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3,000 - Acts 2:44 5,000 - Acts 4:4 Multiplied - Acts 6:1 Increased in number daily - 16:5.

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2 3,000 - Acts 2:44 5,000 - Acts 4:4 Multiplied - Acts 6:1 Increased in number daily - 16:5

3 I. Overcame all Hindrances 1. Lived in evil Surroundings Phil. 2:15 - crooked & perverse 1 John 5:19 - wickedness 1 Cor. 6:9-11 - immorality

4 There are many evil people They need the gospel Romans 1:16 The gospel still has power to change lives

5 2. There was Religious Error Jews - Romans 10:1-2 Gentiles - Acts 17:22-23 Still true today Some with honest and good heart - Matt. 13:23

6 3. Unconcerned with Spiritual “given over to pleasure” “eat, drink and be merry” “loved pleasure more than God” Their “belly” was their god

7 4. Skeptics Abounded Scoffed at idea of God Theory of evolution today Reject miraculous creation, miracles, resurrection

8 II. Early Church Grew because 1. Men were converted to Christ Not living for self Rom. 12:1-2 - living sacrifice Influenced their lives

9 2. Responsibility to Teach Lost Seed sown in hearts of men 2 Tim. 2:2 - teach others also Personal Responsibility Not a professional clergy

10 3. Christianity “taught religion” John 6:44,45 “they shall be all taught of God.” Rom.10:17- word produces faith Seed must be planted Start with family - friends

11 4. Apostles not super salesmen Went everywhere preaching the word - Acts 8:4 Acts 11:19-21 Paul in prison - Phil.1:12-14



14 Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 Sunday Evening November 8, 2009

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