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C HILD C ARE & D EVELOPMENT Infants. I NFANT M OBILITY Motor Development – the use and control over muscles Large muscles = gross motor skills Small muscles.

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Presentation on theme: "C HILD C ARE & D EVELOPMENT Infants. I NFANT M OBILITY Motor Development – the use and control over muscles Large muscles = gross motor skills Small muscles."— Presentation transcript:


2 I NFANT M OBILITY Motor Development – the use and control over muscles Large muscles = gross motor skills Small muscles = fine motor skills Locomotion – the ability for an infant to move from place to place Crawling, creeping, and cruising

3 I NFANT S PEECH AND L EARNING Intellectual Development – how infants learn, what they learn, and how they express what they know through language or react to stimuli Stimuli – sounds, light, other people 3 Months Can tell the difference between the sounds mama and dada 3-6 Months Prefer the colors red and blue

4 I NFANT S PEECH AND L EARNING Cognition – the act or process of knowing or understanding that gives meaning to perceptions Sensorimotor Stage – Piaget’s first stage of mental development where an uses infant senses and motor skills to learn and communicate 12 Months (1 year) Piaget believes infants apply all of their learning to solve problems

5 I NFANT S PEECH AND L EARNING Babbling – the sounds infants make, such as ba, da, and ga Reduplication babbling – repeating the same syllable over and over, such as da, da, da, da… Active vocabulary – words used when talking or writing Passive vocabulary – words understood, but not said

6 I NFANT S OCIAL -E MOTIONAL D EVELOPMENT Social-emotional Development – Showing feelings through emotions, mood/disposition, and learning to interact in social groups Disposition (or temperament) – the tendency to react in a certain way, such as being happy or fussy Easy, slow to warm up, and difficult

7 I NFANT S OCIAL -E MOTIONAL D EVELOPMENT Trust Vs. Mistrust – Erikson’s stage of personality development dealing with infants Fear of the Unknown – Strangers, sudden movement, new objects, new sounds Separation Anxiety – the first experience of anxiety an infant has; between 10-12 months Anger – expressed in physical ways, such as grabbing, shaking, or hitting

8 I NFANT P HYSICAL N EEDS AND F EEDING 6 months Doctors recommend starting solid foods Reflexive Response – infants thrust tongue forward, pushing spoon out of mouth during first spoon feeding Doesn’t mean they don’t like it SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome How to prevent?

9 I NFANT P HYSICAL N EEDS AND F EEDING Sensory Stimulation Activities – letting infant touch safe objects, mobiles, sounds Too many activities can confuse or bore the infant Coordination – the working together of muscles in movements Peek-a-boo – one of the first games that teaches problem solving to infants

10 I NFANT P HYSICAL N EEDS AND F EEDING Pat-a-cake – One of the first language action games for infants Infants must possess objects before learning to share

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