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IMAGINATION “The Bremen Town Musicians” By: The Brothers Grimm Ms. Sheida Third Grade Wonderful Room 17.

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2 IMAGINATION “The Bremen Town Musicians” By: The Brothers Grimm Ms. Sheida Third Grade Wonderful Room 17

3 Write the Word. Find the Vowel Patterns. How many syllables?Split into syllables. 1. musician 2. location 3. emotion 4. attention 5. suggestion 6. elevation 7. concentratio n 8. mention 9. caution 10. notion

4 Spelling Words Multisyllabic Words Ending in “ian and tion” 1.musician 2.location 3.emotion 4.attention 5.suggestion 6.elevation 7.concentration 8.mention 9.caution 10.notion

5 Raise your hand if you have read… Little Red Riding Hood Snow White Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Rapunzel Hansel and Gretel Rumpelstiltskin

6 All of these stories were collected and written down by… THE BROTHERS GRIMM  Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were 2 brothers born in Germany in the late 1700’s.  The brothers spent their life working together by collecting stories, that today have become some of the most famous fairy tales.

7 The Bremen Town Musicians Vocabulary

8 Companions Story Sentence (p.273)- So he (rooster) called down to his companions to tell them there must be a house not far off, because he could see a light shining. My Sentence- My companions and I decided to enjoy the weekend by going to dinner and a movie.

9 Companions  Definition- friends, pals  Dictionary- p.  Synonym- friends, pals  Antonym- enemies  Part of Speech- noun

10 Fugitives Story Sentence (p.271)- Then the three fugitives passed a farmyard. My Sentence- The police were looking for the missing fugitive who had escaped prison a week ago.

11 Fugitives  Definition- people who are running away or trying to escape punishment.  Dictionary- p.  Synonym- criminals  Antonym- citizens, innocent  Part of Speech- noun

12 Lurking Story Sentence (p.275)- When it was past midnight, and the robbers, lurking in the distance, saw that there was no light in the house anymore, and all seemed quiet, the robber chief said, “We shouldn’t have let ourselves be scared like that!” My Sentence- I was lurking behind the tree waiting for my sister, so that I could scare her.

13 Lurking  Definition- sneaking, secretly hiding.  Dictionary- p.  Synonym- hiding, waiting  Antonym- aware  Part of Speech- verb/adj.

14 Serenades Story Sentence (p.271)- “Come to Bremen with us! You’re used to singing serenades, so you can be a musician too.” My Sentence- The singer was serenading the listening couple at the show.

15 Serenades  Definition- songs that are sung to attract attention.  Dictionary- p.  Synonym- songs  Antonym- talk, rap  Part of Speech- noun

16 Hearth Story Sentence (p.275)- The donkey lay down on the dungheap, the dong lay down behind the door, the cat lay in the warm ashes on the hearth, and the rooster settled on the beam at the top of the ceiling. My Sentence- Taking a blanket and my book, I sat by the hearth as it rained outside.

17 Hearth  Definition- the floor of a fireplace, usually made of stone or brick.  Dictionary- p.  Synonym- fireplace, or furnace  Antonym- campfire  Part of Speech- noun

18 *Roused * Forecasting * Amused

19 The Bremen Town Musicians Genre- Fairy Tale Point of View- Third Person Author’s Purpose- Entertain This story is a tale of imagination. It is about four unwanted animals who decide to travel together to the town of Bremen to become musicians. Along the way, they discover some robbers feasting on a delicious meal in a house in the forest. The four friends come up with a plan to scare the robbers away. They succeed, but then, the robbers come back…


21 THE BROTHERS GRIMM  Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were 2 brothers born in Germany in the late 1700’s.  The brothers spent their life working together by collecting stories, that today have become some of the most famous fairy tales.

22 Reading Strategies (What Good Readers Do)  Visualizing- Imagine a picture in your mind.  Clarifying- Make sure you are understanding…  Predicting- What do you think will happen next?

23 Visualizing After p. 272 Forming images in my mind as I read not only helps me understand the author’s message, but also adds to my enjoyment of the story. The Bremen Town Musicians is packed full of descriptive writing that helps me form pictures in my mind. What images do yu see as you read these pages?

24 Clarifying After p. 274 Good readers clarify while they read to figure out things that confuse them. What does the word “brayed” mean?

25 Predicting After p. 274 Predicting what will happen next in a story helps readers to order their thoughts and better understand the story. I can tell from the illustration that the robbers left in such a hurry that they forgot to take their things with them. I predict that…

26 Clarifying After p. 277 I’m confused. Why did the robbers think that “the judge” said, “Cut the rogue in two?” No one said that. Let me reread and think about this… (What is a rogue?)

27 Think About It! Sometimes too much imagination is not a good thing. -What do you think of the robbers’ reaction to the noise outside the house? -What do you think of the robber’s reaction to the animals inside the house? -Have you ever scared yourself because you mistook something harmless for something frightening? What happened? What did you do?

28 Discussion  Why is this story called “The Bremen Town Musicians?”  Who uses imagination in this story?  What do you learn about the power of imagination by reading this story?

29 ANIMALPROBLEMTALENT Donkey “Greycoat” He is too old to carry sticks. He plays the lute.

30 Write About It! The Bremen Town Musicians is a fairy tale. What other fairy tales have you read? Write about your favorite one. Include a summary about what happened and why it is your favorite. My favorite fairy tale is… In the fairy tale… It is my favorite because…

31 The End! Riddle- What type of coat can only be put on when wet?

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