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3 rd DECLENSION ADJECTIVES GM 13. Introduction Three groups of 3 rd declension adjectives Paradigm Examples of use Textbook Content.

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2 Introduction Three groups of 3 rd declension adjectives Paradigm Examples of use Textbook Content

3 Introduction Latin adjectives are divided into two groups. Adjectives from the first group use exclusively endings from the 1 st and the 2 nd declension. This group is already known to you - see lesson 6 (adjectives). The second group of adjectives use solely endings from the 3 rd declension parisyllabics. There are no adjectives which would use endings from remaining declensions (4 th and 5 th ).

4 1 st and 2 nd declension adjectives Let us review: if we connect a noun and an adjective belonging to a different declension, the adjective will not reproduce the ending of given noun. Instead the adjective will adopt (1) gender, (2) grammatical case, and (3) grammatical number of the noun. Therefore: chronic pain which utilise an adjective ( chronic ) belonging to the 1 st and 2 nd decl. group and noun ( pain ) from the 3 rd decl. will be inflexed:

5 painchronic dolor doloris dolorem dolore dolores dolorum dolores doloribus chronicus chronici chronicum chronico chronici chronicorum chronicos chronicis For the adjective we have three possible sets of endings following paradigms musculus (M), vena (F), intestinum (N). Dolor is a masculine and therefore we have to choose from those three the proper paradigm for masculine gender: musculus.

6 3 rd declension adjectives 3 rd declension adjectives are divided internally to 3 groups called: one-termination adjectives two-termination adjectives three-termination adjectives the number refers to amount of separate endings for gender in Nom. Sg. case thus one-termination adj. have only one ending common for all three genders; two-termination have one ending for M/F and the other for N, etc.

7 Comments Does it mean that we have three separate paradigms for all the sub-groups of adjectives according the 3 rd declension? Thankfully no... The three subgroups differ virtually only in one position: Nom. Sg. In all other grammatical cases a single paradigm brevis, e will be sufficient.

8 Paradigm brevis, e M/FN N Nom. brev -isbrev -ebrev -esbrev -ia Gen. brev -isbrev -ium Acc. brev -embrev -ebrev -esbrev -ia Abl. brev -ibrev -ibus Neutral endings in Nom. and Acc. cases are similar (marked red in singular). Yellow marked endings differ form standard imparisyllabic paradigm dolor and caput.

9 masculine and adjective musculusbrevis musculibrevis musculumbrevem musculobrevi musculibreves musculorumbrevium musculosbreves musculisbrevibus Demonstration feminine and adjective operatiobrevis operationisbrevis operationembrevem operationebrevi operationesbreves operationumbrevium operationesbreves operationibusbrevibus neutrum and adjective comabreve comatisbrevis comabreve comatebrevi comatabrevia comatumbrevium comatabrevia comatibusbrevibus Endings are similar because the adjective has only one set for both genders.

10 Paradigm acer, acris, acre MFNMFN Nom. aceracr -isacr -eacr -esacr -ia Gen. acr -isacr -ium Acc. acr -emacr -eacr -esacr -ia Abl. acr -iacr -ibus Three-termination adjectives have the three separate endings only in Nom. Sg. the rest corresponds with the paradigm brevis.

11 Paradigm felix M/FN N Nom. felixfelic -esfelic -ia Gen. felic -isfelic -ium Acc. felic -emfelixfelic -esfelic -ia Abl. felic -ifelic -ibus One-termination adjectives have the only one ending in Nom. Sg. for all the genders the rest corresponds with the paradigm brevis. Accusative of neutrals must follow Nom.

12 Textbook For related grammar and vocabulary see p. 166 - 169.

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