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Take the following notes in your notebook. You must take all of the notes. Show Mr. Von Boeckman your notes and he will stamp the notes. Then create a.

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Presentation on theme: "Take the following notes in your notebook. You must take all of the notes. Show Mr. Von Boeckman your notes and he will stamp the notes. Then create a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take the following notes in your notebook. You must take all of the notes. Show Mr. Von Boeckman your notes and he will stamp the notes. Then create a bubble map in Popplet and either turn in in Edmodo or e- mail it me.

2 Post Classical civilizations: Feudal Society

3 System introduced by the Franks, adopted by people for protection and to provide for basic needs. Kings offered nobles a grant of land (fief) in exchange for loyalty and service. The noble (vassal), gave homage (allegiance) to the king. Feudalism helped people survive.

4 Social Strict class structure based on the control of land and military power. Those born as serfs, knights, or lords could not change their social position. Local lords (nobles) were given land in exchange for military service. These lords had their own small armies of knights—armed warriors on horseback.

5 Political Leading nobles controlled political life. Built large castles for their own protection. Surrounded themselves with knights. The king relied on his nobles for his army, and the nobles often fought among themselves or challenged the king’s authority.


7 Economic Most people lived in manors—the lord’s house and the peasants living in the surrounding territory; known as manorialism. Each manor was self-sufficient (produced its own food, clothing, and shelter.) Varied in size depending upon the lord’s wealth. Every noble had at least one manor.


9 Economic Serfs—peasant farmers—gave the lord part of their harvest in exchange for land and other services. The lord protected the serfs and had almost complete power over them; could pass laws, require labor, act as a judge.

10 Farming in the Middle Ages Each year only 2/3 of the land was cultivated, letting the other 1/3 remain fallow (uncultivated), so it could recover its fertility. Known as the three-field system Farm animals were often small. Bad weather and poor harvest could lead to famine and death (The Great Famine, 1315-1322)


12 Peasant Life-Styles Produced the food used by society. Most were farmers but some were millers, blacksmiths, and tavern owners. Life revolved around the agrarian calendar. Lived in small towns or nearby farms on their lord’s manor.

13 Peasant Life-Styles Typical house—two-room cottage with walls of dried mud, plastered branches and straw, and thatch roof. Earthen floors, a stool, table, and chest to hold clothes. Stacks of straw served as beds for the entire family. Water was drawn from a nearby well or steam. Pigs and other farm animals often lived in the house.


15 Women in the Middle Ages Role of women was determined by the attitude of the Catholic church and nobility. Women were supposed to be obedient to men. Women gave birth to large numbers of children, most of which died in infancy. Noble women—prayer and domestic chores Peasant women—partnership with husband, working side-by-side.

16 Left Side Make a bubble map about Feudal Society on Popplet and turn into Edmodo or email Mrs. Larson

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