultrasound resonance hertz

11 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The change in perceived pitch that occurs when the source or the receiver of a sound is moving. Doppler effect 2.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Frequency determines pitch. pitch Doppler effect ultrasound resonance hertz

12 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Intensity determines loudness. 2.3 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE intensity decibel amplification acoustics A sound wave with a lower amplitude and energy is perceived as a softer sound.

13 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Intensity determines loudness. 2.3 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE intensity decibel amplification acoustics A sound wave with a higher amplitude and energy is perceived as a louder sound.

14 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The amount of energy of a wave, per wavelength. Intensity is associated with the amplitude of a sound wave and with the quality of loudness produced by the sound wave. intensity 2.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Intensity determines loudness. intensity decibel amplification acoustics

15 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME dB The unit used to measure the intensity of a sound wave. decibel 2.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Intensity determines loudness. intensity decibel amplification acoustics

16 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The strengthening of an electrical signal, often used to increase the intensity of a sound wave. amplification 2.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Intensity determines loudness. intensity decibel amplification acoustics

17 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The scientific study of sound; the behavior of sound waves inside a space. acoustics 2.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Intensity determines loudness. intensity decibel amplification acoustics

18 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Sound has many uses. 2.4 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE sonar echolocation Human uses of sound: sonar ultrasound music telephone recording

19 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Sound has many uses. 2.4 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE sonar echolocation Bats use sound to locate objects.

20 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The sending out of high-pitched sound waves and the interpretation of the returning echoes. echolocation 2.4 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Sound has many uses. sonar echolocation

21 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Instruments that use echolocation to locate objects underwater; acronym for “sound navigation and ranging.” sonar 2.4 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Sound has many uses. sonar echolocation

22 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME I. Sound is a wave. A. Sound is a type of mechanical wave. C. The speed of sound depends on its medium. 1. The Effect of the Material 2. The Effect of Temperature 2.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Sound is a wave. 1. How Sound Waves Are Produced 2. How Sound Waves Are Detected vibration sound vacuum B. Sound waves vibrate particles.

23 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME 2.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Frequency determines pitch. II. Frequency determines pitch. A. Pitch depends on the frequency of a sound wave. B. The motion of the source of a sound affects its pitch. 1. The Doppler Effect 2. Frequency and Pitch 1. High and Low Frequencies 2. Natural Frequencies 3. Sound Quality pitch Doppler effect ultrasound resonance hertz

24 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME III. Intensity determines loudness. A. Intensity depends on the amplitude of a sound wave. 1. Amplification 2. Acoustics B. The intensity of sound can be controlled. 2.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Intensity determines loudness. intensity decibel amplification acoustics C. Intense sound can damage hearing.

25 VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME IV. Sound has many uses. A. Ultrasound waves are used to detect objects. B. Sound waves can produce music. 2.4 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Sound has many uses. C. Sound can be recorded and reproduced. 1. The Telephone 2. Recorded Sound sonar echolocation 1. Echolocation 2. Sonar 3. Medical Uses of Ultrasound

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