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2014 Transmission Stakeholder Meeting Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois and Ameren Illinois Company October 29, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Transmission Stakeholder Meeting Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois and Ameren Illinois Company October 29, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Transmission Stakeholder Meeting Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois and Ameren Illinois Company October 29, 2013

2 2 AGENDA Main Purpose is to review ATXI and AIC Projected 2014 Transmission Rate Calculations Background on Attachment O, GG & MM Overview of MTEP and MVPs Forward Looking Rates New Rate Protocols Approved Incentives ATXI Comparison to Current Revenue Requirement ATXI 2012 True Up AIC Comparison to Current Revenue Requirement 2014 AMIL Pricing Zone NITS Charge

3 3 AIC AND ATXI Both AIC and ATXI are transmission owning subsidiaries of Ameren Corporation, as well as MISO Transmission Owners (TOs) AIC will continue to build and own traditional reliability projects ATXI is in the process of building and will own new regional transmission projects Prairie Power, Inc. became a TO in the AMIL pricing zone effective June 1, 2013. The sum of their Attachment O net revenue requirements equals the total revenue requirement for AMIL pricing zone to be collected under Schedule 9 (NITS)

4 4 MISO ATTACHMENTS O, GG & MM Calculate rates for Schedules 9, 26 & 26-A Attachment GG - Schedule 26 (page 5) Attachment MM - Schedule 26-A (page 6) Attachment O - net revenue requirement billed under Schedule 9 (page 7) Schedules 26 and 26-A are billed by MISO Schedule 9 is billed by Ameren

5 5 MISO ATTACHMENT GG Cost Recovery for certain Network Upgrades Eligible projects Market Efficiency Generator Interconnections Cost shared based upon project type MISO-wide based on load Subregional based on LODF (Line Outage Distribution Factor) AIC has three Attachment GG projects completed Three additional projects under construction ATXI has no Attachment GG projects

6 6 MISO ATTACHMENT MM Cost recovery for Multi-Value Projects (MVPs) Very similar format as Attachment GG Criteria for being considered Developed through planning process and support energy policy Multiple types of economic value across multiple pricing zones with benefit to costs > 1 Address at least one: Projected NERC violation Economic-based issue Cost shared across MISO based on load AMIL Zone is approximately 9% Ameren MVPs will primarily be built by ATXI AIC will be responsible for modifications needed to its existing facilities

7 7 MISO ATTACHMENT O, GG & MM All transmission costs included in Attachment O calculation Schedule 9 based on net revenue requirement – reductions for: Costs recovered in Schedules 26 & 26-A Point-to-Point revenue in Schedules 7 & 8 Rental revenue Revenue from generator interconnections Questions on Tariffs?

8 8 MISO TRANSMISSION EXPANSION PLAN (MTEP) Developed on an annual basis building upon previous analysis MISO, Transmission Owners & Stakeholders Includes subregional planning meetings MTEP goals Ensure the reliability of the transmission system Ensure compliance with NERC Standards Provide economic benefits, such as increased market efficiency Facilitate public policy objectives, such as meeting Renewable Portfolio Standards Address other issues or goals identified through the stakeholder process Multiple future scenarios analyzed End result – comprehensive, cohesive plan for MISO footprint MTEP approved by MISO Board of Directors

9 9 MISO MVPS Brief history of development Began investigating value added expansion in 2003 2008 Regional Generation Outlet Study (RGOS) - formed basis of Candidate MVP portfolio Portfolio refined due to additional analysis MISO approved portfolio of 17 Projects Seven transmission line segments (MTEP proj numbers) in Ameren territory Ameren identifies these three projects as: Illinois Rivers (four line segments) Spoon River Mark Twain (two line segments) Broadly cost-shared, AMIL pricing zone allocated 9% of each MVP no matter where project is located or who builds it


11 11 FORWARD LOOKING RATES Rates better reflect current costs Implemented by several MISO TOs Requires true-up to actual year costs New calculations based on projected 2014 data Rate base items -13 month average balance Interest on over/under recovery 2014 true-up calculated in 2015 and reflected in 2016 rates FERC approved forward looking rates for ATXI effective March 1, 2012 FERC approved forward looking rates for AIC effective January 1, 2013

12 12 FORWARD LOOKING RATES TIMELINE September 1, 2013 Calculate 2014 revenue requirements for AIC & ATXI Includes 2012 true up with interest for ATXI October 31, 2013 Meet with Customers to discuss rate input projections and cost detail January 1, 2014 New rates in effect based on 2014 projections and 2012 true-up for ATXI July 1, 2014 Calculate and post 2013 true-up for AIC and ATXI September 1, 2014 Calculate 2015 revenue requirements for AIC & ATXI Includes 2013 true up with interest for AIC & ATXI October 31, 2014 Meet with Customers to discuss rate input projections and cost detail January 1, 2015 New rates in effect based on 2015 projections and 2013 true-ups

13 13 NEW RATE PROTOCOLS On May 16, 2013, FERC issued order EL12-35 concerning required modifications to MISO rate protocols. The order requires MISO and the MISO Transmission Owners to modify the formula rate protocols to Allow for increased scope of participation by Interested Parties Allow for increased transparency concerning the implementation of the formula rate, Define a process for the information exchange Allow for a provision of additional information, and well-defined and clearly- structured challenge procedure Require MISO and the MISO Transmission Owners to make an annual informational filing with FERC The TOs filed compliance filings on September 13, 2013 Requested an effective date of January 1, 2014 The protocols will be applicable for the first subsequent Annual Update and Annual True-Up, which will take place on June 1, 2014

14 14 NEW PROTOCOL TIMELINE Date Proposed Schedule (Historical and Forward-Looking) June 1  Posting of Annual Update (historical) or True-Up (forward- looking).  Information Exchange begins.  Informal Challenge Process begins. Between June 1 and October 1  Each Transmission Owner must hold an open meeting during which the Annual Update or True-Up (at a minimum) is reviewed and Interested Parties may ask questions. October 1  Information Exchange ends. November 1  Informal Challenge Process ends. December 1  Deadline for Transmission Owners to respond to Informal Challenges submitted by the end date of the Informal Challenge Process.  For forward-looking rates: any rate changes agreed to by the Transmission Owner by this date would be included in the projected rate for the following rate year (changes after this date would be included in the following year’s True-Up). December 30  Deadline to submit Formal Challenge to the Commission. January 31 (following the process)  Transmission Owners submit informational filing to the Commission.

15 15 RATE INCENTIVES FERC approved the following rate incentives for Illinois Rivers in Docket No. EL10-80 –CWIP (no AFUDC) –Abandonment (requires additional filing prior to recovery) –Hypothetical capital structure during construction for ATXI FERC approved similar incentives for Spoon River and Mark Twain Projects in Docket No. ER12-2216

16 16 ATXI Revenue Requirement Projected 2013 vs Projected 2014

17 17 ATXI PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 ATXI Rate Base Page.Line Jan-13Jan-14ChangePercent 2.6Total Gross Plant63,438,00072,401,0008,963,00014% 2.12Total Accum Depreciation2,652,0003,701,0001,049,00040% 2.18TOTAL NET PLANT60,786,00068,700,0007,914,00013% 2.18a100% CWIP RECOVERY33,665,000166,179,000132,514,000394% ADJUSTMENTS TO RATE BASE 2.20 Account No. 282-12,172,000-15,292,000-3,120,00026% 2.21 Account No. 283-8,000-1,009,000-1,001,00012513% 2.22 Account No. 1903,984,0002,877,000-1,107,000-28% 2.25 Land Held for Future Use000N/A 2.26 CWC115,500395,500280,000242% 2.27 Materials & Supplies000N/A 2.28 Prepayments000N/A TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS-8,080,500-13,028,500-4,948,00061% 2.30TOTAL RATE BASE86,370,500221,850,500135,480,000157%

18 18 ATXI PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 ATXI Expenses Page.Line Jan-13Jan-14ChangePercent O&M 3.1 Transmission41,000184,000143,000349% 3.1a Less LSE Expenses000N/A 3.2 Less Account 565000N/A 3.3 A&G883,0002,980,0002,097,000237% 3.4 Less FERC Annual Fees000N/A 3.5 Less EPRI, ect.068,720 N/A 3.5a Plus Trans. Reg. Comm. Exp068,720 N/A 3.8TOTAL O&M924,0003,164,0002,240,000242% 3.12TOTAL DEPRECIATION1,006,0001,064,00058,0006% TAXES0N/A 3.13 Payroll000N/A 3.16 Property000N/A 3.18 Other25,00082,00057,000228% 3.27 Income Taxes4,189,08410,819,9016,630,816158% TOTAL TAXES4,214,08410,901,9016,687,816159% TOTAL EXPENSES6,144,08415,129,9018,985,816146%

19 19 ATXI PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 Total ATXI Revenue Requirement Page.Line Jan-13Jan-14ChangePercent 2.30TOTAL RATE BASE86,370,500221,850,500135,480,000157% 4.30Rate of Return on ACS8.49%8.73%0.23%3% 3.28Return from ACS7,336,76319,359,22912,022,466164% 2.30a100% CWIP RECOVERY33,665,000166,179,000132,514,000394% 4.30eIncremental Rate of Return on HCS0.00%-0.10% -2368% 3.28aIncremental Return from HCS1,422-159,215-160,637-11296% Total Return7,338,18519,200,01411,861,828162% Total Expenses6,144,08415,129,9018,985,816146% 3.29TOTAL GROSS REV. REQ.13,482,27034,329,91420,847,645155% 3.30Less ATT. GG Adjustment000N/A 3.30aLess ATT. MM Adjustment5,588,35125,755,41920,167,068361% 3.31GROSS REV. REQ. UNDER ATT. O7,893,9198,574,496680,5779%

20 20 ATXI PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 ATXI True-up & Net Revenue Requirement Page.Line Jan-13Jan-14ChangePercent 1.1Gross Revenue Requirement7,893,9198,574,496680,5779% 1.6Total Revenue Credits487,917502,00014,0833% 1.6aHistoric Year Actual ATRR09,892,717 N/A 1.6bProjected ATRR from Prior Year07,270,263 N/A 1.6cPrior Year ATRR True-Up02,622,454 N/A 1.6dPrior Year Divisor True-Up030,874 N/A 1.6eInterest on Prior Year True-Up035,470 N/A 1.7NET REVENUE REQUIREMENT7,406,00210,761,2943,355,29245%

21 21 ATXI PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 ATXI Attachment MM Calculation - Page 1 (1)(2)(3)(4) Attachment O Line No.Page, Line, Col.TransmissionAllocator 1Gross Transmission Plant - TotalAttach O, p 2, line 2 + 18a col 5 (Note A) 238,580,000 1aTransmission Accumulated DepreciationAttach O, p 2, line 8 col 5 3,701,000 2Net Transmission Plant - TotalLine 1 minus Line 1a (Note B) 234,879,000 O&M TRANSMISSION EXPENSE 3Total O&M Allocated to TransmissionAttach O, p 3, line 8 col 5 3,164,000 3aTransmission O&MAttach O, p 3, line 1 col 5 184,000 3bLess: LSE Expenses included in above, if anyAttach O, p 3, line 1a col 5, if any - 3cLess: Account 565 included in above, if anyAttach O, p 3, line 2 col 5, if any - 3dAdjusted Transmission O&MLine 3a minus Line 3b minus Line 3c 184,000 4Annual Allocation Factor for Transmission O&M(Line 3d divided by line 1a, col 3)4.97% OTHER O&M EXPENSE 4aOther O&M Allocated to TransmissionLine 3 minus Line 3d 2,980,000 4bAnnual Allocation Factor for Other O&MLine 4a divided by Line 1, col 31.25% GENERAL AND COMMON (G&C) DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 5Total G&C Depreciation ExpenseAttach O, p 3, lines 10 & 11, col 5 (Note H) - 6Annual Allocation Factor for G&C Depreciation Expense(line 5 divided by line 1 col 3)0.00% TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES 7Total Other TaxesAttach O, p 3, line 20 col 5 82,000 8Annual Allocation Factor for Other Taxes(line 7 divided by line 1 col 3)0.03% 9Annual Allocation Factor for Other ExpenseSum of line 4b, 6, and 81.28% INCOME TAXES 10Total Income TaxesAttach O, p 3, line 27 col 5 10,819,901 11Annual Allocation Factor for Income Taxes(line 10 divided by line 2 col 3)4.61% RETURN 12Return on Rate Base (Note I)Attach O, p 3, line 28 col 5 19,359,229 13Annual Allocation Factor for Return on Rate Base(line 12 divided by line 2 col 3)8.24% 14Annual Allocation Factor for ReturnSum of line 11 and 1312.85% HYPOTHETICAL CAPITAL STRUCTURE (HCS) RETURN 15Annual Allocation Factor HCS Return (Note J)Attach O, p 4, line 30e-0.10%

22 22 ATXI PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 ATXI Attachment MM Calculation - Page 2 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) Line No. Project Name MTEP Project Number Project Gross Plant Project Accumulated Depreciation Transmission O&M Annual Allocation Factor Annual Allocation for Transmission O&M Expense Other Expense Annual Allocation Factor Annual Allocation for Other Expense Annual Expense Charge (Note C) Page 1 line 4(Col 4 * Col 5)Page 1 line 9(Col 3 * Col 7)(Col 6 + Col 8) Multi-Value Projects (MVP) 1aPana-Sugar Creek2237 $ 40,917,314 4.97% $ -1.28%$525,143.84 1b Pana-Sugar Creek - Land - No HCS2237 $ 1,357,137 4.97% $ -1.28%$17,417.86 1cSidney-Rising2239 $ 9,533,439 4.97% $ -1.28%$122,354.72 1d Sidney-Rising - Land - No HCS2239 $ 800,360 4.97% $ -1.28%$10,272.04 1eAdair-Ottumwa2248 $ 528,003 4.97% $ -1.28%$6,776.53 1f Adair-Ottumwa - Land - No HCS2248 $ 519,420 4.97% $ -1.28%$6,666.38 1gPalmyra-Pawnee3017 $ 90,215,717 4.97% $ -1.28%$1,157,852.82 1h Palmyra-Pawnee - Land - No HCS3017 $ 7,709,954 4.97% $ -1.28%$98,951.62 1iFargo-Galesburg-Oak Grove3022 $ 4,265,599 4.97% $ -1.28%$54,745.84 1j Fargo-Galesburg-Oak Grove - Land - No HCS3022 $ 3,224,180 4.97% $ -1.28%$41,379.99 1kPawnee-Pana3169 $ 7,377,699 4.97% $ -1.28%$94,687.38 1l Pawnee-Pana - Land - No HCS3169 $ 2,812,781 4.97% $ -1.28%$36,099.99 1mAdair-Palmyra3170 $ 13,341,659 4.97% $ -1.28%$171,230.45 1n Adair-Palmyra - Land - No HCS3170 $ 769,371 4.97% $ -1.28%$9,874.32 (1)(2)(10)(11)(11a)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16) Line No. Project Name MTEP Project NumberProject Net Plant Annual Allocation Factor for Return Annual Allocation Factor for HCS Return Annual Return Charge Project Depreciation Expense Annual Revenue Requirement True-Up Adjustment MVP Annual Adjusted Revenue Requirement (Col 3 - Col 4) (Page 1 line 14) (Page 1 line 15) (Note J) (Col 10 * (Col 11 + 11a))(Note E) (Sum Col. 9, 12 & 13)(Note F) Sum Col. 14 & 15 (Note G) Multi-Value Projects (MVP) 1aPana-Sugar Creek2237 $ 40,917,31412.85%-0.10% $ 5,218,181 $ - $ 5,743,325 $ 161,958 $ 5,905,282 1b Pana-Sugar Creek - Land - No HCS2237 $ 1,357,13712.85%0.00% $ 174,376 $ - $ 191,794 $ - $ 191,794 1cSidney-Rising2239 $ 9,533,43912.85%-0.10% $ 1,215,798 $ - $ 1,338,153 $ (200,123) $ 1,138,030 1d Sidney-Rising - Land - No HCS2239 $ 800,36012.85%0.00% $ 102,837 $ - $ 113,109 $ - $ 113,109 1eAdair-Ottumwa2248 $ 528,00312.85%-0.10% $ 67,336 $ - $ 74,113 $ - $ 74,113 1f Adair-Ottumwa - Land - No HCS2248 $ 519,42012.85%0.00% $ 66,739 $ - $ 73,406 $ - $ 73,406 1gPalmyra-Pawnee3017 $ 90,215,71712.85%-0.10% $ 11,505,201 $ - $ 12,663,053 $ (413,430) $ 12,249,623 1h Palmyra-Pawnee - Land - No HCS3017 $ 7,709,95412.85%0.00% $ 990,636 $ - $ 1,089,588 $ - $ 1,089,588 1iFargo-Galesburg-Oak Grove3022 $ 4,265,59912.85%-0.10% $ 543,991 $ - $ 598,737 $ 23 $ 598,761 1j Fargo-Galesburg-Oak Grove - Land - No HCS3022 $ 3,224,18012.85%0.00% $ 414,268 $ - $ 455,648 $ - $ 455,648 1kPawnee-Pana3169 $ 7,377,69912.85%-0.10% $ 940,877 $ - $ 1,035,565 $ 108,884 $ 1,144,449 1l Pawnee-Pana - Land - No HCS3169 $ 2,812,78112.85%0.00% $ 361,409 $ - $ 397,509 $ - $ 397,509 1mAdair-Palmyra3170 $ 13,341,65912.85%-0.10% $ 1,701,460 $ - $ 1,872,691 $ 28,623 $ 1,901,314 1n Adair-Palmyra - Land - No HCS3170 $ 769,37112.85%0.00% $ 98,855 $ - $ 108,729 $ - $ 108,729 2MVP Total Annual Revenue Requirements$25,755,419-$314,065$25,441,354 3Rev. Req. Adj For Attachment O$25,755,419

23 23 ATXI PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 Ameren MVPs Ameren Name2013-2014 CAPEXMTEP #sMTEP Description Illinois Rivers$267 million 2237Pana - Mt. Zion - Kansas - Sugar Creek 345 kV line 2239Sidney to Rising 345 kV line 3017Palmyra-Quincy-Meredosia - Ipava & Meredosia-Pawnee 345 kV Line 3169Pawnee to Pana - 345 kV Line Spoon River$12 million 3022Fargo-Galesburg-Oak Grove 345 kV Line Mark Twain$7 million 2248Adair - Ottumwa 345 3170Adair-Palmyra 345 kV Line

24 24 ATXI Revenue Requirement 2012 True Up Projected 2012 vs Actual 2012

25 25 ATXI 2012 TRUE UP ATXI Rate Base Page.Line 2012 Projected - Effective Mar 122012 ActualChangePercent 2.6Total Gross Plant53,171,00052,637,808-533,192-1% 2.12Total Accum Depreciation1,653,0001,646,760-6,2400% 2.18TOTAL NET PLANT51,518,00050,991,048-526,952-1% 2.18a100% CWIP RECOVERY8,742,0004,883,265-3,858,735-44% ADJUSTMENTS TO RATE BASE0N/A 2.20 Account No. 282-11,550,000-11,796,750-246,7502% 2.21 Account No. 2830-573,717 N/A 2.22 Account No. 1904,009,0004,241,715232,7156% 2.25 Land Held for Future Use000N/A 2.26 CWC68,110155,67887,568129% 2.27 Materials & Supplies000N/A 2.28 Prepayments000N/A TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS-7,472,891-7,973,074-500,1847% 2.30TOTAL RATE BASE52,787,11047,901,239-4,885,871-9%

26 26 ATXI 2012 TRUE UP ATXI Expenses Page.Line 2012 Projected - Effective Mar 122012 ActualChangePercent O&M 3.1 Transmission44,87664,07119,19543% 3.1a Less LSE Expenses000N/A 3.2 Less Account 565000N/A 3.3 A&G500,0001,181,351681,351136% 3.4 Less FERC Annual Fees000N/A 3.5 Less EPRI, ect.068,720 N/A 3.5a Plus Trans. Reg. Comm. Exp068,720 N/A 3.8TOTAL O&M544,8761,245,422700,546129% 3.12TOTAL DEPRECIATION1,013,8561,004,914-8,942-1% TAXES0N/A 3.13 Payroll000N/A 3.16 Property000N/A 3.18 Other060,473 N/A 3.27 Income Taxes2,391,3163,430,7641,039,44843% TOTAL TAXES2,391,3163,491,2371,099,92146% TOTAL EXPENSES3,950,0485,741,5731,791,52545%

27 27 ATXI 2012 TRUE UP Total ATXI Revenue Requirement Page.Line 2012 Projected - Effective Mar 122012 ActualChangePercent 2.30TOTAL RATE BASE52,787,11047,901,239-4,885,871-9% 4.30Rate of Return on ACS9.43%11.76%2.32%25% 3.28Return from ACS4,980,3795,631,738651,35913% 2.30a100% CWIP RECOVERY8,742,0004,883,265-3,858,735-44% 4.30eIncremental Rate of Return on HCS0.04%-2.53%-2.57%-6196% 3.28aIncremental Return from HCS3,628-123,554-127,182-3505% Total Return4,984,0075,508,184524,17711% Total Expenses3,950,0485,741,5731,791,52545% 3.29TOTAL GROSS REV. REQ.8,934,05511,249,7582,315,70226% 3.30Less ATT. GG Adjustment000N/A 3.30aLess ATT. MM Adjustment1,143,454773,909-369,545-32% 3.31GROSS REV. REQ. UNDER ATT. O7,790,60110,475,8482,685,24734%

28 28 ATXI 2012 TRUE UP ATXI True-up & Net Revenue Requirement Page.Line 2012 Projected - Effective Mar 122012 ActualChangePercent 1.1Gross Revenue Requirement7,790,60110,475,8482,685,24734% 1.6Total Revenue Credits611,000583,131-27,869-5% 1.6aHistoric Year Actual ATRR000N/A 1.6bProjected ATRR from Prior Year000N/A 1.6cPrior Year ATRR True-Up000N/A 1.6dPrior Year Divisor True-Up000N/A 1.6eInterest on Prior Year True-Up000N/A 1.7NET REVENUE REQUIREMENT7,179,6019,892,7172,713,11638%

29 29 ATXI 2012 TRUE UP ATXI 2012 Actual Attachment MM Calculation - Page 1 (1)(2)(3)(4) Attachment O LinePage, Line, Col.TransmissionAllocator No. 1Gross Transmission Plant - TotalAttach O, p 2, line 2 + 18a col 5 (Note A) 57,521,073 1aTransmission Accumulated DepreciationAttach O, p 2, line 8 col 5 (Note A) 1,646,760 2Net Transmission Plant - TotalLine 1 minus Line 1a (Note B) 55,874,313 O&M TRANSMISSION EXPENSE 3Total O&M Allocated to TransmissionAttach O, p 3, line 8 col 5 1,245,422 3aTransmission O&MAttach O, p 3, line 1 col 5 64,071 3bLess: LSE Expenses included in above, if anyAttach O, p 3, line 1a col 5, if any - 3cLess: Account 565 included in above, if anyAttach O, p 3, line 2 col 5, if any - 3dAdjusted Transmission O&MLine 3a minus Line 3b minus Line 3c 64,071 4Annual Allocation Factor for Transmission O&M(Line 3d divided by line 1a, col 3)3.89% OTHER O&M EXPENSE 4aOther O&M Allocated to TransmissionLine 3 minus Line 3d 1,181,351 4bAnnual Allocation Factor for Other O&MLine 4a divided by Line 1, col 32.05% GENERAL AND COMMON (G&C) DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 5Total G&C Depreciation ExpenseAttach O, p 3, lines 10 & 11, col 5 (Note H) - 6Annual Allocation Factor for G&C Depreciation Expense(line 5 divided by line 1 col 3)0.00% TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES 7Total Other TaxesAttach O, p 3, line 20 col 5 60,473 8Annual Allocation Factor for Other Taxes(line 7 divided by line 1 col 3)0.11% 9Annual Allocation Factor for Other ExpenseSum of line 4b, 6, and 82.16% INCOME TAXES 10Total Income TaxesAttach O, p 3, line 27 col 5 3,430,764 11Annual Allocation Factor for Income Taxes(line 10 divided by line 2 col 3)6.14% RETURN 12Return on Rate Base (Note I)Attach O, p 3, line 28 col 5 5,631,738 13Annual Allocation Factor for Return on Rate Base(line 12 divided by line 2 col 3)10.08% 14Annual Allocation Factor for ReturnSum of line 11 and 1316.22% HYPOTHETICAL CAPITAL STRUCTURE (HCS) RETURN 15Annual Allocation Factor HCS Return (Note J)Attach O, p 4, line 30e-2.53%

30 30 ATXI 2012 ACTUALS ATXI 2012 Actual Attachment MM Calculation - Page 2 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) Line No. Project Name MTEP Project NumberProject Gross Plant Project Accumulated Depreciation Transmission O&M Annual Allocation Factor Annual Allocation for Transmission O&M Expense Other Expense Annual Allocation Factor Annual Allocation for Other Expense Annual Expense Charge (Note C) Page 1 line 4(Col 4 * Col 5)Page 1 line 9(Col 3 * Col 7)(Col 6 + Col 8) Multi-Value Projects (MVP) 1aPana-Sugar Creek2237 $ 959,566 $ -3.89% $ -2.16% $ 20,716 1bSidney-Rising2239 $ 251,466 $ -3.89% $ -2.16% $ 5,429 1cPalmyra-Pawnee3017 $ 2,857,391 $ -3.89% $ -2.16% $ 61,688 1dPawnee-Pana3169 $ 645,114 $ -3.89% $ -2.16% $ 13,927 1eAdair-Palmyra3170 $ 169,587 $ -3.89% $ -2.16% $ 3,661 1fAdair-Ottumwa2248 $ - 3.89% $ -2.16% $ - 1g Fargo-Galesburg-Oak Grove3022 $ 141 $ -3.89% $ -2.16% $ 3 (1)(2)(10)(11)(11a)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16) Line No. Project Name MTEP Project NumberProject Net Plant Annual Allocation Factor for Return Annual Allocation Factor for HCS Return Annual Return Charge Project Depreciation Expense Annual Revenue Requirement True-Up Adjustment MVP Annual Adjusted Revenue Requirement (Col 3 - Col 4)(Page 1 line 14) (Page 1 line 15) (Note J) (Col 10 * Col 11 + 11a)(Note E) (Sum Col. 9, 12 & 13)(Note F) Sum Col. 14 & 15 (Note G) Multi-Value Projects (MVP) 1aPana-Sugar Creek2237 $ 959,56616.22%-2.53% $ 131,358 $ - $ 152,074 $ 161,958 $ 314,032 1bSidney-Rising2239 $ 251,46616.22%-2.53% $ 34,424 $ - $ 39,853 $ (200,123) $ (160,270) 1cPalmyra-Pawnee3017 $ 2,857,39116.22%-2.53% $ 391,157 $ - $ 452,845 $ (413,430) $ 39,415 1dPawnee-Pana3169 $ 645,11416.22%-2.53% $ 88,312 $ - $ 102,239 $ 108,884 $ 211,123 1eAdair-Palmyra3170 $ 169,58716.22%-2.53% $ 23,215 $ - $ 26,876 $ 28,623 $ 55,500 1fAdair-Ottumwa2248 $ -16.22%-2.53% $ - 1g Fargo-Galesburg-Oak Grove3022 $ 14116.22%-2.53% $ 19 $ - $ 22 $ 23 $ 46 2MVP Total Annual Revenue Requirements$773,909-$314,065$459,845 3 Rev. Req. Adj For Attachment O$773,909

31 31 ATXI 2012 TRUE UP ATXI 2012 Attachment MM True Up (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k) Actual ProjectedAttachment MMActualTrue-UpApplicableTrue-Up MTEPActualAnnualRevenuesAnnualAdjustmentInterestAdjustmentTotal LineProject Attachment MMRevenueAllocatedRevenuePrincipalRate onInterestTrue-Up No.NameNumberRevenuesRequirement 1 to Projects 1 Requirement 1 Under/(Over) Adjustment Projected[Col. (d), line 1Actual Attachment MMx (Col. (e), line 2x /Attachment MMCol. (h) x Col. (i) p 2 of 2, Col. 14 2 Col. (e), line 3)] 2 p 2 of 2, Col. 14 2 Col. (g) - Col. (f)Line 5x 24 months 2 Col. (h) + Col. (j) 1 Actual Attachment MM revenues for True- Up Year 1 $ 1,068,808 2a Pana-Sugar Creek2237 - - 152,074 0.27% 9,884 161,958 2b Sidney-Rising2239 243,670 227,763 39,853 (187,910)0.27% (12,213) (200,123) 2c Palmyra-Pawnee3017 899,784 841,045 452,845 (388,200)0.27% (25,230) (413,430) 2d Pawnee-Pana3169 - - 102,239 0.27% 6,645 108,884 2e Adair-Palmyra3170 - 26,876 0.27% 1,747 28,623 2f Adair-Ottumwa2248 - - -0.27% - - 2g Fargo-Galesburg-Oak Grove3022 - 22 0.27% 1 23 3Subtotal $ 1,143,454 $ 1,068,808 $ 773,909 4Under/(Over) Recovery $ (294,899) $ (19,166) $ (314,065) 5Interest rate per month on Under Recovery (expressed to four decimal places)0.27% 1 Amount excludes True-Up Adjustment, as reported in True-Up Year projected Attachment MM, page 2, column 15.

32 32 ATXI 2012 TRUE UP ATXI 2012 Load True Up 2012 ATXI Load and Rate Jan- Feb 1/ Mar - May June - Dec Average Months Applicable 2 3 7 12 Net Att O Revenue Requirement in Effect$7,723,571$7,179,601 $7,270,263 AMIL Divisor for Period 7,188,902 7,256,406 7,228,279 ATXI Annual Projected Rate for period$1.0744$0.9987$0.9894$1.0058 Historic Year Actual Divisor for Pricing Zone 7,197,583 Projected Year Divisor for Pricing Zone 7,228,279 Difference between Historic & Projected Yr Divisor 30,696 Prior Year Projected Annual Cost ($ per kw per yr)$1.0058 Prior Year Divisor True-up$30,874 1/ - ATXI testimony in ER12-749 included the following statement: "Note that the first true-up for 2012, to be posted in July 2013, will include revenues for January and February 2012 which are based on 2010 historical costs, plus revenues for the last 10 months of 2012 based on the new projected ATRR". Therefore, ATXI is including January and February in the volume and rate True-Up Calculation.

33 33 ATXI 2012 TRUE UP Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois Interest on 2012 Attachment O Load True Up FERC interest rate3.25% ATXI short term debt rate0.668% Interest Rate updated through July 2013 Rate to be applied to 2012 under recovery0.6683% Monthly interest rate0.0557% Total True up$2,653,328.47 Interest on True up$35,469.69

34 34 AIC Revenue Requirement Projected 2013 vs Projected 2014

35 35 AIC PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 AIC Rate Base Page.Line Jan-13Jan-14ChangePercent 2.6Total Gross Plant1,196,828,9981,327,622,018130,793,02011% 2.12Total Accum Depreciation446,390,099465,639,92119,249,8224% 2.18TOTAL NET PLANT750,438,898861,982,097111,543,19815% 2.18a100% CWIP RECOVERY000N/A ADJUSTMENTS TO RATE BASE0N/A 2.20 Account No. 282-220,140,173-229,080,460-8,940,2874% 2.21 Account No. 283-10,556,597-17,757,369-7,200,77268% 2.22 Account No. 19047,301,77740,041,062-7,260,714-15% 2.23 Account No. 255000N/A 2.25 Land Held for Future Use528,800425,040-103,760-20% 2.26 CWC4,399,0104,767,079368,0698% 2.27 Materials & Supplies4,093,9578,000,2383,906,28195% 2.28 Prepayments932,3481,049,481117,13213% TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS-173,440,877-192,554,928-19,114,05111% 2.30TOTAL RATE BASE576,998,022669,427,16892,429,14716%

36 36 AIC PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 AIC Expenses Page.Line Jan-13Jan-14ChangePercent O&M 3.1 Transmission39,184,51742,031,0932,846,5777% 3.1a Less LSE Expenses3,090,0972,577,054-513,043-17% 3.2 Less Account 56511,657,49013,190,1601,532,67113% 3.3 A&G11,319,37412,184,795865,4218% 3.4 Less FERC Annual Fees000N/A 3.5 Less EPRI, ect.596,873408,626-188,247-32% 3.5a Plus Trans. Reg. Comm. Exp32,64996,58763,938196% 3.8TOTAL O&M35,192,08038,136,6352,944,5558% 3.12TOTAL DEPRECIATION22,002,47522,612,545610,0703% TAXES0N/A 3.13 Payroll875,947894,56618,6192% 3.16 Property1,001,2161,048,91047,6955% 3.18 Other367,419388,57421,1556% 3.27 Income Taxes26,404,24031,970,5165,566,27721% TOTAL TAXES28,648,82134,302,5665,653,74520% TOTAL EXPENSES85,843,37695,051,7469,208,37011%

37 37 AIC PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 Total AIC Revenue Requirement Page.Line Jan-13Jan-14ChangePercent 2.30TOTAL RATE BASE576,998,022669,427,16892,429,14716% 4.30Rate of Return10.06%9.57%-0.49%-5% 3.28Return58,068,88564,074,8746,005,98910% Total Expenses85,843,37695,051,7469,208,37011% 3.29TOTAL GROSS REV. REQ.143,912,261159,126,62015,214,35911% 3.30Less ATT. GG Adjustment2,393,2915,567,6623,174,371133% 3.30aLess ATT. MM Adjustment000N/A 3.31GROSS REV. REQ. UNDER ATT. O141,518,970153,558,95812,039,9889%

38 38 AIC PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 AIC True-up & Net Revenue Requirement Page.Line Jan-13Jan-14ChangePercent 1.1Gross Revenue Requirement141,518,970153,558,95812,039,9889% 1.6Total Revenue Credits8,011,05810,558,0342,546,97632% 1.6a Historic Year Actual ATRR000N/A 1.6b Projected ATRR from Prior Year000N/A 1.6cPrior Year ATRR True-Up000N/A 1.6dPrior Year Divisor True-Up000N/A 1.6e Interest on Prior Year True-Up000N/A 1.7aNET REVENUE REQUIREMENT133,507,911143,000,9249,493,0137% 1.7bPrairie Power583,7240-583,724N/A 1.7AIC Adjusted Revenue Requirement134,091,635143,000,9248,909,2897%

39 39 AIC PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 AIC Attachment GG Calculation - Page 1 (1)(2)(3)(4) Attachment O LinePage, Line, Col.TransmissionAllocator No. 1Gross Transmission Plant - Total Attach O, p 2, line 2 col 5 (Note A)1,288,643,141 2Net Transmission Plant - Total Attach O, p 2, line 14 and 23b col 5 (Note B) 835,965,823 O&M EXPENSE 3Total O&M Allocated to TransmissionAttach O, p 3, line 8 col 538,136,635 4Annual Allocation Factor for O&M(line 3 divided by line 1 col 3)2.96% GENERAL AND COMMON (G&C) DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 5Total G&C Depreciation Expense Attach O, p 3, lines 10 & 11, col 5 (Note H)1,605,096 6Annual Allocation Factor for G&C Depreciation Expense(line 5 divided by line 1 col 3)0.12% TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES 7Total Other TaxesAttach O, p 3, line 20 col 52,332,050 8Annual Allocation Factor for Other Taxes(line 7 divided by line 1 col 3)0.18% 9Annual Allocation Factor for ExpenseSum of line 4, 6, and 83.26% INCOME TAXES 10Total Income TaxesAttach O, p 3, line 27 col 531,970,516 11Annual Allocation Factor for Income Taxes(line 10 divided by line 2 col 3)3.82% RETURN 12Return on Rate BaseAttach O, p 3, line 28 col 564,074,874 13 Annual Allocation Factor for Return on Rate Base(line 12 divided by line 2 col 3)7.66% 14Annual Allocation Factor for ReturnSum of line 11 and 1311.49%

40 40 AIC PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 AIC Attachment GG Calculation - Page 2 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) Line No. Project Name MTEP Project Number Project Gross Plant Annual Allocation Factor for Expense Annual Expense Charge Project Net Plant Annual Allocation Factor for Return Annual Return Charge Project Depreciation Expense Annual Revenue Requirement True-Up Adjustment Network Upgrade Charge (Note C) (Page 1 line 9)(Col. 3 * Col. 4)(Note D) (Page 1 line 14)(Col. 6 * Col. 7)(Note E)(Sum Col. 5, 8 & 9)(Note F) Sum Col. 10 & 11 (Note G) 1aWood River-Roxford 1502 138kV line728$3,424,4873.26%$111,808$2,985,99311.49%$343,065$72,620$527,494$0.00 527,494 1bSidney-Paxton 138kV Reconductor 18 miles870$5,972,2223.26%$194,991$5,146,20411.49%$591,255$149,094$935,341$0.00 935,341 1cCoffeen Plant-Coffeen, North - 2nd. Bus tie2829$5,592,5583.26%$182,595$5,194,19111.49%$596,769$94,119$873,483$0.00 873,483 1dLatham - Oreana 8.5 mile 345kV line2068$18,579,8253.26%$606,625$18,312,18011.49%$2,103,914$520,805$3,231,345$0.00 3,231,345 2Annual Totals$5,567,662$0$5,567,662 3Rev. Req. Adj For Attachment O$5,567,662

41 41 AIC PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 Significant Line Expansion Projects Requiring CoCN (> $25 Million) Project NameTotal CostISDMTEPMISO ID#MTEP Description Latham-Oreana approval granted (Attach GG) $25 M2014MTEP082068 Convert Oreana 345 kV Bus to 6-Position Ring Bus with 3000 A Capability; Construct 8.5 miles of 345 kV line (2-954 kcmil ACSR conductor or equivalent capability) from Oreana Substation to 345 kV Line 4571 tap to Latham Substation. 3-345 kV PCB's at Oreana Substation. Brokaw-S Bloomington approval granted (Attach GG) $26 M2014MTEP082069 South Bloomington Area 345/138 kV Substation - Install 345/138 kV, 560 MVA Transformer. Extend new 345 kV line approximately 5 miles from Brokaw Substation to South Bloomington Substation. Install 1-138 kV PCB at South Bloomington Substation, and 2-345 kV PCB's at Brokaw Substation. Fargo-Mapleridge approval granted (Attach GG) $57 M2016MTEP092472 Tap existing 345kV line from Duck Creek to Tazewell and create new Maple Ridge Substation. Build a new supply line to the Fargo Substation by extending 20 miles of 345kV from the new Maple Ridge Substation. Create Fargo Station and install 560 MVA 345/138kV Transformer. Bondville-SW Campus approval granted $36 M2015MTEP102992 Bondville-S.W. Campus 138 kV - Construct 8 miles of new 138 kV line. Construct 138 kV Ring Bus at Bondville (2 new PCB's) and a 138 kV Ring Bus at Champaign S.W. Campus (4 new PCB's).

42 42 AIC PROJECTIONS FOR 2014 Modifications to Existing Facilities Category2013-2014 CAPEXProjectsDescription Reliability/aging infrastructure replacement $197 million216 These projects are primarily driven by the need to upgrade the transmission system based on meeting NERC standards or Ameren Planning Criteria and Guidelines. The NERC TPL standards set forth a set of tests that a transmission system must meet for a list of plausible scenarios, including contingent scenarios. Ameren Planning Criteria and Guidelines (C&G) are filed each year at FERC and constitute an additional, or complementary, set of tests that the transmission system must meet. Clearance for planned line rating$168 million92 These projects are primarily driven by the need to upgrade the transmission system to support expected flows on the transmission circuits. Load growth, plant additions/retirements, and flow changes due to future system expansions are primary inputs into the decision to either increase ground clearances using existing wire or in some cases, increasing ground clearances with wire replacement, in order to achieve higher circuit ratings. Right of way expansion$46 million39 These projects are driven by the need to increase the rights and rights-of-way associated with 40 transmission corridors. The primary benefit of this set of projects is increased reliability of the system in the area of vegetation. In many cases, the existing rights-of-way are much narrower than the widths specified in Ameren's Planning Criteria and Guidelines for reliable circuit operation. The 2003 blackout and the recent 2011 Northeast US major outage event had vegetation as an incipient cause. After both events, and with the adoption of the FAC-003 standard, FERC has emphasized the need for increased vegetation management efforts which these projects support. Improved Reliability$12 million18 These projects are driven by the need to address reliability concerns driven by system topology, configuration, or condition. Operating issues, including outages, usually identify these kinds of projects. The majority of these projects involve additions of equipment in substations, e.g. relaying and/or circuit breakers.

43 43 AMIL SCHEDULE 9 NITS RATE FOR 2014 AMIL Schedule 9 Rate Calculation Page.Line 2013 *2014ChangePercent 1.7AIC Adjusted Revenue Requirement133,507,912143,000,9249,493,0127% 1.7ATXI Adjusted Revenue Requirement7,406,00210,761,2943,355,29245% 1.7PPI Adjusted Revenue Requirement3,555,338 00% Total Revenue Requirement144,469,252157,317,55612,848,3049% 1.15Ameren Illinois Divisor7,175,0417,045,000(130,041)-2%.Annual Cost ($/kW/Yr)20.13522.3302.19511%.Network & P-to-P Rate ($/kW/Mo)1.6781.8610.18311% * 2013 rates above include PPI effective June 1, 2013. PPI revenue requirement subject to outcome of FERC Dockets EL13-69 and EL13-83. Actual AMIL Network & P-to-P Rate for 1/1/13 - 5/31/13 was $1.643/kW/Mo. The PPI revenue requirement will be updated annually on June 1 st.

44 44 MISO WEB LINKS Transmission Pricing - Attachments O, GG & MM Information s/TransmissionPricing.aspx s/TransmissionPricing.aspx Ameren OASIS MTEP 11 ages/MTEP11.aspx ages/MTEP11.aspx Schedule 26 & 26-A Indicative Charges ages/MTEPStudies.aspx ages/MTEPStudies.aspx


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