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Hai__ r Story time! Let’s find the story’s name. Tell me what’s under the puzzle…

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Presentation on theme: "Hai__ r Story time! Let’s find the story’s name. Tell me what’s under the puzzle…"— Presentation transcript:

1 hai__ r Story time! Let’s find the story’s name. Tell me what’s under the puzzle…

2 eye__ s

3 _ar e

4 __se no

5 __ou__h t m

6 Story time!

7 Big Green Monster has 2 big yellow eyes,

8 a l o n g bluish- greenish nose,

9 a big red mouth with sharp white teeth,

10 two little squiggly ears,

11 scraggly purple hair,

12 and a big scary green face! But…

13 … YOU DON’T SCARE ME! So GO AWAY, scraggly purple hair!

14 GO AWAY, two little squiggly ears,

15 GO AWAY, l o n g bluish-greenish nose,

16 GO AWAY, big green face!

17 GO AWAY, big red mouth,

18 GO AWAY, sharp white teeth!

19 GO AWAY, two big yellow eyes!

20 GO AWAY, Big Green Monster!

21 And DON’T COME BACK! Until I say so.

22 Monster has big yellow eyes. Let’s review

23 Monster has a l o n g bluish- greenish nose.

24 Monster has a big red mouth with sharp white teeth.

25 Monster has little squiggly ears.

26 Monster has scraggly purple hair.

27 Monster has a big scary green face.

28 Monster has big yellow eyes. Listen and repeat

29 Monster has a big red mouth with sharp white teeth.

30 Monster has a big scary green face.

31 1.Shuffle cards - 카드를 섞어요. 2. Take 6 card each. - 각자 6 장씩 카드를 가져요. 3. Put the cards on the table. – 나머지는 책상에 놓아요. Let’s play a card game.

32 4. Put the 4 cards face up. - 4 장의 카드는 내용이 보이게 펼쳐요. 5. Match picture and word. - 그림카드와 단어 카드를 연결하여 읽어요. 6. Add to number – 숫자를 더해서 많이 사람이 승자 !

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