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THE 1905 REVOLUTION “Without the dress rehearsal of 1905 the victory of the October Revolution of 1917 would have been impossible” – V. I. Lenin.

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Presentation on theme: "THE 1905 REVOLUTION “Without the dress rehearsal of 1905 the victory of the October Revolution of 1917 would have been impossible” – V. I. Lenin."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE 1905 REVOLUTION “Without the dress rehearsal of 1905 the victory of the October Revolution of 1917 would have been impossible” – V. I. Lenin

2 THE 1905 REVOLUTION  Discontentment of peasantry  Discontentment of proletariat  Revolutionary agitation  Lack of political participation  Growing nationalist movements  Russo-Japanese War PRECIPITATING FACTORS

3 THE 1905 REVOLUTION RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR  As answer to foreign policy issues & internal problems  But Russian fared poorly  Failures blamed on incompetence of regime

4 THE 1905 REVOLUTION BLOODY SUNDAY  Workers’ demonstration led by FATHER GAPON, Jan. 1905  Led to disturbances all over country  Nicholas II becomes known as “the Bloody”

5 THE 1905 REVOLUTION THE REVOLUTION SPREADS  General Strike, October 1905  OCTOBER MANIFESTO  Creates DUMA  Granted civil & political rights  Legalized political parties

6 THE 1905 REVOLUTION THE RADICAL RESPONSE  Revolutionaries initially refuse to participate in government  Marxist form SOVIETS with workers  LEV BRONSTEIN (TROTSKY) ST. PETERSBURG WORKERS’ SOVIET

7 THE 1905 REVOLUTION THE CONSERVATIVE RESPONSE  Passes FUNDAMENTAL LAWS, 1906  Duma dissolved, new elections held until “right” membership elected  Police apparatus strenghthened Tsar Nicholas II

8 THE 1905 REVOLUTION THE CONSERVATIVE RESPONSE  Emergence of staunchly conservative forces  BLACK HUNDREDS carry out POGROMS against Jews & radicals

9 THE 1905 REVOLUTION THE PEASANT PROBLEM  Peasant uprisings greater threat to regime  Nicholas makes major concessions to peasants  But also uses force to end disturbances

10 THE 1905 REVOLUTION Assessments of 1905  Urban & rural uprisings never joined  No real leadership – largely spontaneous  Role of peasantry essential  Growing & widespread opposition to autocracy  Tsar lost image as “little father”  Intransigence of regime

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