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LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 29: 12/6.

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Presentation on theme: "LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 29: 12/6."— Presentation transcript:

1 LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 29: 12/6

2 Administrivia Last homework –out today, due next Monday

3 Files Use * version of the files for your homework

4 Homework 8: Japanese Idioms Examples –taroo-ga sensei-ni goma-o sutta –taroo-nom teacher-dat sesame-acc grinded –“John flattered the teacher” –taroo-ga Hanako-ni goma-o sutta –taroo-nom Hanako-dat sesame-acc grinded –“John flattered Mary” –ni = (dat) dative Case marker –odateta is the Japanese counterpart for flattered Basic Instructions: –Implement the examples and the idiomatic translations –submit your modifications to the translator code and example runs

5 Homework 8: Japanese Idioms Detailed Instructions (A) Implement the Japanese sentences –submit the modified grammar and the predicate-argument output for the Japanese examples –you should obtain both the literal and the idiomatic predicate-argument output –You may use: odateta as the Japanese counterpart for flattered (B) Implement the English gloss sentences –submit the modified grammar and the predicate-argument output for the examples (C) Implement the translation –submit the modified bilingual dictionary and the translator output for the examples –Show your translator works bidirectionally for the examples given

6 Milestone A programming milestone in this course has been reached… –You know how to program with grammars for multiple languages –Basic technology: finite state automata, regular grammars, regular expressions –We’ve seen additional techniques for implementing a variety of simple syntactic phenomena: basic declarative sentences, English passives, progressives, wh- questions, Japanese passives and wh- questions. –Syntax tree and predicate-argument structure based bi-directional translation engines. Idiom translation.

7 Today’s Lecture Explore (state-of-the-art) Google Translate

8 Idioms Example: – 太郎が先生にごまをすった –taroo-ga sensei-ni goma-o sutta –Taroo-NOM teacher-DAT sesame-ACC grind+PAST –Taroo flattered the teacher case particles -ga が -o を -ni に Note on input methods (MacOS X)

9 医者がさじを投げる –isha-ga saji-o nageru –doctor-NOM spoon-ACC throw+PRES –Idiom “gave up” / “threw a spoon” –(note Japanese allows pro-Drop: –here – the subject of the sentence is covert – – i.e. not mentioned here) Idioms Examples: – ジョン がバケツを蹴った –John-ga baketsu-o kicked –John-NOM bucket-ACC kick+PAST –Literal “John kicked the bucket”

10 101 Japanese Idioms Listen & Learn: 101 Japanese Idioms Michael MaynardListen & Learn: 101 Japanese Idioms Michael Maynard Sample pages from book is available online

11 Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) gomasuri ( ごますり )

12 Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) gomasuri ( ごますり )

13 Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) gomasuri ( ごますり ) you have to figure out how to enter Japanese examples... you can use an online Japanese dictionary e.g.

14 Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり )

15 Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) gomasuri ( ごますり ) => Carney Snapshot is from 2008

16 Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) Snapshot is from 2010

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