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Terms Review I The Pre-Colonial and Colonial Eras.

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Presentation on theme: "Terms Review I The Pre-Colonial and Colonial Eras."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terms Review I The Pre-Colonial and Colonial Eras

2 This was a series of wars fought in the Middle Ages by Christians to conquer the Holy Land from Muslims.

3 Crusades

4 An instrument that uses a magnetic needle to indicate direction.

5 Compass

6 An instrument that allowed sailors to find their position from the stars

7 Astrolabe

8 A ship with triangular sails and rudder

9 Caravel

10 European period of renewed interest in the sciences, art, and literature. (1400-1700 AD)

11 Renaissance

12 He began the movement to reform the Catholic Church.

13 Martin Luther

14 16 th century movement resulting in the separation of the Protestant Churches from the Roman Catholic Church.

15 Reformation

16 He was an explorer representing Spain who set out to find a new route to Asia in 1492. His voyage marked the beginning of European efforts to colonize the Americas.

17 Christopher Columbus

18 The exchange of crops, plants, animals and diseases between Europeans and Native Americans.

19 Columbian Exchange

20 Spanish explorers and soldiers who conquered Native American empires.

21 Conquistadores

22 Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztecs in Mexico.

23 Hernando Cortez

24 He conquered Incas in Peru with metal-clad soldiers

25 Francisco Pizarro

26 He searched for “Seven Cities of Gold” in the present-day southwestern United States.

27 Francisco Coronado

28 He searched for gold in the present-day southeastern United States.

29 Hernando deSoto

30 He searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida.

31 Juan Ponce de Leon

32 An economic policy which favors exports over imports to increase a nation’s gold reserve.

33 Mercantilism

34 First city founded by Europeans in North America.

35 St. Augustine

36 A private company that sells shares to investors

37 Joint-stock Company

38 Colonial government made of elected representatives.

39 House of Burgesses

40 Large estate farmed by many workers.

41 Plantation

42 People who signed a contract to work for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to the colonies.

43 Indentured Servants

44 Colonial trade routes between the Caribbean, New England, and Africa.

45 Triangular Trade Route

46 Agreement that the Pilgrims signed before landing in Plymouth.

47 Mayflower Compact

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