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My Personal. A bank has your money box Why not keep money at home?

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Presentation on theme: "My Personal. A bank has your money box Why not keep money at home?"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Personal

2 A bank has your money box

3 Why not keep money at home?

4 Initial balance is zero

5 Rs 550 Balance 550 You make a deposit

6 You withdraw some amount Rs 550 Rs 300 Balance 250

7 A bank account tells you about your balance

8 Every withdrawal & deposit changes your balance

9 Allah (swt) has opened a bank account for us too

10 Righteous Deeds Bad deeds

11 Money verses Righteous Deeds Righteous deeds

12 Best way to increase our bank account with Allah?

13 Just like we crawl before we walk

14 We learn arithmetic before algebra

15 We must fix ourselves before we fix others

16 Good change in life begins with “You”

17 “When I was young & carefree, & my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world …

18 … As I grew older & wiser, I realized the world would not change…

19 …So I decided to shorten my sights somewhat, & change only my country. But it seemed immovable… KEEP OUT

20 …As I entered my twilight years,in one last desperate attempt, I sought to change only my family, those closest to me, but alas they would have none of it…

21 …I lie on my death bed and realize (finally, for the first time) if only I’d changed myself first…

22 I may have bettered my country

23 Then by example I may have influenced my family & with their encouragement & support ….

24 …who knows I may have changed the world”

25 Are you loaded or bankrupt?

26 Possible Symptoms Of Poor PBA

27 you cave in to peer pressure easily

28 Overly Concerned About What Others Think About You

29 You act arrogant to help hide your insecurities

30 You get jealous easily, specially when someone close to you succeeds

31 Possible Symptoms Of Good PBA

32 You stand up for yourself and resist peer pressure

33 You are not overly concerned about being popular

34 You trust Allah (swt) & yourself

35 Are you goal driven?

36 Are you happy at others’ success?

37 Cure for poor PBA

38 Gradually You Must Focus On Big Deposits

39 REMEMBER, You don’t have to climb a mountain to make a deposit

40 1.Purifying your heart

41 Humility and humbleness before God Giving up one’s own designs for Allah’s designs

42 2.Curing diseases of the heart Knowledge of the disease of the heart

43 The day when wealth & children will not benefit anyone, except he who will come to Allah with a Qalb-e-Saleem (a sound heart) ( Surah Ash Shu’ara 26: Verses 88-89)

44 Is this lump of flesh in our body & the heart that we need to purify, one & the same?

45 In Islamic tradition, the spiritual heart is centered in the organ called the heart

46 Hard hearted

47 Cold hearted

48 Warm hearted

49 I Wear my heart on my sleeves

50 Touched my heart

51 Heart leaping with joy !

52 My heart skipped a beat


54 Heart broken

55 Believers Hypocrites Disbelievers

56 Believers Hearts Alive & Full Of Light

57 Disbelievers Spiritually Dead Hearts

58 Hypocrites Diseased hearts

59 The heart is slightly to the left of our bodies

60 Arabic is also written from right to left towards the heart

61 We perform tawaf with our left side towards the Ka’aba

62 heart beats about 100,000 times a day – without taking a break

63 Human heart begins beating 18 - 21 days after conception!

64 The heart has its own type of intelligence


66 Love of the world

67 Greed

68 Jealousy

69 Hatred

70 Arrogance

71 Heedlessness

72 Fame Pursuit of

73 This promotes…. Lack of awareness of Allah Neglect of humanity Neglect of the Hereafter


75 The Heart Needs To Breathe

76 The remembrance of Allah (swt)

77 This is a life long process

78 The day when wealth & children will not benefit anyone, except he who will come to Allah with a Qalb-e-Saleem (a sound heart) ( Surah Ash Shu’ara 26: Verses 88-89)


80 May Allah (swt) guide all of us towards purifying our hearts & becoming worthy of Jannah

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