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Fruit Salad. What is fruit salad? Fruit salad is a delicious, healthy snack or dessert. You can eat it on its own or with ice-cream or yoghurt. It can.

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Presentation on theme: "Fruit Salad. What is fruit salad? Fruit salad is a delicious, healthy snack or dessert. You can eat it on its own or with ice-cream or yoghurt. It can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fruit Salad

2 What is fruit salad? Fruit salad is a delicious, healthy snack or dessert. You can eat it on its own or with ice-cream or yoghurt. It can be eaten anytime of the year, but is mostly eaten in the summer when it is hotter.

3 What equipment do you need to make fruit salad? You will need 1 cutting board 1 bowl 1 knife 1 wooden spoon

4 Ingredients you will need…. 1 apple 1 orange 1 banana 1 passionfruit

5 Now wash your hands!

6 This is how to make the fruit salad. First you wash the fruit Cut the apple and take out the core.

7 Slice the apple and put into the bowl.

8 Peel and slice the banana. Put the banana into the bowl.

9 Peel and slice the orange. Put the orange into the bowl.

10 Cut the passionfruit in half and scoop the inside into the bowl.

11 Mix all the fruit together.

12 Now spoon some fruit salad into a small bowl and add some ice-cream. Now you can eat the fruit salad.

13 Fruit salad is a dish that can be eaten on its own or as part of a meal. It can be made from any fruit you like.

14 How to write a procedure

15 Space Cookies These cookies are called space cookies because they are what we imagine the surface of the moon might look like. They are fun and easy to make and taste delicious. Follow these simple instructions below to make these yummy cookies. Heading Introduction

16 Equipment needed 1 bowl wooden spoon Weighting scales Measuring cups Baking tray Cooling rack Oven mitts Bullet points for a list

17 Ingredients 60g Butter ¼ cup of sugar ¼ cup brown sugar 1 egg ¼ teaspoon of vanilla 130g self-raising flour 50g choc chips Small pack smarties A list of ingredients

18 Method Preheat oven to 150 degrees c Line a large baking tray Beat together the butter, sugars and vanilla. Add lightly beaten egg. Mix in sifted flour and salt Add choc chips Roll mixture into balls and put on tray Cook for about 8-12 minutes. Use command verbs Procedure tells the reader what to do

19 After making the space cookies, share them with your friends. Talk to your friends about how you made the cookies and how they look like the surface of the moon. Write a concluding paragraph

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