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A Life Of A Peasant By Edward and Kolton. What is a Peasant Peasants are traditional class of a farmer. Either laborers or owners of small farms. Especially.

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Presentation on theme: "A Life Of A Peasant By Edward and Kolton. What is a Peasant Peasants are traditional class of a farmer. Either laborers or owners of small farms. Especially."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Life Of A Peasant By Edward and Kolton

2 What is a Peasant Peasants are traditional class of a farmer. Either laborers or owners of small farms. Especially in Middle Ages under feudalism. In Europe peasants were divided into 3 classes according to their personal status slaves, serfs and freemen. Peasants are traditional class of a farmer. Either laborers or owners of small farms. Especially in Middle Ages under feudalism. In Europe peasants were divided into 3 classes according to their personal status slaves, serfs and freemen.

3 How much Peasants get Paid  Peasants don’t get paid a lot of money like some people in the Renaissance. They get a pennies every day before the black death. After the black death they got 3 pennies a day

4 The Peasants Owners  All the peasants worked to support their lord. They gave about half their time to work in their fields, cut timber, haul water, spin and weave, repair his buildings, and wait upon his household. In war, the men had to fight at his side. Besides labor, peasants had to pay taxes to their lord in money or produce. They had to give a tithe to the church--every tenth egg, sheaf of wheat, lamb, chicken, and all other animals.’’

5 Peasants Houses  Cruck houses were not big but repairs were quite cheap and easy to do. The roofs were thatched. They would have little furniture. The houses are likely to have been hot in the summer and very cold in the winter. Each family lived in a dark, dank hut made of wood or wicker daubed with mud and thatched with straw or rushes.” http://www.historylearningsi htm

6 Peasant houses

7 Thanks for watching

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