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Note: You have a 100 point summative tomorrow. Study your notes!

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Presentation on theme: "Note: You have a 100 point summative tomorrow. Study your notes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Note: You have a 100 point summative tomorrow. Study your notes!

2 On page 17 of your ISN 1. Title your page “Lab – Law of Conservation of Mass.” 2. Write down the SAFETY precautions… Wear goggles at all times no eating, snorting, or drinking the chemicals No horseplay No wasting chemicals

3 Purpose Write down the purpose for this lab in the form of a question. Can we model the “Law of Conservation of Mass” by putting a chemical reaction in a closed system?

4 HYPOTHESIS If we put a chemical reaction in a closed system, then the mass after the chemical reaction will be (more, less, or the same) than the mass of all objects before the chemical reaction.

5 Procedure and Data Glue in the sheet with the procedure and the data chart.

6 Questions to answer in your ISN (page 18) 1. What happened when the vinegar was poured into the baking soda? 2. What is the gas produced in this reaction? How is this gas important in the atmosphere? 3. why was this considered a “closed system”? 4. Did your results support your hypothesis?

7 FOR THIS LAB Talk and communicate only with group members. No walking around the room. Clean up after yourself when you finish (throw away baggies and everything inside the baggy, put the baking soda and spoon back the front of the room) No HORSEPLAY!!! Wash your hands when you finish the lab

8 It’s time for you “to do” One person from each group will come up front to pick up two small cups, a baggie, a spoon, a pair of goggles for each person, and a cup of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Put on your goggles You may begin when you have all materials.

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