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 Chapter 21 Section 3, p. 709 “Civil Rights Protests”- JUST LIKE IT HAS IN THE BOOK  Chapter 23 Section 1, p. 764 “Women’s Movement”- JUST LIKE IT HAS.

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Presentation on theme: " Chapter 21 Section 3, p. 709 “Civil Rights Protests”- JUST LIKE IT HAS IN THE BOOK  Chapter 23 Section 1, p. 764 “Women’s Movement”- JUST LIKE IT HAS."— Presentation transcript:


2  Chapter 21 Section 3, p. 709 “Civil Rights Protests”- JUST LIKE IT HAS IN THE BOOK  Chapter 23 Section 1, p. 764 “Women’s Movement”- JUST LIKE IT HAS IN THE BOOK  Chapter 23 Section 2, p. 771- DIFFERENT FROM THE BOOK: you will create a diagram focused on Cesar Chavez similar to the “women’s movement”- put ACTIONS of Cesar Chavez in the left bubbles and ACHIEVEMENTS of Cesar Chavez in the right bubbles… like this:

3  Tactic: Protesters peacefully sat-in at segregated places. - If they were refused service, they simply stayed where they were. - Outcome: It forced the business owners to choose between serving the protestors or lose business. 1000s of students were involved. SCLC began a process that couldn’t be stopped

4  Tactic: Boarded interstate buses to test Southern compliance with desegregation laws. Outcome: attempts led to mob violence. The Interstate Commerce Commission banned segregation in interstate transportation.

5  Tactic: James Meredith fought to transfer to an all white university. After being rejected he got legal help from NAACP to file a lawsuit.  Outcome: The Supreme Court upheld Meredith’s rights to enter. Violence erupts on campus.

6  Tactic: Planned boycotts of downtown stores and attempts to integrate local churches.  Outcome: violence against peaceful demonstrators shocked the nation. Under pressure, Birmingham desegregated public facilities.


8  More women in college  Term feminism associated with the 60s  Working women were paid less than working men  Created support groups  Established National Organization for Women ( NOW)  Equal rights Amendment (ERA)  National Women’ s political caucus

9  Sought to change aspects of American life from past decades  Wanted to put education to use with pro jobs  Civil Rights movement provided legal tools to fight discrimination

10  Formed the UFW  Brought pride and unity to Mexican farm workers  Fought discrimination with peaceful protests

11  Became a hero to millions  Began the United Farm Workers Union (UFW) to help resist the economic power of their employers  Organized a nationwide boycott of grapes picked on nonunion farms.

12 Cesar Chavez Became a hero to millions Began the United Farm Workers Union (UFW) to help resist the economic power of their employers Organized a nationwide boycott of grapes picked on nonunion farms. Fought discrimination with peaceful protests Brought pride and unity to Mexican farm workers Formed the UFW ACTIONS ACHIEVEMENTS

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