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AIRS and MOPITT CO ARSET Applied Remote SEnsing Training CO plumes at an altitude of roughly 2 km (700 millibars) over the Houston area and extending out.

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Presentation on theme: "AIRS and MOPITT CO ARSET Applied Remote SEnsing Training CO plumes at an altitude of roughly 2 km (700 millibars) over the Houston area and extending out."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIRS and MOPITT CO ARSET Applied Remote SEnsing Training CO plumes at an altitude of roughly 2 km (700 millibars) over the Houston area and extending out over the Bay of Galveston. This image represents a composite of data collected over a 10-day period, September 6-15, 2002, by MOPITT. 173

2 Current CO Sensors AIRS – Atmospheric Infrared SounderMOPITT – Measurements of Pollution in The Troposphere IASI – Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer

3 MOPITT- Measurements of Pollution In The Troposphere Operational since March 2000 A nadir sounding instrument Pixel resolution = 22km × 22km Swath width = 640 km Overpass times = 10:00 AM Vertical profiles of CO are obtained at 4.7 μm (thermal infrared – TIR – band) –Profile Units = Parts per Billion Volume mixing ratio (ppbv) Column CO are obtained at 2.2-2.4 μm (Near-infrared – NIR - band) –Column Units = molecules/cm2 Current Version 6 9 vertical layers 900hPa – 100hPa Final products are the Level 3 gridded data HOMEPAGE =

4 4 AIRS Operational since Sept. 2002 A nadir sounding instrument. Pixel size = 14 km at nadir 41 x 21 km edges Swath width = 1650 km Overpass times 13:30 AM (Ascending orbit) 13:30 PM (Descending orbit) 9 vertical layers (904.866 hPa – 0.016 hPa) Profile Units = Volume mixing ratio Total Column CO measurements provided in units = molecules/cm2 Data Source: L2 orbit and L3 gridded 1 o ×1 o resolution Version 6 just came out – available Level 2 only. Level 3 still V5. HOMEPAGE:

5 Data Formats Aura data (OMI and TES) are stored in HDF5 format Airs and MOPITT data are stored in HDF4 format

6 File Names Level 3: AIRS.2013.03.07.L3.RetStd_IR001.v5.0.14.0.G13067153748.hdf Level 2: AIRS.2009.12.03.131.L2.RetStd.v5.0.14.0.G2002123120634.hdf DateLevel Product Type Version Granule number = There are 240 granules/day MOPITT L3: MOP03N-20020119-L3V3.1.2.hdf AIRS DateShort Name

7 MOPITT Level 2, 3 Short names

8 Access to AIRS CO data/images –GES-DISC Level 2 and 3 HDF4 and NetCDF format –AIRS Near Real Time (NRT) Images and Products Uses Level 2 ungridded data Outputs include: –PNG, GeoTIFF images –KMZ format for Google Earth (both daytime and nighttime images) CAVEAT: Only stores images going back 9 days from the present day. –GIOVANNI Uses Level 3 1 o X1 o gridded data Outputs include: –Subset data in ASCII, NetCDF –KMZ format for Google Earth visualizations –HDFLook – with limited capabilities. –Panoply Used to visualize HDF format files Used to convert HDF to KMZ files for Google Earth visualizing


10 Goes to a product summary page with links to the Instrument and product documentation Level 2 AIRS2RET and Level 3 AIRS3STD are the standards daily products HSB is a humidity sensor that failed in 2003 AMSU is a temperature sounder Product Information and access to AIRS data can be found here: Take you to the Mirador search engine. There is the optoin to on vert to Net CDF format

11 Quality Screened = Filters all data variables based on the science team recommendations. Available ONLY for Level 2 data!

12 What’s inside an AIRS Level 3 data file?

13 HDFView

14 Access to AIRS CO data/images –GES-DISC Level 2 and 3 HDF4 and NetCDF format –GIOVANNI Uses Level 3 1 o X1 o gridded data Outputs include: –Subset data in ASCII, NetCDF –KMZ format for Google Earth visualizations –AIRS Near Real Time (NRT) Images and Products Uses Level 2 ungridded data Outputs include: –PNG, GeoTIFF images –KMZ format for Google Earth (both daytime and nighttime images) CAVEAT: Only stores images going back 9 days from the present day. –HDFLook – with limited capabilities. –Panoply Used to visualize HDF format files Used to convert HDF to KMZ files for Google Earth visualizing

15 GIOVANNI Level 3

16 Download Image Download Data file that create the image Download the individual files Download KMZ File

17 IF AIRS Level 3 1x1 degree resolution is too course then another option is to use Level 2 data – either NRT or downloaded from the Goddard DISC.

18 Access to AIRS CO data/images –GES-DISC Level 2 and 3 HDF4 and NetCDF format –GIOVANNI Uses Level 3 1 o X1 o gridded data Outputs include: –Subset data in ASCII, NetCDF –KMZ format for Google Earth visualizations –AIRS Near Real Time (NRT) Images and Products Uses Level 2 ungridded data Outputs include: –PNG, GeoTIFF images –KMZ format for Google Earth (both daytime and nighttime images) CAVEAT: Only stores images going back 9 days from the present day. –HDFLook – with limited capabilities. –Panoply Used to visualize HDF format files Used to convert HDF to KMZ files for Google Earth visualizing

19 AIRS NRT Products and Images Website: There is a Near-Real Time (NRT) product that exports KMZ files but is available for data going back 9 days only. This product is great for capturing events as they happen! NRT Level 2 data, PNG, GeoTIFF, and KMZ files are availabe at this site. BUT historic data is not available.

20 AIRS NRT Products and Images Website: To get KMZ files for Google Earth: 1. click on “2. AIRS NRT Images” 2.Click on where it says ‘KMZ’

21 Note: These NRT data are in parts per billion A = Ascending (daytime) and D = Descending (nighttime) are included.

22 CO Imagery AIRS – Atmospheric Infrared Sounder AIRS Homepage: Version 5 documentation = Data from GES DISC: product/data_products.shtml product/data_products.shtml Near-Real-Time imagery and KMZ files for AIRS CO. - WMS Link page for archival and Near-Real-Time imagery as well as special collections.

23 Access to AIRS CO data/images –GES-DISC Level 2 and 3 HDF4 and NetCDF format –GIOVANNI Uses Level 3 1 o X1 o gridded data Outputs include: –Subset data in ASCII, NetCDF –KMZ format for Google Earth visualizations –AIRS Near Real Time (NRT) Images and Products Uses Level 2 ungridded data Outputs include: –PNG, GeoTIFF images –KMZ format for Google Earth (both daytime and nighttime images) CAVEAT: Only stores images going back 9 days from the present day. –HDFLook – with limited capabilities and a large learning curve. –Panoply Used to visualize HDF format files Used to convert HDF to KMZ files for Google Earth visualizing

24 HDFLook can read AIRS L2 CO data (HDF4 Format)

25 Access to AIRS CO data/images –GES-DISC Level 2 and 3 HDF4 and NetCDF format –GIOVANNI Uses Level 3 1 o X1 o gridded data Outputs include: –Subset data in ASCII, NetCDF –KMZ format for Google Earth visualizations –AIRS Near Real Time (NRT) Images and Products Uses Level 2 ungridded data Outputs include: –PNG, GeoTIFF images –KMZ format for Google Earth (both daytime and nighttime images) CAVEAT: Only stores images going back 9 days from the present day. –HDFLook – with limited capabilities. –Panoply Used to visualize HDF format files Used to convert HDF to KMZ files for Google Earth visualizing

26 Panoply – netCDF, HDF, and GRIB data Viewer Additional Visualization resources

27 Worldview Filtered to show high CO events only, i.e. > 98.9 ppb

28 Access to MOPITT Data and Imagery

29 MOPITT now has an interactive visualizer Homepage:


31 Unlike AIRS - there is NO real-time MOPITT data available

32 MOPITT (+ all NASA EOS satellite) data are available at EOSDIS – NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System

33 GIOVANNI AIRS Near-Real Time (NRT) Products and Images (PNG, GeoTIFF, KMZ) AIRS Level 2 Data Products product/data_products.shtml EOSDISC Reverb global search tool: Mirador Search/Get date: AIRS Homepage: MOPITT Homepage: MOPITT Daily/Monthly images: Summary of AIRS and MOPITT Websites

34 HDF Zoo – provides examples on how to read and visualize various NASA HDF/HDF-EOS files using IDL and MATLAB

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