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LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN IP Enforcement: Strategies, Complications & Dispute Resolution Mr. L. Badri Narayanan.

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Presentation on theme: "LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN IP Enforcement: Strategies, Complications & Dispute Resolution Mr. L. Badri Narayanan."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN IP Enforcement: Strategies, Complications & Dispute Resolution Mr. L. Badri Narayanan

2 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN IP Enforcement IP Strategy Why? For Whom? IP HolderInfringer When?How? Litigation Border Protection Licensing

3 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN Litigation Proceed with caution IP Holder Cost – benefit analysis Choosing the correct forum – forum shopping?? Delay & Acquiesce Independent investigator – evidence on affidavit Appointment of local commissioner Injunction against unknown infringer? On interim injunction – settlement through licensing

4 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN Litigation Potential Infringer Advance filing of caveat Invalidation proceedings Expert Affidavit on invalidity/non-infringement

5 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN Litigation Pros Potential Infringer: Invalidity can be asserted IP Holder: seize and destroy order Cons Time factor

6 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN Border Protection Only if there is import of infringing goods On request of IP Holder, the Customs Authorities to seize infringing goods, without giving notice to importer IP holder has to give bond with surety and security To be challenged in the HC

7 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN Border Protection Pros Goods may be seized Higher chances of settlement for the fear of seizure, demurrages and penalty No avenue for infringer to assert invalidity Importer will have to go to High Court for quashing the seizure – This will cause delays and legal expenses IP Holder: Settlement through licensing Cons Rarely used in India Bond, with surety and security, will have to be posted by the patent owner to indemnify the importer and Customs if action fails

8 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN Licensing Some fundamental questions: Who is infringing/Whose IP are you infringing? Have you analyzed the IP portfolio? IP Holder: Send notice of caution Indicate you may want to license/cross-license Potential Infringer Freedom – to – Operate Opinion Consolidation of IP portfolio Send letter seeking license

9 LAKSHMIKUMARAN & SRIDHARAN Licensing Pros Win – win situation Cost effective Especially important in creation of standards Potential Infringer: may be considered for mitigation of damages Cons May still result in litigation Loss of time – difficulty in procuring temporary injunction Patentee: Potential Infringer may get away without paying damages for previous infringements


11 Contact us NEW DELHI B-6/10, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi – 110 029, India. Tel: +91 (11) 4129 9800 / Fax: +91 (11) 4129 9899 E-mail: CHENNAI 2, Wallace Garden, 2 nd Street, Chennai – 600 006, India. Tel: +91 (44) 2833 4700/ Fax: +91 (44) 2833 4702 E-mail: MUMBAI 401- 404, Kakad Chambers, 132, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018, India. Tel: +91 (22) 2491 4382/84/ Fax: +91 (22) 2491 4388 E-mail: HYDERABAD 5th floor, No. 5-9-163, Chapel Road, Hyderabad- 500001, India. Tel: +91 (40) 2323 4924 / 25/ Fax: +91 (40) 23234826 E-mail: BANGALORE 505-508, 5 th floor, Brigade Plaza No.71/1, Subedar Chatram Road, Anand Rao Circle, Bangalore-560 009, India. Tel: +91(80)4171 7777/ Fax: +91(80) 2237 1759 E-mail: AHMEDABAD B-334 (3rd floor), SAKAR-VII, Nehru Bridge Corner, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-380 009, India. Tel: +91(79)4001 4500 / Fax: +91(79) 4001-4599 E-mail:

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