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AFP Consortium update May 2009. AFP Consortium Incorporation.

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1 AFP Consortium update May 2009

2 AFP Consortium Incorporation


4 Organizational Actions

5 AFP Consortium Members February 2009 23 (26) CORE MEMBERS  IBM  InfoPrint Solutions  Isis  MPI Tech  Océ  Streamserve  Kodak  Xerox PARTICIPATING MEMBERS  Asssentis  CDP  Cincom  Compart  Crawford  CRE-DO  DocPath  Elixir  GMC  Lexmark  Metavante  Printsoft  PunchGraphix  Sefas  Solimar  HP ASSOCIATE MEMBERS  Copi  LRS

6 Board of Directors Six Core Members were nominated for 5 open director positions. The following directors were elected to serve a 1 year term through December 2009. Roberto Anzola (ISIS - Board Director and R&D Manager) Paul Gerelle (MPI Tech - Director) Dennis Ladd (StreamServe - President and CEO) Michele Pracchi (Océ - Senior Vice President Corporate Software Development)  James Porell (IBM - Distinguished Engineer; System z Business Development) InfoPrint Solutions appointed the Founding Director Jeffrey Paterra (InfoPrint Solutions - Sr. Vice President & General Manager, Technology & Solutions Development)

7 Officers The Board of Directors appointed the following AFPC Officers President - Harry Lewis (InfoPrint Solutions) Secretary - Harry Lewis (InfoPrint Solutions) w/support from José La Rosa Ducato (Océ) Treasurer - Paul Gerelle (MPI Tech)

8 Consortium Architecture work

9 Architecture Architects Main architects from InfoPrint Solutions Company.  Reinhard Hohensee: Overall AFP; MO:DCA, PTOCA, GOCA  Harry Lewis: phasing into Reinhard's work  Dave Stone: IPDS, BCOCA, FOCA  Dennis Carney: phasing into Dave's IPDS work  Nenad Rijavec: IOCA  Roger Buis: AFP Line Data  Tim Towns (replaced Jean Aschenbrenner) : CMOCA

10 AFPC Interchange Set Definitions

11 Rationale Why do all this work? – The most important value proposition of an open AFP standard for customers is interoperability of products – The last time we tried to bring products up to a well-defined level of AFP compliance was with the MO:DCA IS/1 and IS/2 interchange set definitions in 1991!!

12 AFPC Interchange Set Definitions Current architecture activity MO:DCA ACR 139 – AFPC Interchange Set: MO:DCA IS/3 IPDS ACR 439 – IPDS Support for MO:DCA Interchange Set IS/3 GOCA ACR 018: New Function Set Definition (GRS3) PTOCA ACR 018: New Function Set Definition (PT4) BCOCA ACR 060: BCD2 Subset ***All ACRs currently at “Active” status***

13 AFPC Interchange Set Definitions - Should be IN the interchange set  Image Container objects  GOCA clockwise arcs  CMOCA (!?) - Should be OUT of the interchange set  Functions that have limited scope, e.g. “saved pages”, UP3i  Container objects that have limited use, e.g. PCX, PCL  Container objects that require expensive RIP, e.g. PS/PDF  (see unresolved) - Unresolved  IOCA FS11 (proposal to exclude, concern that the lack of grayscale will leave IS/3 in a poor position relative to PDF)  CID-keyed fonts (proposal to remove did not reach consensus, requires revisit)

14 BCOCA Architecture status

15 BCOCA Architecture - Status  Current specification -- BCOCA Reference (S544-3766-06), July 2006  All BCOCA ACRs are written against this document  BCOCA Frequently Asked Questions document  Published on  Unpublished Final status architecture  Retired items will be identified in next edition  Small USPS Four-State bar code (BCOCA ACR 52)  Small Fixed-Size Bar Codes (BCOCA ACR 53)  Default Parameter-Value Recommendations (BCOCA ACR 54)  Desired Symbol Width Parameter (BCOCA ACR 55)  Miscellaneous Editorial Changes (BCOCA ACR 56)  ACRs at Verified Status – none  ACRs at Consensus Status – 3  Architecture in process 2  BCD2 Subset ACR  Royal Mail RED TAG Bar Code ACR

16 BCOCA Architecture - Futures Potential new work  USPS Intelligent Mail Container Bar Code The United States Postal Service has defined a category called “Full Service” that requires use of three USPS-defined bar code types: 1.Intelligent Mail Barcode – already in BCOCA 2.Container Labels (uses Code 128-subset B and C) – ACR needed? (for use on mailer-generated pallet, container, or rolling-stock labels) 3.Tray Labels (uses Interleaved 2-of-5 and Code 128 subset C) – not needed  Potential ACR solution summary: 1.Define a new modifier value for the Code 128 bar code type X’05’ – Intelligent Mail Container Barcode 2.BCOCA receiver must meet USPS symbology specifications (stay in subset b and c, x dimension between 15.8 and 19.5 mils, width less than 5 inches, etc.) 3.“USPS SCAN REQUIRED” printed above the symbol 4.Identification bars above and below symbol 5.HRI with two blank spaces between each field  Example on next slide

17 BCOCA Architecture - Futures Potential new work

18 2009 meeting schedule  February 25 – 27 Boulder, Colorado hosted by InfoPrint Solutions  June 1 – 3 Toronto, Canada hosted by CDP  Week of September 28 Poing, Germany hosted by Océ

19 Thank you for listening  Hvad kan vi / AFP Konsortiet gøre for dig?  Lytte til dine erfaringer og problemer med AFP/IPDS.  Opsamle og viderebringe dine gode idéer til nye tiltag omkring AFP/IPDS.  Oplyse dig om nye og kommende funktioner i AFP/IPDS arkitekturen.  Spørgsmål – idéer:  Sig frem her og nu.  Email:  Eller klik ind på:

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