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Put the food in the correct basket. 1. milk 2. tomato 3. spoon 4. popcorn 5. yogurt 6. salt 7. apple 8. onion 9. dumpling 10. shake 11. juice 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Put the food in the correct basket. 1. milk 2. tomato 3. spoon 4. popcorn 5. yogurt 6. salt 7. apple 8. onion 9. dumpling 10. shake 11. juice 12."— Presentation transcript:




4 Put the food in the correct basket. 1. milk 2. tomato 3. spoon 4. popcorn 5. yogurt 6. salt 7. apple 8. onion 9. dumpling 10. shake 11. juice 12. meat 13. cup 14. porridge 15. watermelon 16. mutton 头脑风暴:

5 2. tomatoes 3. spoons 7. apples 8. onions 9. dumplings 10. shakes 13. cups 15. watermelons 1. milk 4. popcorn 5. yogurt 6. salt 11. juice 12. meat 14. porridge16.mutton

6 Then, pour the popcorn into a bowl. First, put half a cup of corn into the popcorn machine. Next, turn on the machine. Finally, put some salt. You can eat it. How do you make popcorn? 半杯爆米花

7 Finally, water the trees. Next, put the tree in the hole. How do you plant a tree? First, dig a hole. Then, put the soil back. It’s OK now.

8 I like sandwiches best. What’s your favorite food? My favorite food is hamburger. What about you? Can you make sandwiches? Sure. I can make sandwiches.

9 piece n. 片;块;段 lettuce 生菜 e.g. I need a piece of bread. 我需要一片面包。 butter sandwich ['sænw ɪ t ʃ ] ['let ɪ s] ['b ʌ tər] [pi ː s]

10 turkey onion lettucebutter tomato ['t ɜː rki] cheese [t ʃ i ː z]

11 Make a list of things you like in a sandwich. 1a

12 In my sandwich I like ____________________________________ ____________________________________ bread, butter, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, turkey and onions.

13 A: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like tomatoes? B: No, I don’t. 1b Ask and answer questions with a partner. Find out what he / she likes in a sandwich.

14 How do you make a cheese sandwich?

15 two pieces of bread bread a piece of butter butter turkey 火鸡肉 turkey pieces 火鸡肉片 cheese some cheese [t ʃ i ː z]

16 First, take a piece of bread. Let’s make a cheese sandwich. Next, put a spoon of butter on the bread.

17 Next, put some cheese on the tomatoes. Then, put some tomato pieces on the butter.

18 Finally, put another piece of bread on the top. And put some onions on the cheese.

19 Listen and circle the words you hear. 1c

20 First butter Next Then Finally 1d Listen again. Write the ingredients in the order you hear them. tomatoes lettuce another piece of bread onion cheese

21 First, put some butter on a piece of bread. How much butter? About one spoon. Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich. 1e

22 First _____ the cheese on the two pieces of bread. ______ cut up one ________. Put the tomato on the bread. Next, add two pieces of ________. _________ put two teaspoons of ________ on the turkey. put Then tomato turkeyFinally butter turkey finally butter tomato then put 一、选词填空

23 二、单项选择 1. It’s getting dark. Can you ______ the light? A. turn off B. turn on C. turn over 2. — ________ yogurt do you need? — One teaspoon. A. How many B. How much C. Which B B

24 3. The baby can eat ____ bread for breakfast. A. two B. many of C. two pieces of 4. I have _______ bananas in the fridge. A. a lotB. many C. much 5. Would you like ____ cheese on the bread? A. manyB. any C. some C B C


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