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Roots week 9 acr, acu-sharp, sour. Compound/complex sentences Shares two or more complete thoughts (independent clauses) and one or more incomplete thoughts.

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Presentation on theme: "Roots week 9 acr, acu-sharp, sour. Compound/complex sentences Shares two or more complete thoughts (independent clauses) and one or more incomplete thoughts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roots week 9 acr, acu-sharp, sour

2 Compound/complex sentences Shares two or more complete thoughts (independent clauses) and one or more incomplete thoughts (dependent clauses) Ex. When the boy had acute pain, the teacher called the nurse, and the students watched on in horror.

3 Review of Correlative conjunctions Neither…nor Either..or Not only…but also Not….but But…and

4 Acrid: 1. sharp or harsh taste or odor Cutting or bitter Not only did the food taste acrid, but it also had a terrible smell. Not only did I edit my essay, but I also typed it.

5 acrid

6 Acrid Compound/complex sentence The lemonade had an acrid taste, and I had to throw it out as soon as the children looked away.

7 Acrimonious-caustic or biting language, feeling or manner Either they stop using acrimonious language, or they will end in divorce. I will either see the adventure genre, or I will watch a comedy.

8 acrimonious

9 Acrimonious-caustic or biting language, feeling, or manner. After the kitchen fire, their discussions turned acrimonious when they tried to decide who left the candle burning.

10 acute-sharp, severe

11 Acute- less than a 90 degree angle

12 Acute-characterized by sharpness or severity. Not only was the patient in acute pain, but she also suffered from delirium. Ex. When the boy had acute pain, the teacher called the nurse, and the students watched on in horror.

13 Acumen-n. keenness of perception; cleverness I either hope to have financial acumen, or I pray I win the lottery.

14 acumen

15 exacerbate

16 Exacerbate v. to make something bad even worse; worsen Not only was she devastated after the accident, but her grief was also exacerbated when her parents yelled at her.

17 Compound/complex sentences Shares two or more complete thoughts (independent clauses) and one or more incomplete thoughts (dependent clauses) Ex. When the boy had acute pain, the teacher called the nurse, and the students watched on in horror.

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