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The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 1 The types of pressures that we are exposed to in our daily lives can do a lot of damage to our souls.

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Presentation on theme: "The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 1 The types of pressures that we are exposed to in our daily lives can do a lot of damage to our souls."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 1 The types of pressures that we are exposed to in our daily lives can do a lot of damage to our souls. The world has become very competitive and at times it might seem to a person that the number of people who are trying to hurt them is larger than the number of people who are trying to help them. When people are emotionally vulnerable the dangers that they are exposed to are even greater because bullies like to target these types of people. We are going to be examining techniques for reactivating a soul that has been damaged by bullies.

2 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 2 There are some people who say that bullying is not really a problem in our society. They will tell you that there have always been bullies who try to hurt other people by doing unfair things to them or saying unfair things about them. But a lot of people are starting to realize that the bullies in our world today are much more powerful and much more dangerous than the bullies of the past. Why is it that some people are not concerned about the dangers of bullying and other people are very concerned?

3 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 3 The targets of bullies are quite often people who are somewhat shy and vulnerable. In the past people who were stronger than the vulnerable person the bully was targeting would often stand up for the person who was being bullied and would try to stop the damage that the bully was trying to do to the vulnerable person. In today’s world there are a lot of people who are strong enough to stand up to bullies but who are vulnerable in other ways.

4 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 4 There is a lot of competition in our world today and the types of people who in the past might have protected a vulnerable person who was being bullied might think twice, for example, if the vulnerable person was someone who they were competing with in a work situation or a school situation. This person who in the past might have protected the vulnerable person might think that they are also vulnerable because they feel that there is no longer enough opportunity in the world for everybody to get what they need.

5 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 5 The bullies in the world have always had some people who gave them support when they bullied vulnerable people. But now that there are people who are starting to think that there are too many people in the world competing for a limited amount of resources, bullies might be getting support from more people than they did in the past. Another problem that the vulnerable person faces is that the bully might make other people afraid of the vulnerable person by saying or inferring that the vulnerable person is not human or that they are overly sensitive to criticism.

6 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 6 Gaining insight into the nature of the damage that is done when a person is bullied can be difficult because one bully might hurt other people for one reason and another bully might hurt other people for a different reason. Before discussing the reasons why bullies feel the need to hurt other people, it might be useful to discuss the difference between the types of spiritual worlds that most people (including bullies) live in and the type of spiritual world that the bully’s vulnerable target lives in.

7 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 7 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3 Most of us feel that we have a pretty good idea as to what is right and what is wrong, and we are usually not afraid to express our opinions about what we consider to be right and what we consider to be wrong. How can we be so sure that we are right about an issue when the guy who lives down the block from us is so sure that we are wrong about the same issue?

8 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 8 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3 The guy who lives down the block began a socialization process of automatically exchanging his subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings with other people through the Collective Subconscious early in life. We also began the same socialization process early in life. How can our opinions be so different? Even though we were each developing spiritual links with other people as we were growing up, we were not developing our spiritual links with the same people.

9 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 9 The people who we developed our spiritual links with became an important part of our thought processes. They became like a conscience telling us what was right and what was wrong. Whenever we would express our opinions about an issue, we would feel that we were being “watched” and that we were being supported by these people who we were spiritually linked to. And the guy who lived down the block also felt that he was being “watched” and that he was being supported by the people who he was spiritually linked to. Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3

10 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 10 Our spiritual connections with the people who we were spiritually linked to were very real and very dynamic and those spiritual connections were a very important part of our reality. And the spiritual connections of the guy down the block were very real and very dynamic to him. Those spiritual connections were a very important part of his reality. We lived on the same block as the other guy but we lived in different spiritual worlds. Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3

11 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 11 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3 There are a lot of vulnerable people in our physical world who do not consider their spiritual connections with other people to be an important part of their reality. When a vulnerable guy (or a vulnerable girl) hears other people talking about the spiritual worlds that they live in, the vulnerable guy will not really understand what those people are talking about.

12 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 12 The vulnerable guy (Number 4 below) might have originally gotten into the difficult position of not living in a real spiritual world because he was only given a limited role in his family. Number 4

13 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 13 If the family gives the vulnerable guy only a limited role in the spiritual entity that is made up of the family members (and takes away some of his spiritual energy), they might create a fantasy about the vulnerable guy that says that he was given an equal role in the family and that he is capable of normal exchanges of spiritual energy with other people. Number 4

14 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 14 But the family might have trouble convincing other people that they actually gave the vulnerable guy an equal role in the family. The people outside of the family will sense that the vulnerable guy seems to treat everyone equally and that he does not seem to have the types of strong opinions that people usually have when they have a genuine role in a spiritual entity such as a family. Number 4

15 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 15 The people outside of the family might come to realize that the vulnerable guy has not even been given a limited role in his family. It might start to become obvious to family friends (such as Number 5 and Number 6 below) that the family has given them a role in the family that is equal to or greater than the role that the family has given to the vulnerable guy even though they are not actually in the family. Number 4 Number 6 Number 5

16 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 16 When the vulnerable guy’s family realizes what is happening they might decide that they need to take action to avoid being criticized by people outside of the family. One technique they might use to make it appear that the vulnerable guy has a larger role in the family would be to criticize him when they are talking to people outside of the family. The people who they talk to will think that the other family members would not be criticizing the vulnerable guy if they were indifferent to him. Number 4 Number 6 Number 5

17 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 17 Number 4 It will now be assumed that the vulnerable guy did at one time have an equal role in his family. The people observing the situation will think that the vulnerable guy did something wrong that made him fall from grace. It will be assumed that the vulnerable guy has the same cultural values as his family because he has been given the spiritual identity as being someone basically similar to the other family members but who just seems to have some bad traits.

18 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 18 The vulnerable guy is living in a false paradise that was based on the false premise that he was given an equal role in his family and that he has the same cultural values as his family. The vulnerable guy’s family set up this false paradise to show other people that they were not indifferent to the vulnerable guy. The false premise that the vulnerable guy was given an equal role in the family but just had a bad streak will appear to be true because it will be very hard for him to avoid being misunderstood by other people. Number 4

19 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 19 As the vulnerable guy gets older and starts developing relationships outside of his family and his family’s community, he will probably not understand some of the spiritual things that occur when he gets involved with other people. There is a danger that some of the people who he meets might try to take advantage of his weaknesses. Number 4

20 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 20 Most of the people who the vulnerable guy meets develop a deep set of emotions (which is the most important part of their soul). They also develop a practical set of emotions. An example of a person using their practical emotions might be a car salesperson merging the practical part of their soul with the soul of their customer for the purpose of getting the customer to sign the contract.

21 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 21 The salesperson forms a temporary spiritual bond with their customer so that they will be able to influence them when they need the customer to do something that they want them to do (such as when they need the customer to sign the contract). The salesperson knows how to use spiritual links to influence the customer’s thinking at that important point where the customer might be tempted to back out of the negotiation.

22 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 22 The vulnerable guy has exchanges of spiritual energy with other people that are similar to those of the salesperson. The salesperson has exchanges of spiritual energy with their customer, but it is only a temporary sort of a spiritual exchange that will not lead to a relationship. And the vulnerable guy also has exchanges of spiritual energy with other people that tend to not become very strong.

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25 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 25 The woman who the vulnerable guy meets is also exchanging her spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious with other people who she knows. A lot of spiritually and psychologically vulnerable guys might have gotten into a pattern where they are interfacing with a woman (who we will call a “primary woman”) who is only merging the practical part of her soul with the vulnerable guy.

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29 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 29 Number 4 The vulnerable guy (Number 4 below) might be picking up some strong emotional feelings because he can sense that there is a magical exchange of spiritual energy taking place between himself and the secondary women. The secondary women are receiving the vulnerable guy’s spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious and the vulnerable guy is receiving their spiritual energy.

30 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 30 Number 4 The secondary women might get upset with the vulnerable guy for sending them his subconscious thoughts and feelings through the Collective Subconscious and then not developing a deeper relationship with them. They will think that the vulnerable guy is leading them on and they will want him to stop sending his subconscious thoughts and feelings to them through the Collective Subconscious.

31 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 31 Number 4

32 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 32 Number 4 The vulnerable guy might have also gotten into a pattern of interfacing with other men who don’t want to get close to him personally but who will relay the vulnerable guy’s subconscious thoughts and feelings to other men who they know.

33 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 33 These men who are receiving the vulnerable guy’s subconscious thoughts and feelings through the Collective Subconscious will wonder why they are sensing that the vulnerable guy is trying to start a friendship with them and is then backing off and not developing the relationship. Number 4

34 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 34 Number 4 They do not understand that the vulnerable guy’s relationship with them is dependent upon another man transmitting his subconscious thoughts and feelings to them. The men who are receiving the vulnerable guy’s subconscious thoughts and feelings will eventually want to stop receiving these transmissions.

35 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 35 Number 4 When the woman and the man who transmit the vulnerable guy’s subconscious thoughts and feelings (his emotions) to other people realize what is happening, they might take on the role of a bully and they might create a lie that says that the vulnerable guy purposely likes to hurt other people emotionally.

36 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 36 They might expand upon their lie and say that the vulnerable guy is not only guilty of leading other people on emotionally, but that he is also guilty of continuing to send his emotions to other people through the Collective Subconscious when he knows that they do not want to receive those emotions. Number 4

37 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 37 The woman or the man might purposely start an interaction with the vulnerable guy for the purpose of getting him in trouble. They know that by starting an interaction with him without really accepting him they will be relaying his emotions to other people through the Collective Subconscious. Number 4

38 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 38 The woman and the man also know that when the other people receive the vulnerable guy’s emotions through the Collective Subconscious they are going to reject those emotions, and they are going to send a lot of bad vibrations back to the vulnerable guy through the Collective Subconscious. Number 4

39 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 39 It would never occur to the vulnerable guy that he might be blamed for leading other people on emotionally. But the man bully and the woman bully created a lie saying that he was purposely sending unwanted emotions to other people through the Collective Subconscious and then these bullies purposely relayed his emotions to those people. Number 4

40 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 40 The vulnerable guy needs to somehow communicate to other people that he did not intend to force his emotions on other people and that it was the bullies who purposely relayed his emotions to other people through the Collective Subconscious. As he tries to convince other people of his innocence the bullies will try to convince other people that the vulnerable guy is guilty.

41 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 41 One of the arguments that the bullies might use to convince other people that the vulnerable guy is guilty is that he sometimes seems to think that he is in a relationship with another person when he is not. The vulnerable guy knows that he sometimes gives other people this impression, but he does not know why this happens and he feels that he does not really believe that he is developing a relationship when this happens.

42 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 42 What is happening in these situations is that when a man bully or a woman bully take advantage of the vulnerable guy by doing something to him that is unfair, some of bully’s emotions will be forced onto the vulnerable guy. After the vulnerable guy picks up these emotions he will, without his knowledge, pass those emotions off to other people. The other people who he passes these emotions off to will start to develop an emotional relationship with the bully because the vulnerable guy will be relaying the bully’s emotions to them through the Collective Subconscious.

43 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 43 The vulnerable guy knows that what is happening is a long way from being a relationship because he knows that he is not receiving strong emotions from the other person. But he does not understand why he cannot just relax with this person who he does not believe he has formed a relationship with. He cannot relax with this person because the bully has gotten him to force the bully’s emotions onto the other person and the bully will not allow the vulnerable guy to back off and relax.

44 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 44 During the time immediately before a man bully or a woman bully takes advantage of the vulnerable guy, it is very likely that the bully will start to act kind of odd. They will start saying stupid things that make the people around them start to avoid the bully and start to criticize them. The bully has at this point used up the spiritual energy that they had stolen from other people in the past and the bully is becoming weaker.

45 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 45 The man bully or the woman bully needs to make a conquest. They need to connect their soul to the soul of another person, and they use the vulnerable guy to accomplish this. When the vulnerable guy starts an interaction with another person after being bullied, the soul of the man bully or the woman bully will attach itself to that other person. That is why it appears that the vulnerable guy is in a relationship. But the relationship is not between the vulnerable guy and the other person. It is between the bully and the other person.

46 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 46 The man bully or the woman bully will now start to feel emotionally satisfied and the people who had been laughing at them for their insecurity will now start to respect the bully once again. The vulnerable guy will notice that the new person who he started an interaction with might act friendly towards him for a short period of time thinking that he has started a relationship with them, but after a while they will turn cold towards him when they realize that he has done something that activated their emotions and then did not follow through and develop the relationship further.

47 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 47 Deep in the vulnerable guy’s mind he might believe that someday the man bully or the woman bully might want to become friends with him. He knows that his interactions with the bully have been positive for the bully. He has seen how the bully gets transformed from a somewhat shallow person into a person with a certain amount of confidence after the bully has an interaction with him and for this reason he might imagine that the bully might like him. But that is not really true.

48 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 48 The bully will eventually “use up” the spiritual energy that they received from the person who the vulnerable guy had relayed their emotions to. And in “using up” that spiritual energy they also “used up” the energy that the vulnerable guy had put into the bully’s relationship with that person. For this reason, in most situations there is no potential for additional spiritual energy exchanges between the man bully or woman bully and the vulnerable guy once the bully has used up that energy.

49 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 49 But if the bully and the vulnerable guy are in a work situation or a school situation where they are forced to continue interacting with each other, the bully may end up bullying the vulnerable guy several times over a period of months or years. In this type of situation the energy exchanges between them might eventually become fairly strong, but it will be negative type of energy that is being exchanged that cannot develop into a positive relationship.

50 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 50 The bully in the previous example did damage to the vulnerable guy, but it was a different type of damage than the damage done earlier in his life by the people who tried to convince other people that they were not indifferent to the vulnerable guy. But eventually the vulnerable guy will realize that the bully is also indifferent towards him.

51 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 51 Not only will the vulnerable guy see that the bully is indifferent towards him, but other people will also see that the bully is indifferent towards the vulnerable guy. At this point the bully might start to become afraid that other people will realize that the bully has only been using the vulnerable guy to relay the bully’s emotions to other people.

52 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 52 The bully might at this point start to criticize the vulnerable guy so that people don’t think that the bully is indifferent towards him. Now the vulnerable guy will be in a similar situation to what he experienced earlier in his life where somebody will be criticizing him so that other people don’t think they are indifferent to him.

53 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 53 When the bully starts criticizing the vulnerable guy the people who the bully is talking to will think that the bully would not be criticizing the vulnerable guy if the bully was indifferent to him. They will start to think that the vulnerable guy must have cultural values similar to those of the bully. They will think that he has fallen from grace but that he still has cultural values similar to those of the bully.

54 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 54 The vulnerable guy’s original false paradise was set up early in his life. The bully set up his second false paradise to show other people that the bully was not really indifferent to the vulnerable guy. It is possible that the vulnerable guy might someday be forced to live in a third false paradise or even in a fourth false paradise.

55 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 55 There is another type of bullying that can happen when a bully and a vulnerable guy are in a work situation or a school situation. If the bully is in a position of power and if somebody in the group has a behavior problem, the bully might be reluctant to punish that person if the person who has a behavior problem is somebody who the bully likes. They might decide to punish the vulnerable guy instead.

56 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 56 When this sort of thing happens the people in the group know that the person with the behavior problem has done something wrong and they are waiting to see what the punishment will be. They know that this person must “pay for their sins”. If the bully at this point starts to lean unfairly on the vulnerable guy, the people in the group will realize that the bully is trying to transfer the punishment that was supposed to go to the person with the behavior problem to the vulnerable guy.

57 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 57 If the vulnerable guy doesn’t have the spiritual strength to stop this from happening the group might join together spiritually to transfer the blame from the person who has the behavior problem to the vulnerable guy. Not only is this psychologically damaging to the vulnerable guy, but once this happens the person with the behavior problem might start to purposely do things that are wrong and then enjoy watching while the vulnerable guy is forced to accept the shame and the blame.

58 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 58 The vulnerable guy may not have the spiritual strength to stop this sort of thing from happening, but he should make sure that he does not start to subconsciously think that he should be held responsible whenever somebody with a behavior problem gets away with something at his expense. The vulnerable guy should not have to take the blame for things that other people do.

59 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 59 But there is also something else happening when a bully uses a group situation to transfer shame and blame away from a person who they are trying to protect and transfers it to the vulnerable guy. The bully might notice that the people in the group enjoyed what was happening when they helped the bully to perform the spiritual transfer of shame and blame from the guilty person to the vulnerable guy.

60 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 60 The bully will realize that not only did the group members participate in a transfer of spiritual shame and blame, but also that a spiritual bond has now been created between the members of the group that did not exist before. The bully will also realize that the vulnerable guy is now more isolated from the group than he was before. The bully has a big ego and is not going to apologize to the vulnerable guy or try to reverse what took place. Instead he might say or infer that the vulnerable guy is not human. Before the transfer of spiritual shame and blame took place the vulnerable guy might have had some support from one or two of the group members, but now he will have very little support from the group.

61 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 61 The vulnerable guy will very likely start to become discouraged at this point. When the bully notices that the vulnerable guy is feeling down and is a bit weaker than usual the bully might try to openly and unfairly criticize the vulnerable guy in front of the group. When the bully and the group members see that the vulnerable guy is upset about what is happening, the bully will act upset and will walk off making a remark inferring that the vulnerable guy is overly sensitive to criticism.

62 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 62 The vulnerable guy has two issues that he needs to deal with. First, he needs to deal with the bully’s accusation that he is not human. The vulnerable guy might feel that he has always tried to reach out to other people and has tried to develop good relationships with other people. But he is vulnerable to the bully’s accusation because he has not always succeeded in developing good relationships with other people.

63 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 63 Second, the vulnerable guy needs to deal with the bully’s accusation that he is overly sensitive to criticism. The vulnerable guy might feel that he has always tried to learn something when he has received constructive criticism. But he does not realize that below the surface he is very much afraid of criticism. He is afraid of criticism because early in his life when his family members were criticized by their group for being indifferent to him, they criticized the vulnerable guy to give other people the impression that they were not indifferent to him.

64 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 64 And later in the vulnerable guy’s life when he met bullies like the one in our example, they would also criticize the vulnerable guy to give other people the impression that they were not indifferent to him. The vulnerable guy is afraid of criticism because he has received (and has been damaged by) a lot of non-constructive criticism in the past and he is afraid that he is going to continue to be damaged by non-constructive criticism in the future.

65 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 65 The vulnerable guy is currently sending out spiritual vibrations to other people telling them that he is a person who sometimes gets accused of being not human and who sometimes gets accused over being overly sensitive to criticism. He is also communicating spiritually to other people that he thinks he is innocent of these charges, but that he does not know how to prove to other people that he is innocent.

66 The Philosophy of Exotischism Reactivating Your Soul 66 It would be better, and it might help the vulnerable guy to reactivate his soul, if he could with insight start sending out spiritual vibrations to other people that say: 1) he is tired of being dehumanized by bullies who then turn around and accuse him of being not human, and 2) he does not want to be damaged by people who provide him with only non-constructive criticism. Copyright 2013 Don Bergquist

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