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FLYING SAMS GBM #2 11.25.2012 updates and vitals how-to!

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Presentation on theme: "FLYING SAMS GBM #2 11.25.2012 updates and vitals how-to!"— Presentation transcript:

1 FLYING SAMS GBM #2 11.25.2012 updates and vitals how-to!

2 Last Clinic trip

3 Clinic updates  With 2 doctors and a dentist, we had a total of 64 patient visits!  Public health program got started  about 20 patients were enrolled and a baseline screening will take place next clinic  Dental patients received consults, and appointments were scheduled for next time  Paula –special collab with UCI  border wait was 4 hours!

4 Upcoming Clinic Point opportunities  Fall GBM #2 (you’re already here!)  Thank you to earlybird flyering volunteers

5 Upcoming Clinic Point opportunities  Ralphs  sign up your Ralphs card TONIGHT at the end of the meeting and get an additional clinic point for being here! if you use a phone number, that’s ok too and get your friends and family to do this, the power of facebook!

6 Next Clinic Trip Dec 15th  We will be bringing donations from rotary and having a holiday fiesta!  face paints, toys, and more!  sign ups will be sent out at the end of this week  you will know if you have been selected before finals  Note: there will be a preclinic meeting Friday night before the clinic; if you are selected and you have a final at the time of the meeting, notify the coordinator

7 Other opportunities (future)  Recent trip to Jamaica with Dr. Andrade Stay with us, details/sign-ups TBA:  India trip March 9-22, 2013  medical, dental, acupuncture and health edu  build a permanent health center  Health fair June 22 2013  Here, at a Church in Bonita. Collab with SAI and SDSU  expect 100’s of patients  China trip Aug 31-Sept13, 2013  surgery, screening, etc.


9 Height/Weight  Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight  Adults and pediatrics have different charts  Adult BMI formula: weight (lb) / [height (in)] 2 x 703):  In our clinic, we have a wheel to calculate this for us  Classification: Underweight=<18.5 Normal Weight=18.5-24.9 Overweight=25-29.9 Obesity=BMI of 30 or greater  Caveats: BMI ≠ health!! better: BP, waist circumference, VO2max, etc.




13 Blood pressure Blood pressure (mm Hg) Classification†SystolicDiastolic Normal119 or lower79 or lower Prehypertension120 to 13980 to 89 Stage 1 hypertension140 to 15990 to 99 Stage 2 hypertension160 or higher100 or higher Classification of Hypertension (in adults) Magic numbers: 120/80

14 Temperature  Magic number: The average normal oral temperature is 98.6 F.  An ear (tympanic) temperature is 0.5F to 1F higher than an oral temperature.  An axillary temperature is usually 0.5F to 1F lower than an oral temperature.

15 Blood Sugar Category of a person Fasting ValuePost Prandial Minimum ValueMaximum Value Value 2 hours after consuming glucose Normal70100Less than 140 Early Diabetes101126140 to 200 Established DiabetesMore than 126-More than 200 Magic number: fasting normal is 70-100 Caveat: interpretation changes with food intake

16 SP O2%  magic number: 95-100% is normal  just tells you the amount of oxygenation in someone’s blood  if someone is below the normal range, then they probably need to be hospitalized  could be anemia…many things

17 Blood Sugar

18 HbA1c  magic number: below 6.5%  what is it:  measures glycated hemoglobin levels to identify the average plasma glucose concentration over prolonged periods of time  uses:  checking blood sugar control in people who might be pre-diabetic  monitoring blood sugar control in patients with more elevated levels, termed diabetes mellitus (4x/year)

19 Cholesterol  magic number: <200mg/dL total cholesterol  also depends on what you ate that day  LDL (bad): <160mg/dL w/o family history (<100 with)  HDL (good): >40mg/dL  LDL = [total cholesterol] − [total HDL] − [trig/5] Level mg/dLmgdLInterpretation < 200 Desirable level corresponding to lower risk for heart disease 200–240Borderline high risk > 240High risk

20 Urinalysis  magic number: just a color coded dipstick  we measure a lot of things with urinalysis  urinary tract infection (UTI) – leukocytes, nitrites  diabetes – glucose, ketones  others, which can mean many things  ie. blood is always a bad thing  limited usefulness: we don’t have a microscope or skilled tech, necessary for a 100% UTI diagnosis, etc. just evidence to support conclusions

21 Take Home  Vitals – it’s in the name, they’re important (labs too!)  But more important is the use of health indicators in concert to raise awareness  ‘What I have noticed is that there is an increased awareness in overall health.’ --UCSD Chapter FS President 2011

22 Questions? Comments? Jokes?

23 Pricking Practice and Ralphs sign ups Sign-in/Ralphs point! Pricking Practice: Small Groups *Front*

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