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Evolution of nervous systems Bio334 – Neurobiology 1 – Lecture 2 August 5th 20131BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution of nervous systems Bio334 – Neurobiology 1 – Lecture 2 August 5th 20131BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution of nervous systems Bio334 – Neurobiology 1 – Lecture 2 August 5th 20131BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems

2 Questions from the last lecture Patients with Broca’s area lesions do have trouble writing Golgi – Cajal debate – reticular theory of the brain vs. individual cells August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems2

3 Why study the evolution of nervous systems Curiousity May provide fundamental insights into nervous system function and development August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems3

4 How to study evolution of nervous systems? Soft tissue not preserved properly so fossil record is not useful Instead study and compare the nervous systems of living animals from different phyla Caveat – these animals have also gone through evolution August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems4

5 What is a nervous system? A nervous system is an organized constellation of cells (neurons) specialized for the repeated conduction of an excited state from receptor sites or from neurons to effectors or to other neurons” Bullock and Horridge (1965) Additionally should be capable of endogenously generating activity Passano (1963) August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems5

6 Metazoan (multicellular) phylogenetic tree August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems6

7 Metazoan (multicellular) phylogenetic tree August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems7

8 Sponges – no nervous system – just muscle-like organs Non-motile Just muscle-like effectors that can control the flow of water These muscle-like cells also sense environmental cues August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems8

9 Metazoan (multicellular) phylogenetic tree August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems9

10 Diversity of nervous systems among other members of metazoa August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems10 20Regulation/48-NervousSystems/48-15-NervSystemDiversit-L.gif

11 Nerve nets – diffuse nervous systems without a brain Connect sensory neurons to muscles August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems11

12 Bilateralia – animals with bilateral symmetry have a organised nervous system Brain and nerve cord Cephalization – brain and sense organs close to one end of the body August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems12

13 Did these all evolve from a common ancestor? Examine the mechanisms and see if subsequent nervous systems could be viewed as modifications August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems13

14 Action potential present in unicellular organisms Calcium based Could have been adapted to use sodium and potassium based currents Electrical signaling is fast and can travel quickly over long distances High fidelity Is also specific – can activate target neurons without activating neurons on the way August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems14

15 Post-synaptic density proteins expressed in sponges Co-regulation maybe important for forming a functional synapse August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems15 Sakarya et al. PLOS One (2007) Conaco et al. PNAS (2012)

16 Ventral nerve cord in invertebrates vs. dorsal nerve cord in vertebrates Did they evolve independently? August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems16

17 Vertebrate dorsal nerve cord may be a result of inversion of ventral nerve cord Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Anton Dohrn August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems17

18 Conserved expression of genes in the anterio-posterior direction in the CNS August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems18 Origin and evolution of the first nervous system from the book Evolution of Nervous systems: Vol 1 edited by Jon Kaas

19 Vertebrate dorsal nerve cord may be a result of inversion of ventral nerve cord – more evidence August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems19 Platynereis – Arendt lab its/dev_biology/arendt/

20 Tripartite brain might have been present in an ancestor to Bilateria Similar divisions in Drosophila and mouse and ascidians Gene expression similar August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems20 Basic Nervous System Types: One or Many? from the book Evolution of Nervous systems: Vol 1 edited by Jon Kaas

21 Ventral and dorsal nerve cords could also have arisen independently from nerve nets August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems21

22 Evolution of first nervous systems August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems22 Origin and evolution of the first nervous system from the book Evolution of Nervous systems: Vol 1 edited by Jon Kaas

23 Evolution of first nervous systems August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems23 Origin and evolution of the first nervous system from the book Evolution of Nervous systems: Vol 1 edited by Jon Kaas

24 Evolution of first nervous systems August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems24 Origin and evolution of the first nervous system from the book Evolution of Nervous systems: Vol 1 edited by Jon Kaas

25 Brain complexity – expansion of cortex August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems25

26 Brain size vs. brain weight correlation August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems26

27 Encephalization quotent August 5th 2013BIO 334 - Lecture 2 - Evolution of nervous systems27

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