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DEFINITE CLAUSE GRAMMARS Ivan Bratko University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Sc.

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Presentation on theme: "DEFINITE CLAUSE GRAMMARS Ivan Bratko University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Sc."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEFINITE CLAUSE GRAMMARS Ivan Bratko University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Sc.

2 DCG = Definite Clause Grammar DCG notation in Prolog Context-free grammars in DCG Introducing context-dependence through arguments Prolog goals in grammars rules Defining semantics with DCG Natural language syntax in DCG Defining meaning of natural language

3 A BNF grammar ::= a b | a b Grammar generates / recognises s a s b Generation Recognition a s b a b Sentence = a a a b b b

4 COMMAND SEQUENCES FOR A ROBOT up up up down up down CORRESPONDING BNF GRAMMAR ::= | ::= up | down

5 CORRESPONDING DCG move --> step. move --> step, move. step --> [up]. step --> [down].

6 SENTENCES IN DCG DCG expects a sentence to be represented as difference list aabb ~ [a,a,b,b], [] ~ [a,a,b,b,c], [c] ~ [a,a,b,b,x,y,z], [x,y,z] ~...

7 QUESTIONS TO DCG ?- move( [up,down,up], []). yes ?- move( [up, X, up], []). X = up; X = down; no ?- move( [ up, down, up, a, b, c], [ a, b, c]). yes

8 PROLOG CONVERTS DCG INTO A RECOGNITION PROGRAM move( List, Rest) :- step( List, Rest). move( List1, Rest) :- step( List1, List2), move( List2, Rest). step( [up | Rest], Rest). step( [down | Rest], Rest).

9 FROM DCG TO STANDARD PROLOG DCG rule: move --> step, move. Corresponding Prolog rule: move( List1, Rest) :- step( List1, List2), move( List2, Rest).

10 move( List1, Rest) :- step( List1, List2), move( List2, Rest). move step move Rest List2 List1 FROM DCG TO STANDARD PROLOG

11 A SIMPLE NATURAL LANGUAGE DCG The cat scares the mouse. det noun verb det noun noun_phrase verb_phrase sentence

12 A SIMPLE NATURAL LANGUAGE DCG sentence --> noun_phrase, verb_phrase. verb_phrase --> verb, noun_phrase. noun_phrase --> determiner, noun. determiner --> [ the]. noun --> [ cat]. noun --> [ cats]. noun --> [ mouse]. verb --> [ scares]. verb --> [ scare].

13 THIS GRAMMAR GENERATES [ the, cat, scares, the, mouse] [ the, mouse, scares, the, mouse] [ the, cats, scare, the, mouse] [ the, cats, scares, the, mouse] CONTEXT DEPENDENT!

14 NUMBER AGREEMENT CAN BE FORCED BY ARGUMENTS sentence( Number) --> noun_phrase( Number), verb_phrase( Number). verb_phrase( Number) --> verb( Number), noun_phrase( Number1). noun_phrase( Number) --> determiner( Number), noun( Number). noun( singular) --> [ mouse]. noun( plural) --> [ mice]. verb( singular) --> [scares]. verb( plural) --> [scare].

15 NUMBER AGREEMENT CAN BE FORCED BY ARGUMENTS ?- sentence( Number, [the, cats, scares, the, mouse], []). no ?- sentence( Number, [the, cats, scare, the, mouse], []). Number = plural

16 CONSTRUCTING PARSE TREES [ up, down, up] move step move up step move down step up

17 DCG TO CONSTRUCT PARSE TREES Tree = move( step(up), move( step(down),...)) move( move( Step)) --> step( Step). move( move( Step, Move)) --> step( Step), move( Move). step( step( up)) --> [up]. step( step( down)) --> [down].

18 DEFINING MEANING Define: Meaning of move = Distance travelled meaning ( ‘up up down up’) = 1+1-1+1 = 2 meaning( ‘up up down up’) = meaning( ‘up’) + meaning( ‘up down up’)

19 FROM PARSE TREE TO MEANING To find meaning of sentence: (1) Construct parse tree (2) Process parse tree

20 MEANING OF MOVES TREE meaning( move( Step, Move), Dist) :- meaning( Step, D1), meaning( Move, D2), Dist is D1 + D2. meaning( step( up), 1). meaning( step( down), -1).

21 INTERLEAVING SYNTAX AND MEANING sentence parse tree meaning Avoid parse tree, encode meaning directly in DCG

22 PROLOG goals in DCG: {Goal} move( Dist) --> step( Dist). move( Dist) --> step( D1), move( D2), {Dist is D1 + D2}. step( 1) --> [ up]. step( -1) --> [ down]. ?- move( D, [ up, up, down, up], [ ] ). D = 2

23 MEANING OF NATURAL LANGUAGE  Representation of meaning = ?  Depends on use of meaning, e.g. natural language querying  Logic is a good candidate for representing meaning

24 SOME MEANINGS IN LOGIC Sentence Formalised meaning ``John paints’’ paints( john) ``John likes Annie’’ likes( john, annie)

25 SOME MEANINGS IN LOGIC Sentence ``A man paints’’ Formalised meaning exists( X, man(X) and paints(X)) Note: ``paints’’ is intransitive verb, ``likes’’ is trans. verb

26 A SYNTAX sentence ---> noun_phrase, verb_phrase. noun_phrase --> proper_noun. verb_phrase --> intrans_verb. verb_phrase --> trans_verb, noun_phrase. intrans_verb --> [ paints]. trans_verb --> [ likes]. proper_noun --> [ john]....

27 INCORPORATING MEANING % “john’’ means “john’’ proper_noun( john) --> [ john]. % “paints’’ means “paints( X)’’ intrans_verb( paints( X)) --> [ paints].

28 COMBINING MEANING OF NOUN PHRASE AND VERB PHRASE “ John paints” sentence noun_phrase verb_phrase proper_noun intrans_verb john paints

29 COMBINING MEANING OF NOUN PHRASE AND VERB PHRASE paints( john) sentence john noun_phrase verb_phrase paints( X) john proper_noun intrans_verb paints( X) john paints

30 COMBINING MEANING OF NOUN PHRASE AND VERB PHRASE john + paints( X) = paints( john) Meaning of NP Meaning of sentence Meaning of VP

31 COMBINING OF MEANING OF VERB PHRASE AND NOUN PHRASE noun_phrase( NP) --> proper_noun( NP). verb_phrase( VP) --> intrans_verb( VP). sentence( S) ---> noun_phrase( NP), verb_phrase( VP), { compose( NP, VP, S) }.

32 COMPOSING NP AND VP MEANINGS actor( paints( X), X). compose( NP, VP, VP) :- % Meaning of sentence is VP actor( VP, NP). % Where actor in VP is NP ?- compose( john, paints( X), S). S = paints( john)

33 MORE ELEGANT DEFINE MEANING OF TRANSITIVE VERB SO THAT ACTOR BECOMES EXTRA ARGUMENT intrans_verb( Actor, paints( Actor)) --> [ paints]. verb_phrase( Actor, VP) --> intrans_verb( Actor, VP). sentence( VP) ---> noun_phrase( Actor), verb_phrase( Actor, VP).

34 This makes “slots” in meaning “visible” paints( Actor) Slot to be filled by context

35 MEANING OF TRANSITIVE VERBS  “likes” means likes( Somebody, Something) trans_verb( Somebody, Something, likes(Somebody,Something)) --> [ likes]. verb_phrase( Somebody, VP) --> trans_verb( Somebody, Something, VP), noun_phrase( Something).

36 MEANING OF DETERMINERS “A” AND “EVERY”  “A man paints” means: exists( X, man( X) and paints( X) )  Determiner “a” dictates the meaning of whole sentence!  “a man” means: exists( X, man( X) and Assertion) Statement about X

37 MEANING OF “A”  “a” means: There is some X such that: X has some property and some assertion holds about X. exists( X, Property and Assertion)  Make X, Property and Assertion visible: determiner( X, Property, Assn, exists( X, Property and Assn)) --> [ a].

38 INTEGRATING MEANING OF DETERMINERS AND OTHER PHRASES sentence noun_phrase verb_phrase determiner noun intrans_verb a man paints paints(X)man(X)exists( X, P and A) exists( X, man(X) and A) paints(X) exists( X, man(X) and paints(X) )

39 INTEGRATING MEANING OF DETERMINERS AND OTHER PHRASES sentence( S) --> noun_phrase( X, Assn, S), verb_phrase( X, Assn). noun_phrase( X, Assn, S) --> determiner( X, Prop, Assn, S), noun( X, Prop). noun_phrase( X, Assn, Assn) --> proper_noun( X).

40 INTEGRATING MEANING OF DETERMINERS AND OTHER PHRASES verb_phrase( X, Assn) --> intrans_verb( X, Assn). determiner( X, Prop, Assn, exists( X, Prop and Assn)) --> [a]. noun( X, man( X)) --> [ man]. intrans_verb( X, paints(X)) --> [paints].

41 DETERMINER “EVERY” “Every woman dances” means: all( X, woman( X) ==> dances( X) ) determiner( X, Prop, Assn, all( X, Prop ==> Assn ) ) --> [ every].

42 RELATIVE CLAUSES “Every man that paints admires Monet” SYNTAX: noun_phrase --> determiner, noun, rel_clause. rel_clause --> [ that], verb_phrase. rel_clause --> [ ]. % Empty relative clause

43 RELATIVE CLAUSES “Every man that paints admires Monet” MEANING: all( X, man( X) and paints( X) ==> admires( X, monet) )

44 RELATIVE CLAUSES MEANING, GENERAL FORM all( X, Prop1 and Prop2 ==> Assertion ) noun verb phrase verb phrase of rel. clause of sentence

45 RELATIVE CLAUSES: SYNTAX AND MEANING rel_clause( X, Prop1, Prop1 and Prop2) --> [ that ], verb_phrase( Prop2). noun_phrase( X, Assn, S) --> determiner( X, Prop12, Assn, S), noun( X, Prop1), rel_clause( X, Prop1, Prop12). rel_clause( X, Prop1, Prop1) --> [ ].

46 COMPLETE GRAMMAR % Meaning of subset of natural language :- op( 100, xfy, and). :- op( 150, xfy, =>). sentence( S) --> noun_phrase( X, P, S), verb_phrase( X, P). noun_phrase( X, P, S) --> determiner( X, P12, P, S), noun( X, P1), rel_clause( X, P1, P12). noun_phrase( X, P, P) --> proper_noun( X). verb_phrase( X, P) --> trans_verb( X, Y, P1), noun_phrase( Y, P1, P). verb_phrase( X, P) --> intrans_verb( X, P).

47 COMPLETE GRAMMAR, CTD. rel_clause( X, P1, P1 and P2) --> [that], verb_phrase( X, P2). rel_clause( X, P1, P1) --> []. determiner( X, P1, P, all( X, P1 => P)) --> [every]. determiner( X, P1, P, exists( X, P1 and P)) --> [a]. noun( X, man(X)) --> [man]. noun( X, woman(X)) --> [woman]. proper_noun( john) --> [john]. proper_noun( annie) --> [annie]. proper_noun( monet) --> [monet]. trans_verb( X, Y, likes( X, Y)) --> [ likes]. trans_verb( X, Y, admires( X, Y)) --> [admires]. intrans_verb( X, paints(X)) --> [paints].

48 SOME TEST SENTENCES % Some tests test1( M) :- sentence( M, [john,paints],[]). test2( M) :- sentence( M, [a, man, paints], []). test3( M) :- sentence( M, [every,man,that,paints,admires,monet],[]). test4( M) :- sentence( M, [annie,admires,every,man,that,paints],[]). test5( M) :- sentence( M, [every,woman,that,admires,a,man,that,paints,likes,monet],[]).

49 EXAMPLES OF SENTENCES THIS GRAMMAR HANDLES “Every man that paints admires Monet” “Annie admires every man that paints” “Every woman that admires a man that paints likes Monet” Meaning constructed for this sentence: all( X, woman( X) and exists( Y, ( man( Y) and paints (Y)) and admires( X, Y) ) ==> likes( X, monet ) )

50 USE IN QUESTION ANSWERING Meanings in logic can be translated into Prolog: admires( X, monet) :- man( X), paints( X). admires( annie, X) :- man( X), paints( X). likes( X, monet) :- woman( X), man( Y), paints( Y), admires( X, Y). “Does Annie admire anybody who admires Monet?” ?- admires( annie, X), admires( X, monet).

51 GENERATING SENTENCES  Our grammar also generates sentences with given meaning ?- sentence( likes(john,annie), S, []). S = [john,likes,annie] ?- sentence( exists(X, man(X) and paints(X)), S, []). S = [a,man,paints]

52 LANGUAGE TRANSLATION WITH DCG  Translate from language 1 to langauage 2: ?-..., sentence_lang1( Meaning, Sent1, []), sentence_lang2( Meaning, Sent2, []).  Can also be used for program compilation (Spakowicz, BYTE, Aug. 1987) ?-..., program_source( M, SourceProg, []), % Parse program_target( M, TargetProg, []). % Generate

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