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CUMULATIVE PROGRESS (PHYSICAL STATUS) State:DELHI S. No.Activities Targets till date (Units) Cumulative Completed (Units) Cumulative In Progress (Units)

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2 CUMULATIVE PROGRESS (PHYSICAL STATUS) State:DELHI S. No.Activities Targets till date (Units) Cumulative Completed (Units) Cumulative In Progress (Units) Cumulative Remarks 1BRCs289- 19 Not yet started, likely to start during 2nd quarter 2New Primary Schools13111 one school building will be completed in August-2012, one sch. building likely to start in 2nd quarter 3Additional classrooms (Primary)22421514428300 likely to start in 2nd quarter 4Toilets (Primary)1093628238227 likely to start in 2nd quarter 5Drinking water (Primary)68 - 6Ramps100--100 likely to start in 2nd quarter 7 Augmentation of Training Facilities in BRC 28--likely to start in 2nd quarter 8Any other components ALibrary (P)2292 BLibrary (UP)1276 Total 71405798667

3 FRESH WORK Sr. No.ActivityPhy.Fin. (In lakh0 1Construction of New School Building01101.84 2Construction of Additional Classrooms3002550.00 3Construction of Toilets (Boys)27143.10 4Construction of Toilets (Girls)2001060.00 5.Ramps10070.00 Total3924.94


5 YearGovt. Aided Total Local Body Local Body Aided Total Grand Total 2008-09921211 1132 210324023433475 2009-1096121311742164164 2328 3502 2010-1197220711792168160 2328 3507 2011-1298420811922170161 2331 3523 Total schools disaggregated by management (Government, Local Body, Government aided Total schools disaggregated by management (Government, Local Body, Government aided

6 Density Of Population (Per Sq. Km.) 9294 Sex Ratio Total822 Rural 806 Urban 822

7 Literacy Rate in Delhi Source: Census, 2001

8 2010-112011-12 BoysGirlsTotalBoysGirlsTotal 91679380909517258889633958439021807297 5274704509579784275461664640961010262

9 Online Collection of DISE Data:  A very effective on-line DISE data collection system is in place for the last five years. Necessary directions were issued to the schools to submit the DISE data using the online module and the process was coordinated and monitored by the SSA officials at different levels including Cluster, Block, District and State  The required information were placed on the Departmental Website – All the schools in Delhi have been given a unique school ID number for login to enter the data.  Use of Household Child Census Data : For the identification of Out of School Children including Homeless children the data collected by the Mission Convergence Branch of Department of Women and Child Development Government of Delhi,

10 Requirement/Gaps in the infrastructure About 60% of Schools are functioning in two shifts. As per report submitted in 2010-11 (Supplementary PAB), the requirement of ACR as per RtE norms to be completed in three year period is 5009. The requirement of additional classrooms as per RtE norms submitted in AWP&B 2012-13 is 2460.

11 Sr. No.Name of the DepartmentProposed in 2012-13 1.Directorate of Education540 + 349 =889* 2.MCD803** 3.SSA 503 +300 # Total 2495 Construction of Pucca Building (Sanction issued)- 15 Education department has been allotted 100 sites. Out of this, 30 sites taken on priority. * Sanction issued (for ACR & Building ** Work awarded 503 in progress and 300 in process

12 The following issues need to be considered The successful implementation of NREGA Programme may reduce the migrant population. State also proposes bifurcation of schools into two shifts (morning and evening) when sufficient school buildings are not available due to scarcity of land. As per RTE Act, 25% seats in the private schools are to be reserved for economically weaker sections. If this scheme becomes successful then it will have an effect in the enrolment of schools run by Govt. and local bodies. Due to growing expansion in the NCR region many schools have come up in the NCR region thus the enrolment in Delhi schools are likely to be affected. So, it is better to wait & watch rather than go in for creating asset in the school, which may be counterproductive at later stage. There is no provision in DISE capture format regarding availability of infrastructure for schools functioning in two shifts, as it is urban specific issue.

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