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MEET YOUR MENTOR. 35 finalists What next? Competing for real $: 1 grand $25,000 3 2 nd $15,000 Marketing Sparks + Blast Furnace 4 3.

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Presentation on theme: "MEET YOUR MENTOR. 35 finalists What next? Competing for real $: 1 grand $25,000 3 2 nd $15,000 Marketing Sparks + Blast Furnace 4 3."— Presentation transcript:


2 35 finalists

3 What next? Competing for real $: 1 grand prize @ $25,000 3 2 nd prizes @ $15,000 Marketing Sparks + Blast Furnace 4 3 rd prizes @ $4,000 4 4 th prizes @ $2,500 2 People’s Choice @ $2,000 Coaching Training Mentoring

4 Our mentors Daniel Bishop, Qualaris Kelly Collier, Activated Orthotics CJ Handron, Diamond Kinetics Sarjoun Skaff, Bosa Nova James, Hability Mark DeSantis, kWantera Eric Sinagra, PathVu Kit Mueller, RustBuilt Chris Vendilli Henry Wilde Meghan Skiff Chris Rasmussen Mike Bauer, Innovu Bob Delach Alex Gindin, Emplified Kirk Botula Brandon Ekberg, Eaton Stefano Gridelli, NetBeez Rick Kotermanski, Summa David Cristello John Halpern Mark Visco, Suitable Marta Dalton, Ansys Andy Rabin, CECity Daniel Garcia, Bellefield Systems Gabriela Isturiz, Bellefield Systems Mike Annichine Joel Reed, C-Leveled Elliot Dater Don Taylor Dan Grant Dan Seitam, C Leveled Joe Vennare, Fitsburgh Catherine Tyson, IEE Chris Ubinger, Advancement Chris Wilmer, ChemE Paul Sandberg

5 @ Pitt Greg Coticchia Evan Facher Paul Petrovich Dave Ruppersberger Lorenzo Soletti Chip Hanlon

6 Teams Healthcare Brain Chiller CareUnity DynaStim EzHR GREK Smart Band Heart Matters Next Gen Oxi-Dent Top Lung IT Defenders Ettorney Filminar Happibox Club Mozart Nutrigran Nymbus Skybridge Xion IT – Apps AGORA Book Exchange Busgazer eTray FEEAD Glimpse Lumoq Oculearn Trade Books Social Innovation/Other Dia-Beat-This Script Serebral Trellis CH4 Extractor Dirt Cheap Power One Oak Systems TreeCloud

7 Expectations Mentors and Mentees

8 Mentors Your main job is to coach… Establish a primary point of contact on the team, get contact information Provide your own contact information Plan to be available: 1 meeting/week; ~ 1 hour/meeting Be mindful of the judging criteria as you coach your team (see below) Encourage your team to practice their pitch, and give them feedback Tough love is a good approach… be tough, but respectful And remember, you can only advise those who will take your advice!

9 Mentees Establish a primary point of contact and give his/her contact information to your mentor Get your mentor’s contact information You are responsible for making the meetings happen Familiar yourself with the competition guidelines and judging criteria (below) Practice, practice, practice! Then practice some more! Then practice with your mentor… show them your pitch, elevator pitch & video Use your internal Pitt coaches too Listen to your mentor(s), consider their advice and be respectful, but in the end, this is your enterprise and pitch… so do what you think best.

10 Judges’ criteria 1. Big idea itself (problem/solution/product/technology/big idea) 2. Market (size and viability) 3. Customers & value proposition 4. Competitive analysis/competitive advantages 5. Revenue model (can value be built) 6. Team (who are they, complementary skill sets)

11 Presentation format Elevator pitch (≤ 1 minute) 5 minutes content Video (≤ 2 minutes) Total is 8 minutes presentation 6 minutes Q&A Powerpoint only, embedded video max file size is 28 MBs lower resolution to reduce file size Time slot sign ups (Carla)

12 Timeline Videos for People’s Choice AND Big Idea 3 due March 19 by 11:59 p.m. Elevator Pitch with Mr. Mel Pirchesky Saturday, March 21, 9.a.m. to 12 p.m., WPU 837 “Startup Hour” March 21 noon to 4 p.m., University Club Ballroom A Big Idea 3 final presentations due Wednesday, April 1, 12 p.m. on Competition site Big Idea 3 final presentations to judges Thursday, April 2, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., OSC and GSCC Big Idea Awards Showcase Thursday, April 2, 4-6 p.m., OSC Ballroom Between now and April 2 is 2.5 weeks! START NOW!

13 Using social media Get your friends and family to vote for People’s Choice video awards (use social media) @PittInnovates (Twitter and Facebook) #PittBigIdea


15 For Saturday Come with your one-minute elevator pitch to practice!

16 Competition upload site: Information site on Innovation Institute: competition-2015/big-idea-competitor-info competition-2015/big-idea-competitor-info People’s Choice voting site: Lowering the size of your PowerPoint prsentations:

17 Thank you, mentors!

18 Babs Carryer Director of Education & Outreach Innovation Institute, Pitt Of: 412 624-3172; Cell: 412 310-3502

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