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FOOD & DRINK INNOVATION NETWORK Quicker, Better, Faster NPD Conference Five Fundamentals of Concept Testing Chris Sinclair, Managing Director

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Presentation on theme: "FOOD & DRINK INNOVATION NETWORK Quicker, Better, Faster NPD Conference Five Fundamentals of Concept Testing Chris Sinclair, Managing Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 FOOD & DRINK INNOVATION NETWORK Quicker, Better, Faster NPD Conference Five Fundamentals of Concept Testing Chris Sinclair, Managing Director 25 th March 2009 Phone:01865 728272

2 2 Five Fundamentals of Concept Testing The Elevator Pitch Packaging Impact Price & Idea Interaction Overall Concept Potential Launching With No Marketing Support

3 3 The Elevator Pitch

4 4 The Elevator Pitch Communicating The Idea Key rules Set out the Need/ Observation/ Insight Introduce the product Identify why it is ‘The solution’ Cover off the range Sign off Golden Rules Must take less than 30 seconds to read Do not over-sell Avoid ‘Kitchen Sink’ Mentality

5 5 Oxford Sauce Cooking from scratch, meats and stews need a boost to provide a depth of flavour that the family will like. Introducing Baron Pouget’s Oxford Sauce. Baron Pouget’s Oxford Sauce is the secret ingredient you have been looking for, adding a delicious flavour boost to your casseroles and stews. With no artificial ingredients, Baron Pouget’s Oxford Sauce brings your food back to life with a zing. Baron Pouget’s Oxford Sauce. The perfect flavour boost 335g bottle. Available in all good delicatessens

6 6 Hot Spots Aid Improvement Disliked Liked New & Different

7 7 Over-selling = failure to meet expectations Higher Purchase Intent but product unable to meet high expectations Must be unique and relevant to consumers

8 8 Pack Design Makes and Breaks NPD

9 9 For concept testing, an image is needed Recommend a pack shot If usage/ interaction needed, demonstrate Uniformity is key between concepts Semi-finished designs are best Packaging is one of the most critical parts of the NPD process

10 10 Impact of Packaging on Volume

11 11 What drives concept appeal? The idea, its price, or both? ‘For the love of god’ - Damien Hurst

12 12 Test unpriced to capture the best ideas Price tested later in interview Concept Weighted PI (unpriced) BRAND A 42 BRAND B 37 BRAND C 37 BRAND D 34 BRAND E 34 BRAND F 34 BRAND G 31 BRAND H 30 BRAND I 28 BRAND J 27 BRAND K 26 BRAND L 22 BRAND M 16 BRAND N 12

13 13 Test unpriced to capture the best ideas Price tested later in interview Concept Weighted PI (unpriced) Price impact on Weighted PI BRAND A 4277 BRAND B 3782 BRAND C 3763 BRAND D 34138 BRAND E 34135 BRAND F 3492 BRAND G 31113 BRAND H 3095 BRAND I 28110 BRAND J 27114 BRAND K 2681 BRAND L 2274 BRAND M 1688 BRAND N 12133 Price impact 90-110 = ideal price 89 below = price too High 111 + = price too Low Brands D, E and N are too cheap Brands A, B, C, K, L & N too expensive Without separating price from the power of the idea, excellent ideas ‘Brands A, B & C’ would have been killed

14 14 Identifying True Early Concept Potential Otto Frederick Rohwedder’s Bread Slicing Machine, June 1928

15 15 Concept Potential Measure identifies the real concept potential 113 Database Av Launched Av 100 ‘New’ Oxford Sauce CPM Indexed to Category Database CPM Indexed to Earlier Concept Rep Sample, 100% awareness 100% distribution, indexed scores CPM converts consumer attributes into an early/ pre-volumetric understanding of overall Potential Developed using our Volumetric Engine & Database Stage 1: Oxford Sauce 100 141 121 ‘New’ Oxford Sauce CPM - Free Full volumetrics also available

16 16 Launching with No Marketing Support

17 17 Volume Index With no marketing support planned, the packaging has to do all of the work

18 18 Volume Index With no marketing support planned, the packaging has to do all of the work

19 19 Five Fundamentals of Concept Testing The Elevator Pitch Packaging Impact Price & Idea Interaction Overall Concept Potential Launching With No Marketing Support

20 20 Is your NPD better than sliced bread?

21 THANK YOU ANY QUESTIONS? Chris Sinclair, Managing Director 25 th March 2009 Phone:01865 728272

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