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STAND OUT: Communications and Messaging Strategies for CCR&R agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "STAND OUT: Communications and Messaging Strategies for CCR&R agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAND OUT: Communications and Messaging Strategies for CCR&R agencies


3 Audience Survey

4 Advertising vs Marketing vs Public Relations

5 Advertising vs Marketing vs Public Relations

6 Know thy audience

7 Primary Target Audience Secondary Audience Influencers Know Thy Audience

8 2012 User Demographics 78% of people who use the phone referral services are women. 45% are between the ages of 20-29; 26% are between 30-39. 67% of current referrals are low-income (57% are CCAP recipients.) 51% of current referrals are single adult homes. Employed Highest concentration of referrals = Denver County Know Thy Audience Create a Target Audience Profile

9 Parents/Families Mothers age 18-34 working outside the home with HH income up to $75,000: Emotionally and intellectually, our most likely targets share the following attributes: Want the best for their children Have little understanding about why quality child care is important Have little to no awareness of what quality child care looks like Assume that licensed ensures some quality Assume price dictates quality Struggle to make ends meet; convenience and cost are the two main drivers in choosing child care Know Thy Audience Create a Target Audience Profile

10 Simple Speak: Talking about child care to an outside audience

11 Simple Speak Preschool vs Daycare vs child care vs early childhood education vs early care and education


13 Simple Speak Colorado Child Care Provider Business Names

14 Crafting and speaking your elevator pitch

15 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch Your elevator pitch

16 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch The elevator pitch design is outdated.

17 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch Attention Span

18 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch What are your values?

19 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch What’s the problem you’re trying to solve?

20 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch What’s the solution you are offering ?

21 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch What’s the ask?

22 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch What are your values? What is the problem? What is your solution? What’s the ask?

23 Crafting and Speaking Your Elevator Pitch Primary Pitch Qualistar Colorado is one of the leading nonprofits in the state focused on improving the quality of child care. Secondary Messages We’re known for our Qualistar Rating, which measures quality. And we also improve the quality of child care through professional development, scholarships and grants. Lastly, we educate parents on what quality is and connect them with providers through our resource and referral system.

24 Messaging to Members

25 Child Care Aware® of America is here to provide the resources and training that help you serve parents and providers.

26 Child Care Aware® of America brings awareness to policy makers, funders and researchers on the contributions R&Rs make to their local communities.

27 What should I be doing on social media? Social Media Marketing: What should I being doing?

28 Audience Survey What should I be doing on social media?

29 Define Your Social Media Strategy Write Down Specific Business Goals & Objectives What should I be doing on social media?

30 Establish Who Your Social Media Manager Is What should I be doing on social media?

31 Create a Social Media Content Calendar Two types Annual calendar of events/activities Weekly calendar for daily posts/content What should I be doing on social media?

32 Content Calendar Outline Monday: 3 rd party link to an interesting article Tuesday: Photo of “behind the scenes” at your office/event Wednesday: Your own blog post Thursday: Question of the day (could be around a news event, social question, or crowd sourcing) Friday: Fan of the week (highlight a Fan or Fan Page that has contributed to a conversation on your page this week) What should I be doing on social media?

33 Social Media Calendar What should I be doing on social media?

34 To your customers, partners, media, news etc.. What should I be doing on social media?

35 Stop thinking campaigns Start thinking conversations What should I be doing on social media?


37 Easy does it. Weekends are better. Early birds catch the worms. The best Facebook posts are interactive. What should I be doing on social media? TIPS for Facebook inkClick.aspx?fileticket=ESp0PPvQ K-c%3d&tabid=115

38 Keep it to 120. Short but clear with action verbs. Link and connect. Use hashtags #ECE, #PreK, #Infants, #Toddlers, #HeadStart, #Kindergarten, #Childcare. Always credit your source (if you are retweeting.) Be chatty, be witty. Use Twitter buzz words to increase clicks. What should I be doing on social media? TIPS for Twitter

39 How to Master Facebook Marketing in 10 Days - A Publication of HubSpot ( Strong Foundations - The #B25 Strong Foundations Social Media Campaign - A Birth to Five Policy Publication ( ck.aspx?fileticket=ESp0PPvQK- c%3d&tabid=115) ck.aspx?fileticket=ESp0PPvQK- c%3d&tabid=115 What should I be doing on social media? Resources

40 Now What? Simple speak – talking about child care to an outside audience Identify and understand your audience Strategies to develop or refine your elevator speech and messaging Simple strategies to get started with social media How do I increase website traffic/visits?

41 ? Questions?

42 ?

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