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Welcome to Maureen's science experiment on. Which sugar has the fastest dissolving time white, raw or brown?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Maureen's science experiment on. Which sugar has the fastest dissolving time white, raw or brown?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Maureen's science experiment on

2 Which sugar has the fastest dissolving time white, raw or brown?

3 How will I find this out? What do I need to do ?

4 What I know The dictionary definition of sugar is “Sugar is a class of edible, water soluble crystalline carbohydrates …having a characteristically sweet taste.” This would include fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (milk sugar), maltose (malt sugar) and dextrose (corn sugar)

5 What I know The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments. The steps of the scientific method are to: Ask Questions Do Background Research Construct a Hypothesis Test Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment Analyse Data and Draw a Conclusion Communicate Results It is important for experiments to be a fair test. A "fair test" occurs when you change only one factor (variable) and keep all other conditions the same.

6 What we will require for this experiment 3 small beakers 1 tablespoon brown sugar raw sugar White sugar 3/4 cup tap water ¾ cup fridge cold water 3/4 cup boiling water stirrer stopwatch scales

7 Step-By-Step Procedure

8 Photo story

9 1 st attempt at the experiment Result of our investigations were as follows: 1st Attempt Tap Water - 1.54sec Warm water -.46sec Cold water - 2.05sec In the first attempt we measured: Approximately 80mls of water(1/4 cup) Used a heaped dessert spoon (Which is approximately 16 grams)

10 2 nd attempt of the experiment Result of our investigations were as follows: 2nd Attempt Tap Water - 1.43sec Warm water -.35sec Cold Water - 1.95sec In the second attempt we measured: 80mls of water used a measuring cup 16g of sugar weighed out on scales

11 Conclusion What's happening? The cold water isn't able to dissolve as much sugar as the hot water, but why? Another name for the liquids inside the cups is a 'solution', when this solution can no longer dissolve sugar it becomes a 'saturated solution', this means that sugar starts forming on the bottom of the cup. The reason the hot water dissolves more is because it has faster moving molecules which are spread further apart than the molecules in the cold water. With bigger gaps between the molecules in the hot water, more sugar molecules can fit in between.

12 Referencing Acara. (2011). Australian curriculum assesment and reporting authority. Acara. Fleer, M., Jane, B., & Hardy, T. (2007). Science for Children,Developing a personal approach to teaching. French Forest NSW: Pearson. Frangenheim, E. (2007). Reflecting on Classroom thinking stratergies. Loganholme,9th Edition: Rodin Educational Consultancy. Marzano. (2000). What works in classroom instruction. Aurora: MREL.

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