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Best chocolate brownies recipe. You will need:- dark chocolate-50g Sugar-200g Plain flour-75g 2 eggs, beaten Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder Chopped.

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Presentation on theme: "Best chocolate brownies recipe. You will need:- dark chocolate-50g Sugar-200g Plain flour-75g 2 eggs, beaten Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder Chopped."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best chocolate brownies recipe

2 You will need:- dark chocolate-50g Sugar-200g Plain flour-75g 2 eggs, beaten Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder Chopped almonds-100g Butter-100g

3 Cooking tools:- Medium saucepan Large heat proof bowl Palette knife Fork Small mixing bowl Rectangular cake tin[medium] Wax paper Wooden spoon Wire cooling rack

4 preparation:- Preheat oven at 180 degree C. grease tin well. draw around base on wax paper. Cut out and place in bottom of tin.

5 Get started:- step 1 Break chocolate into heatproof bowl and melt with butter over a pan of simmering water. Tip: when you are melting the chocolate, try not to let the bowl touch the simmering water.

6 Step 2 Take bowl off the heat and add all the other ingredients. beat well with a wooden spoon

7 Step 3 Pour the mixture into the lined cake tin and bake for 30 minutes or until firm to the touch.

8 Step 4 Let brownies cool in tin before cutting into squares and transferring to a wire rack until cold. now you can top it with chocolate syrup. Now your brownie is ready.

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