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Food Basics Unit 2: Lab Preparation.

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1 Food Basics Unit 2: Lab Preparation

2 Measurement Equivalents
3 teaspoons= 1 Tablespoon 16 Tablespoons= 1 cup= 8 ounces 2 cups= 1 pint= 16 ounces 2 pints= 1 quart= 32 ounces 4 quarts= 1 gallon= 128 ounces 1 pound= 16 ounces 1 stick of butter= ½ cup= 8 Tablespoons= ¼ pound Pinch- few grains, 1/8 tsp

3 Measurement Techniques
Flour: spoon in flour until heaping, then level with a straight edge (dry measuring cup) Sugar: spoon in sugar until heaping, then level with a straight edge (dry measuring cup) Brown Sugar: pack brown sugar into dry measuring cup and level

4 Measuring Techniques Shortening: Pack shortening into dry measuring cup and level with a straight edge Butter/Margarine: measure by weight or use package as a direction or use same method as shortening Liquids: Measure in a liquid measuring cup. Place the cup at eye level on a flat surface. Powdered Sugar: Sift then spoon into a dry measuring cup and level with a straight edge

5 Abbreviations tsp, t- teaspoon Tbsp, T- Tablespoon c.- cup pt- pint
qt- quart oz- ounce lb- pound gal- gallon

6 Examples What is the correct equivalent? 16 Tbsp. 4 Tbsp. 3 tsp.
8 fluid ounces 8 ounces 2 cup. 2 pt. 2 sticks of butter

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