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Movie Pitch Your task is to create a group presentation to “pitch” the movie version of the story to a television channel in order to receive the funding.

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Presentation on theme: "Movie Pitch Your task is to create a group presentation to “pitch” the movie version of the story to a television channel in order to receive the funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movie Pitch Your task is to create a group presentation to “pitch” the movie version of the story to a television channel in order to receive the funding to create your vision of the story. Each member of the group will share in the work and be responsible for the finished product (or lack thereof). Remember to follow all directions and complete the various portions of the presentation using creativity and the skills of the members of the group.

2 Movie Pitch Select the short story you would like to pitch and write a synopsis of the plot. Decide which television channel would be most interested in the story for its content and audience. You must provide an explanation for your reasons for choosing that channel. Create a storyboard illustrating a portion of the main conflict. Be sure to include what the conflict reveals about the main character.

3 EXTRAS Your group must create something “extra” to wow the television studio executives during the presentation. Discuss all ideas quietly with your group and select the idea(s) that you think will best sell your film idea. Refer to the rubric for the details and requirements for the finished product.

4 The End Product??? I will evaluate your performance each day to determine if this project is a good use of our valuable class time. Work hard, be creative, and have fun showing what you know and what you think about the story, the conflicts, and the reasons you think other people would be interested in experiencing a movie version of the story. Communicate with all students in the group and share equally in the work.

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